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  • 04 Jul 2013 5:19 PM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    Step 1. Install Shelves and/or Cabinets
    Shelves and cabinets add storage space and can keep clutter in place. They can also give you room for folded clothes and organizing detergent, fabric softener and other laundry supplies.


    Keep your shelves organized. Storage containers are great for stowing away items you don't need all the time, keeping them clean and dust-free. With storage containers, you can keep similar items on the same shelf. This will make finding everything from holiday decorations to extra blankets easier. Try keeping a smaller storage container around for those items lost in the washer/dryer like coins, buttons, etc.

    Helpful Tip:
    • A small trash bin for lint and used dryer sheets is a great thing to have handy next to the washer and dryer.

    Step 2. Use Laundry Hampers or Sorters
    It may go without saying, but the more organized your dirty laundry is, the easier things will be when it comes time to do the wash. A hamper or a basket will keep your dirty laundry easy to handle before the wash; a sorter will help you organize dirty laundry into loads before laundry day.

    Step 3. Get a Clothes Rack
    Setting up a drying rack next to the washer gives you the perfect place to hang clothes as they come out of the washer, especially delicates. A drying rack not only lets you lay clothes flat to dry, but with hangers, you can also hang garments from the rack. That'll keep you from scattering wet clothes all around the laundry room, perched on every available hanging place.

    Step 4. Use a Folding Table
    A folding table or rollaway cart is a great resource for folding clothes as they come out of the dryer. A table or a cart is there for you when you need it and easy to put away when you don't, keeping your laundry room organized when it's not laundry day.

    wooden hangers

    Clean Out Closets

    When you’re spring cleaning this year, don’t forget the bedroom and linen closets. These nooks and crannies need a good dressing up as well. Once you’ve emptied everything and vacuumed and dusted the closet, follow these steps:

    Step 1. Have the Right Tools
    Make closet organizing a priority for your yearly spring cleaning tasks. Look for closet organizer kits with adjustable shelves. These can be easily moved and reconfigured as your storage needs change. To maximize your closet’s functionality, try multi-pocket shoe organizers that hang on the inside or outside of closet doors. These handy organizers also make the perfect holder for hosiery, scarves, ties, belts and other accessories. Finally, consider installing additional shelving above a hanger rod. Reclaim that wasted space and increase your storage.

    Step 2. Be Practical, Think Ahead
    A key part of spring cleaning can be donating items you no longer use. As you organize, keep in mind how often you use different items in your closet. Items worn often should be easily accessible, stored at a height between your shoulders and your knees. Items used less frequently can be stored on higher shelves or in bins at ground level.

    If you haven't worn a piece of clothing since you cleaned out your closet last year, consider donating it. Get rid of unnecessary clutter. Don't forget to leave plenty of space for future clothing purchases and items still in the laundry.

    The same goes for linen closets. Keep frequently used towels and bedding within reach. Organize linens and spare blankets according to size. And if you have linens you no longer use, consider donating them.

    Helpful Tip:
    • Keep a folding step stool handy to quickly access all parts of your closet.

  • 04 Jul 2013 10:46 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)
    When thinking about how to clean fruits and vegetables, buying a bottle of cleaner that you see in the produce area of the grocery store may be an option. However, you can easily make your own mixture for a fraction of the cost.  

    You will need:

    1 spray bottle (clean and never used with chemicals)  

    2 cups water

    2 tbsp lemon juice

    2 tbsp baking soda

    To clean fruits and vegetables, simply spray the liquid on the food. Let sit for 5 minutes. Rinse under cold, running water, using a soft scrub brush on the food if desired. And that’s how to clean fruits and vegetables.

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