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 International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association

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The importance of Janitors & Janitorial Staff to our daily lives

19 Sep 2023 8:23 AM | Anonymous

The key importance of Janitors and #Janitorialcleaners is to help us to live in a healthy environment by reducing the risks of infection and illnesses that come through dirty janitors. Everyone wants a refreshing washroom and hence to achieve this expert #IJSCA janitorial cleaners play a big role to make it happen.

Moreover, if you own a restaurant or commercial place, the cleanliness of your janitors is key to having customer satisfaction. Many customers shy away from unclean #janitors, to win them your janitors need to be clean anyway!

To have your janitors clean helps you save money for everyday renovations, your toilet bowls, showers and sinks will have a longer lifespan if well maintained through proper cleaning services.


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