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The Importance of cleaning employees & staff knowing about bloodborne pathogens

07 Jan 2025 12:51 PM | Bernardo Lara-Gomez

I believe that knowing the importance of cleaning of both employees and staff about bloodborne pathogens could means life or death. As employees and staff, we play a super important role in maintaining our health and safety in various environments specially when bloodborne may be present. knowing this is important because in these pathogens may be Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV which can cause serious health consequences if we are exposed to them. For these reasons, it is really important that cleaning personal must be educated about these risks as we may encounter potentially infectious materials in our daily assignments. 

According to OSHA, " Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms found in human blood and body fluids that can cause serious diseases when exposed" As employees and staff we must understand the dangers associated with bloodborne pathogens and for this reason we play super important role in taking the appropriate precautions. We must have an effective training on bloodborne pathogens especially the cleaning staff because this will help us to know what to do when we are expose to these pathogens. For example, we will know what personal protective equipment to use such as the kind of gloves, masks, goggles, and so on. 

It is really important that cleaning staff must be educated about these risks that we may encounter because could be the difference between life and death. I believe that we must follow universal precaution such those provide d by OSHA which are specific standards for both employer and employees. For example, we fallow the "OSHA Exposure Control Plan" which is guideline that will help us to reduce the likelihood of exposure and maintain a safer work environment. If we follow these cleaning universal precautions established by OSHA, we will know what protocol to follow, report incident promptly, and Appy preventive practices which could be the difference between life and death.   



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