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Janitorial Staff Play an Essential Role in the Structure of Society

12 Jan 2025 10:31 AM | Travis Green

The indispensable role that janitorial staff play in our everyday lives can often be overlooked, and under appreciated. From safely opening schools and offices each day, to proper maintenance and cleaning of facilities. Janitors politely do it all! Even special tasks, including snow and debris removal from parking lots and walkways. To helping a student or client find a lost object or clean up a spill. It's difficult to overstate how important janitorial staff are to the smooth operation of businesses and universities everywhere. 

High quality maintenance and cleaning of cafeterias, restrooms and facilities is a main factor regarding the importance of janitorial staff. Students and staff enjoy clean cafeterias and tables to eat from each day. Also, janitorial staff ensures trash cans are emptied and floors are appropriately mopped and clean. We can often take for granted professionally clean and stocked restrooms as well, but it would be difficult to function without properly clean toilets and ample paper towels and tissue. These small details seem irrelevant, but together they make up the necessary duty that janitors undertake.

Policing facilities and grounds is another critical aspect of a janitorial position that can go unrecognized. Janitors ensure students and personnel safely walk into a secure, adequately lit building each day. Janitorial staff are always the first ones in the building, thoroughly checking grounds and unlocking entrances. Additionally, securing hallways, walkways, and parking lots ensure a safe entry and exit for all staff and students. On a final note, detailed inspection, alarming, and locking up buildings and facilities each night guarantees belongings and property are safe and sound. Janitorial staff truly are an essential component to the operation of schools, businesses, and offices everywhere.

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