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 International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association

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How Important Janitors Are?

06 Oct 2023 8:36 AM | Kimberly Sanchez

" How Important are Janitors and Janitorial Staff to Our Daily Lives."

Janitors and Janitorial Staff play a very important role in our daily lives, they make sure to keep us safe. They are usually the staff that shows up to most buildings before anyone else to make sure it's secure, up and running for everyone. They are the ones who get to any messes before anyone else, for example spills any one can have a fall and get injured. They keep everything nice and clean sanities to prevent any illnesses that bacteria or viruses that can get us very sick.

The also do policing work to make sure the building are secure from any danger situation or from personal who should not be in the building, checking all areas, they can alert authorities if necessary. 

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