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 International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association

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How Important are Janitors and Janitorial staff to our daily lives

04 Feb 2024 11:52 AM | Deleted user

Janitors and Janitorial staff are very important to our daily lives. They are the foundation of everyone walking into any place and being comfortable to lets say shop at the mall for that new outfit, or the grocery store and buying all your ingredients for dinner in a nice and clean space. If it wasn't for the janitor or cleaning staff, you would not step foot into a filthy building.

Janitors are the backbone for everyone enjoying shopping, eating, or even watching a movie in a nice and clean area. They are the ones that keep a place going and wanting one to go back. Cleanliness is the first thing someone notices when walking into a place and the proceeds with their agenda in hand. If you are in need of a janitorial service, please see IJCSA's Directory 

On that note remember when you do see a janitor or any cleaning staff just give them a small thank you, they are a huge reason you are able to enjoy your outing.



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