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  • 21 Apr 2020 12:17 PM | Deleted user

    At EDA we strive to inspire our customers to use our carpet disinfection services to keep viruses and pathogens from traveling from their shoes and contaminating others.

    We use this service to not only disinfect but to clean hard to reach and well traveled areas in homes and offices. We use well developed nap rakes to stand fibers in order for our disinfection and cleaners to adhere deep into the carpet were some viruses and bacteria's seem to hide.

    For a total disinfected and clean carpet call an EDA representative today.

  • 21 Apr 2020 12:04 PM | Deleted user

    At EDA we strive to inspire our customers to use our carpet disinfection services to keep viruses and pathogens from traveling from their shoes and contaminating others.

    We use this service to not only disinfect but to clean hard to reach and well traveled areas in homes and offices. We use well developed nap rakes to stand fibers in order for our disinfection and cleaners to adhere deep into the carpet were some viruses and bacteria's seem to hide.

    For a total disinfected and clean carpet call an EDA representative today.

  • 21 Apr 2020 7:32 AM | Anonymous

     It is imperative that Health Care Facilities are cleaned properly to prevent the spread of harmful pathogens/ microorganisms. The Healthcare Facilities are high risk of spreading these pathogens because many people who go there may have these germs and bacteria's and pathogens. It is essential that all areas are cleaned, and disinfected properly to aid in a healthy environment and prevent its spread

    Doing this will not only ensure that patients remain healthy but also the ones who work and provide the service are protected. Employing proper cleaning technics and the use of right products and personal protective equipment will lessen the chances of the spread of pathogens.

    To find a cleaning specialist who is trained and well equipped to handle all your Medical Facility cleaning in a responsible and informed manner, go to the IJCSA Janitorial Service Directory

  • 20 Apr 2020 9:52 PM | Deleted user

    There are few jobs that one can have where you get immediate feedback on a job well done. There is a certain pride that goes along with knowing that your work is appreciated and that all expectations have been met and/or exceeded. This is what being a IJCSA member really means. The simple fact that you know that the member companies are going to satisfy your needs. You can find a list of certified members here:

    There is never a need to look anywhere else for a qualified and diligent company to provide the service that you expect. As a proud member of IJCSA you know that my company will excel at providing you with a spotless property.

  • 20 Apr 2020 9:27 PM | Carlos Perez

    There are many benefits to Being Green Cleaning Certified but the most important one to me is having a better understanding of how chemicals hurt the environment. We have been taught that to clean and disinfect you have to use chemical based products if you want to kill germs. When you look under the average kitchen counter you will find many cleaning products with warning labels mentioning avoid contact with skin and keep out of reach of children. in an effort to kill germs we are using products that are dangerous to children and should not come into direct contact with skin.

    As a parent and grandparent I want any and everything they touch to be sanitized and disinfected but I also need it to be safe to use around my little ones. Having the opportunity to get first hand information and training is a way for me to ensure my children grandchildren little by will undo the harm my generation has done. A chance to leave the planet better off than we found it. The greatest gift I can leave to my future offspring is the knowledge to replace harsh chemical with all natural green products.

    Imagine a world where there are no poison control numbers on the items you use to clean your family's items. Imagine the earth healing itself because people stop using chemical that that drain into the ocean. A world that calls out change, real change that is evident in the air quality. That day is possible but only through educating people on alternative products that give the same or better results.

    The following us from the New York Green Clean Program and list the many benefits of being Green Clean:

    Health and Well Being

    • Reduces exposure to toxic chemicals
    • May reduce incidence of asthma attacks caused by dust and chemical allergens
    • Improves indoor air quality by reducing airborne dust and chemical gases


    • Improves training programs by stressing safety
    • Provides/recommends safer handling of chemicals using automatic dilution dispensers
    • Improves control of chemical inventory and storage locations
    • Improves maintenance of powered cleaning equipment

    Cleaning Efficiency

    • Reduces amount of dirt/soil entering the building by using appropriately sized walk off mats
    • Improves training on cleaning procedures, which increases efficiency
    • Improves cleaning processes and systems
    • Promotes increased productivity and learning
    • Reduces frequency of labor-intensive tasks like refinishing floors by using less intensive cleaning and maintenance activities more often
    • Financial
    • Reduces chemical consumption and the number of cleaning chemicals needed
    • Reduces injuries to custodial staff and Worker's Compensation Claims
    • Promotes a healthier environment for teachers and children (lowering sick days and absenteeism)
    • Promotes better inventory management of chemicals and equipment, resulting in more efficient and better-planned procurement of goods


    • Provides a sense of community among facility stakeholders
    • Provides recognition of the efforts of the custodial staff as well as other stakeholders
    • Encourages the facility occupants to play a role in the success of the program and increases the sense of facility ownership by all stakeholders
    • Environmental and Sustainable
    • Lowers environmental impact/footprint of the facility
    • Augments other environmental efforts such as improving indoor air quality, reducing energy usage, and recycling

    So as you can see being green clean certified and finding alternative products benefits the whole world.

  • 20 Apr 2020 8:50 PM | Deleted user

         Keeping a clean healthcare facility is critical in keeping patience, residence, staff and even the public safe. It's the first line of defense with regards to containing harmful bacteria and viruses. There are few things more useless, than improperly cleaning a healthcare facility. Taking the necessary actions will ensure the safety of all involved.

         It is absolutely the responsibility of the individual performing the services to do so effectively. It starts with the proper tools necessary for the job, then the PPE requirements and finally following the necessary protocol with regards to cleaning itself. Knowing what you're working with and how to effectively utilize the chemicals you're using is key to success.

         Without properly cleaning the healthcare facility you are leaving not only yourself vulnerable to various potentially fatal diseases, but you're leaving those around you vulnerable too. The steps that have been implemented are the step necessary to keep everyone safe. The IJCSA Medical Cleaning Certification is precisely what you need to be effective in your field. Properly trained companies can be found here.

  • 20 Apr 2020 7:30 PM | Deleted user

    Medical cleaning can be implemented into other residential and commercial cleaning situations by maintaining the quality and high standards of medical cleaning. One of the things we learn in cleaning healthcare facilities is to approach everything as if it is infected. This mentality leads to employees cleaning every inch of the facility. 

    This approach can be used in other types of cleaning. Employing a cleaning company, like M&F Cleaning Solutions, that has highly trained professional cleaners educated in medical cleaning can help to reduce the spread of germs and other potentially dangerous viruses. 

    Harmful germs, viruses, and bacteria is all around us. Ultimately, we should all educate ourselves on best practices to minimize risk of exposures. But, the best approach is to hire a professional, certified commercial cleaning company that understand the best practice, approach, and techniques of cleaning medical facilities; this is where M&F Cleaning Solutions excels. 

    If you are seeking other cleaning specialists for your medical cleaning needs click on the following link:

  • 20 Apr 2020 7:26 PM | Deleted user

    Cleaning healthcare facilities properly provides unique challenges. To clean these facilities effectively it is imperative that employees have the right education and hands-on training.

    It is imperative that healthcare facilities are cleaned effectively because many healthcare facilities house harmful pathogens/microorganisms. Naturally, healthcare facilities have high-risk of spreading of having pathogens because of the immense amount of germs and bacteria within the facility. To eliminate this risk cleaners must ensure all areas within the facility are cleaned and disinfected.

    Accomplishing this requires employers to provide training and education to their employees. The difficulty of course, is finding the right information to provide to employees. This is one of the reasons why it imperative to higher a professional cleaning company like M&F Cleaning Solutions, to ensure the job gets done right!

    M&F Cleaning Solutions is one of the premier professional cleaning providers in the medical segment. M&F Cleaning Solutions has the latest information, technology, and cleaning techniques to ensure your facility receives the highest quality of cleaning service imaginable.

    If you are seeking other cleaning specialists for your medical cleaning needs use the following link click here to find professional certified janitorial services.

  • 20 Apr 2020 7:20 PM | Deleted user

    What do you do when you see mold growing in your house? Do you know who to call?  Did you know that IJCSA members are fully qualified to inspect and recommend cost-effective options to solving your mold issue?  IJCSA members are ready, willing and able to inspect, detected, and remove all kinds of mold. Click on this link and take the first step to making your house a clean and safe home for your family -

    Don't wait another hour to get started on solving this problem. Mold grows  exponentially. The longer you wait the more you endanger your family as the mold spreads it spores throughout your house making you more vulnerable to what can only be called a "Mold attack". Let us help you. An IJCSA member is always available to help.

  • 20 Apr 2020 7:18 PM | Deleted user

    Good customer service starts with a smile and is followed up with understanding. There are times when you will be the only smiling face a person will interact with all day. It is your job to make sure that you make a positive impact on most of the people you come in contact with, while maintaining the integrity of your company. 

    It is true that  you cannot make everyone happy all the time, however it is important to make it a priority to do your very best to make someones day. Good customer service is rooted in your goals for going the extra mile for everyone, be it behind the scenes or on the front lines. Accommodating a customer can make all the difference in the world.

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