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The Importance of Customer Service

06 Jan 2025 8:18 AM | Nicholas Simonton

As a custodian who works for my city, I can tell you all about the importance of not only customer service, but the importance of it in our field in particular. To start with, I would like to emphasize the importance of 'service with a smile' I know it sounds cheesy, but it's really important to be approachable in all scenarios, I can't tell you how many times I've been in the middle of something (or about to head to lunch) and I get a call from someone reporting a huge mess, it's often not pretty and can be inconvenient as times, but it's important to remember that we're all working and trying to do our best and if it could potentially cause issues, simply let your supervisor know.

The other most important part of customer service in regards to janitorial work is to be attentive, listen to any and all complaints or comments your colleagues may have. Sometimes mistakes are made, things get missed, or even forgotten, it happens, we're human, and if any of those happen complaints are likely to follow. The best advice I can give, speaking from experience is to never take complaints personally, complaints are about the work not you as a person, it's important to listen, not just hear, but really listen to what people are saying to you, that way you can take in what you are being told so you can respond to the situation properly, and if you feel that the complaint is unwarranted or not accurate, just hear them out then respond appropriately and politely. In my time in this field, I can verify that there are many great and committed people that are not only great workers, but great human beings who really want to do the best they can for their employers, here is a link to the IJCSA Member Directory here you can find qualified people for quality cleaning and service.


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