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  • 23 May 2022 7:50 PM | Deleted user

    Before I started these courses I was just a house cleaner. I used normal cleaning products. Stayed inside my happy housekeeper box. After taking the courses I feel like a different person. I am no longer in my happy housekeeper box. Now my eyes have opened to see the Cleaning world in a new way. From the top of my box of course!

    Carpet cleaning has always just been grab a rug doctor and go. Now I know other ways to spot treat along with equipment to use. I didnt even realize how many types of carpets and carpet blends there were until this course. It was just a soft floor that I vacuumed.

    Green cleaning was so informational. I tend to be on the more natural side of things. But I was not as far into green cleaning as I could have been. I knew some chemicals were worse than others health wise, but had never gone in depth with it all. I cannot believe some of the things I was using in my own home, let alone other peoples homes.

    Medical Cleaning is something I have done frequently over the years. But it really is a great course for anyone to take! (new or as a refresher) It along with the Janitorial course were great! They kind of go hand in hand.

    The mold course is my second favorite course here! As a cleaner I have had to deal with all kinds of mold and mildew. This course was amazing for anyone wanting to go into mold remediation or just wanting information. It was so informative and I absolutely loved it!!

    Now to my hands down favorite course. Biohazard Cleaning!! Although the job can be sad and emotionally draining, it is still my favorite cleaning of them all! I love the process and the order of operations the most.

    All in all this course was very informative and exciting. I would suggest it to everyone even if they are not a cleaner. There are so many interesting things in this course.

  • 23 May 2022 7:39 PM | Deleted user

    This type of cleaning is not for everyone. Luckily, I am NOT everyone. I am the one that loves things others cannot handle! Biohazard Cleaning is can be tough but after it is soo rewarding! For everyone involved!

    Online you will find tons of articles. Some showing pictures (you will see why it is not for everyone) You can find it all over TikTok as well. All over the world there are special people who love it as much as I do! 

    I love everything about this job! From the rules of order to the process to the before and after. The big cleaning is the best part to me. I have done hoarding clients before. I loved every second of it!

    Not all of this type pf cleaning is fun or exciting. It does have a dark side.. Make sure you have a good support system emotionally. Like any job it has stressful and emotionally draining parts. but it is a very satisfying job for some!

  • 23 May 2022 11:23 AM | Deleted user

    Are your carpets dirty, stained or just look beaten down? We can brighten, remove stains and have them looking brand new! Not only will they be beautiful again but we can help them last longer. You will get your monies worth on those carpets! Find a local Certified Carpet Cleaner here:

  • 23 May 2022 11:17 AM | Deleted user

    Regular maintaining of carpets is always good. But actually having them cleaned is so much better! High traffic areas are prone to stains, looking beat down and just ugly at times. 

    Having your carpet cleaned by certified IJCSA Carpet cleaners can give you peace of mind. Knowing that all of us are knowledgeable on how to not only clean but protect your carpets and rugs. Having someone certified clean for you will make your carpets last years longer too!

  • 23 May 2022 1:43 AM | Deleted user

    I have actually learned quite a lot from these courses! Things that I plan on using in everyday life! My clients will be happy that they can trust me even more to take care of them and their home naturally!! Using the Green Cleaning resources, I can be more confident in cleaning naturally. 

    Being  IJCSA Master Green Cleaning Certified! 

    Even my crunchy clients will be excited! As now I can use what I have learned here to clean their homes naturally without chemicals.

    Having learned about things I didn't even realize were bad for humans let alone our Earth. I can say with confidence now, that you will get the healthiest and best cleaning your home has ever had! 

  • 23 May 2022 1:38 AM | Deleted user

    Before starting my Green Clean journey, I had no clue how harmful some of the cleaners I used were. I knew there were natural products as I use them more often than others. But I had not gotten in depth on Green Cleaning.

    I have learned so much about natural vs chemical. For instance, Furniture polish and degreasers contain Kerosene. It can damage lung tissues and dissolve the fatty tissue that surrounds nerve cells. I had never even heard of that!

    There are so many chemicals in your normal everyday cleaners. They cause all kinds of health issues like cancer, liver failure, lung issues etc.. Not only that, when you use non green cleaners you are harming our beautiful Earth! 

    Natural products like vinegar or lemon juice can be used to make furniture polish. Vinegar is a multitool for cleaning! It can be used just about everywhere. Vinegar also can just be used paired with water. It makes an amazing glass cleaner!

    Natural products you can buy and keep in glass containers. Not using the disposable plastic ones also helps save our animal friends!

    Using Green Cleaning products is healthier for you and the environment. Now that I am Green Clean Certified, I can now make your home happier and healthier! Look at all the other Green Cleaning companies we have!

  • 23 May 2022 1:36 AM | Deleted user

    Before starting my Green Clean journey, I had no clue how harmful some of the cleaners I used were. I knew there were natural products as I use them more often than others. But I had not gotten in depth on Green Cleaning.

    I have learned so much about natural vs chemical. For instance, Furniture polish and degreasers contain Kerosene. It can damage lung tissues and dissolve the fatty tissue that surrounds nerve cells. I had never even heard of that!

    Natural products like vinegar or lemon juice can be used to make furniture polish. Vinegar is a multitool for cleaning! It can be used just about everywhere. Vinegar also can just be used paired with water. It makes an amazing glass cleaner!

    Using Green Cleaning products is healthier for you and the environment. Now that I am Green Clean Certified, I can now make your home happier and healthier! Look at all the other Green Cleaning companies we have!

  • 23 May 2022 1:25 AM | Deleted user

    When we clean our homes we should think about the products we use. There are many different products we can use. Some are good some are bad. Paying attention to what is in products is good not only for you but everyone and everything in the world.

    There are harmful chemicals in non Green Cleaning products. They can cause cancer, liver failure, breathing issue and so much more. It is better to use all natural things like vinegar, baking soda or hydrogen peroxide.

    Not only should you do it because of the chemicals. But think about the other harmful parts. PLASTICS! It takes YEARS for them to decompose. There are over 80,000 tons of plastics in the ocean right now.. Save yourself and save your planet by finding your GREEN CLEANER here

  • 22 May 2022 10:22 PM | Deleted user

    Are you tired of feeling sluggish? Feel like something in your home is making your family sick? But you can't put your finger on what it is? Have you looked at your cleaning supplies lately?

    Cleaning supplies can have harsh chemicals in them. Some of them can be carcinogenic, cause cancer and cause a slew of other health problems! Switching to a GREEN CLEAN can alleviate some of those symptoms and have you breathing better! Using natural products is honestly what your home needs!

    Here at Kim's Cleaning service and through IJCSA you can find the best Green Clean in your area! Look through our multiple companies (or my own) to find the best Green Clean company for you right here

  • 22 May 2022 10:14 PM | Deleted user

    Today, we know much more about cleaning products than back in the day! We didn't know or realize how harmful some products can be.  Not only to ourselves but our beautiful Earth! We now know that some things should NEVER be used in our homes.

    Using something as simple as vinegar, you can get rid of all the chemicals in glass cleaner, floor cleaners, shower cleaners etc.. It will not only give you peace of mind for your family and home. But you can get many health benefits from it as well! Chemicals can cause numerous health issues.

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