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  • 26 Jan 2016 10:55 AM | Anonymous
    Green cleaning programs employ processes that promote health, safety and social consciousness, and include the use of environmentally friendly janitorial products and equipment.I plan to implement green products for all my customers.

    Find a green cleaning service here. 

  • 11 Jan 2016 5:14 AM | Christian Mulkey

    I plan to implement a mold cleaning operation into my company by learning everything I can about mold inspection and remediation. I know it would be a profitable venture for my company and a service many people need. I will train all employees who will be working on mold remediation to the bst of my ability, I will also require workers do the IJCSA certification as well.

    Some benefits of having a mold remediation program are, that it can me a lucrative venture, it can put my company into another marketing category, also someone who would use mold remediaton might use my other services as well. I also believe that the more certification my company has the more professional and dedicated we appear as well.

  • 10 Jan 2016 6:37 PM | Christian Mulkey

    Our company is now proud to say that we are Green Certified through the International Janitorial and Cleaning Services Association. We are happy to offer our clients the piece of mind in knowing that we use the safest products and practices when it comes to cleaning their space. Green cleaning provides alternitave cleaning products that are safe and often work much better than hazardeous, harsh products on the market today. To find a green certified company in your area go to

  • 10 Jan 2016 6:29 PM | Christian Mulkey

     We are just launching our company so it will be relatively easy to implement green cleaning standards into our company. We will not have to retrain employees or change out products as we will be starting green. I am planning on getting my green certification so I can train all of our employees on green cleaning practices. I will purchase all green and eco friendly products and make sure they are used appropriately.  

     There are many benefits to being a green certified company. I think the biggest benefit is knowing that I am doing my due diligence to keeping myself, my employees, clients and the environment healthy. I also believe that a lot of people find green products and services very appealing. I believe it is a certification that sets cleaning companies apart as some people will only employ green companies. It is also a good selling point to clients with small children and pets.   

  • 08 Jan 2016 4:15 AM | Christian Mulkey

        Customer service in the cleaning and janitorial industry usually starts with phone interaction with clients. Phones should be answered in a professional manner, with an appropriate greeting so the customer knows whom they are speaking with and get a good feeling right out of the gate. Upon meeting with clients a professional and neat appearance shows you are a serious company and that you value your clients. Clients should always feel that they are getting a good finished product. If a client is unhappy, it is very important that those concerns are addressed promptly and respectfully.

           The first meeting with a client to consult with them on their needs for the specific job at hand should be professional. The client should have your undivided attention. Clients are going to hire someone because their time is valuable and they need someone to help with a task they cannot set aside time to accomplish. As a industry professional this respect is shown by always being on time, cleaning with good time management and always returning calls in a timely manner. Making every client feel as if they are your first priority is not only good customer service it is also good business practice.

    Find A Cleaning Service Concerned With Customer Service Here


  • 05 Jan 2016 3:09 PM | Vara Suresh
    Choose health over hype...
    Green cleaning products are safer, non carcinogenic, hypo allergenic, increase immunity and protect the environment. Choose a cleaning company that is green cleaning certified today! 

    The products are:
    • Nontoxic
    • Fragrance free
    • Bio-based
    • No VOCs
    • Biodegradable

    Selecting only environmentally friendly cleaning products is critical to maintaining our health and a satisfactory level of cleanliness and disinfection in our homes.

    Find A Green Cleaning Service Here

  • 03 Jan 2016 9:30 PM | Deleted user

    Request: Write a business advertisement for all IJCSA Members that is consumer friendly, and in reference to Finding A Green Cleaning Service. Please also include keywords in the article that are in reference to green cleaning. 


    Choosing a Green Cleaning Service for Your Business or Home

    If you are like most of us these days, you’re conscientious about the quality and healthfulness of the food you put into your body. But why not be equally concerned about what you put into your indoor environment?

    Our modern world provides far too many unwelcomed opportunities for us to be exposed to dangerous chemicals and pollutants, but the cleaning supplies used in your home shouldn’t be one of them.

    Eco-friendly cleaning products are sustainably sourced, contain less of the VOCs that can irritate asthma and allergies, and are non-toxic and biodegradable.

    Make sure your business or home cleaning service is certified as a Green Cleaning Provider.

    Find a Certified Green Cleaning Service near you on the IJCSA website today.


  • 03 Jan 2016 8:30 PM | Deleted user

    Request: Write a two paragraph column or longer on how you plan to implement a green cleaning service program into your business, or the benefits of having a green cleaning program.


    Implementing a green cleaning program at URBAN URBANE

    Since I am the sole-proprietor and only employee of my cleaning business, and since I do all the product selection and purchasing, it will not be at all difficult for me to implement a green cleaning program for URBAN URBANE.

    I have actually been interested in environmental and conservation issues since I was a child. I can recall being bothered by litter and pollution as far back as elementary school, and I have been an active recycler almost continuously since college.

    I have had the opportunity to try a good number of green or eco-friendly cleaning products since I started my business in 2012 – and with mixed results. Some I have been very happy with – and others not so much. But I continue to keep an open mind. I regularly purchase, use, and evaluate the performance of various green products when I have an appropriate occasion to do so.

    I read labels, look up ingredients, and read material safety data sheets. I consider the product’s claims, and I contact suppliers to ask questions about their products when necessary. While I do not think that green products are always the best choice for every job, I do find them to be more than adequate for maintenance cleaning.

    While I have not yet finalized my green cleaning program for URBAN URBANE, I think I am likely to offer both a strict all-green cleaning option for those clients who really want it, and a slightly more flexible option for those who want green products used most of the time, but who are open to more traditional products when the need arises. 

  • 17 Dec 2015 8:43 PM | Deleted user
    To green or not to green, is that your question? It seems everyone today is "going" green or wanting to save the environment. Which isn't bad, but how do we know if they actually are? How do we know we aren't being greenwashed, being lied to about green cleaning practices? The International Janitorial Cleaning Service Association (IJCSA) provides current Green Cleaning practices and policies for its members.

    IJSCA Green Certified members provide the best, most current service to customers who are looking to reduce chemical contaminants and switch to environmentally friendly cleaning solutions for their home. 

    Is it Recyclable or Biodegradable?

    Do you want to know if a product is biodegradable, or if the packaging is recyclable? Certified members know the answers to these and many more questions to their products and those products you have in home. They can even help you identify a VOC or volatile organic compound, which are solvents and other compounds that evaporate into the air and contribute to the formation of smog (ozone), gasoline being the best example. 

    Contact us

    If you're in the market for a Green Certified business or just want to know more about Green Cleaning options contact a member today. You can find a full list of Green Certified members on out website today!

  • 13 Dec 2015 6:51 PM | Deleted user

    Having a green plan for your cleaning business is vital as we move forward from 2015 to 2016 and beyond. Which is why we are designing a Green Cleaning Plan that will expand cleaning options for our customers. We do use certain green cleaning "techniques", such as using baking soda and lemon juice, or vinegar and water to clean may different surfaces in customer's homes. Our goal is to become certified and gain an ability to have a plan for our customers and employees to help the environment. 

    Our goal is to not completely replace our current methods, but rather have a completely new option for our customers. That being said, by training our employees in green techniques we hope they can offer green cleaning when possible.  Also we hope that our well informed employees  can also assist our customers in which option may be the best for them or why we choose to use a green cleaning method in place of "traditional" cleaning methods. 

    Our employees are the front porch of our company. Their the ambassadors to the world and their knowledge and confidence of ability, not only benefits the business but our customers and their families as well.

    Since this is a new offering we are exploring we are planing to certify all non-front line employees first (we are a very small company so basically that's the same people, but as we grow we want to make sure that all non-front line employees are certified just as front line so they can assist with their needs, and participate in quality control. we then plan to certify all front line employees and identify any employees who wish to "specialize" in green cleaning. we plan to then promote any employee who demonstrates desire and proficiency to head the Green Cleaning Program to ensure all employee, customer and company needs are met. 

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