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The importance of cleaning employees & staff knowing about bloodborne pathogens

08 Apr 2023 4:07 PM | Albert Vonjoe

Intuitively, the exposure to bloodborne pathogens in the average janitorial work space may seem lower than in a typical medical clinic or a hospital. However, it is most important that all cleaning personnel and staff across the board be fully informed about the presence and hazards of bloodborne pathogens in the work place. Information is power. In this case, it is power of the staff to be safe from infection and debilitating decease or even death. It is not just about the productivity of the staff. It is the moral thing to do. They should know about the possible presence of the viruses and the precautions to take to avoid possible infection.

The HIV, HBV, HCV are the common bloodborne viruses that affect humans. The Covid 19, Ibola viruses are equally infectious and lethal and survive only for a short time out the human blood. But that is no consolation; these viruses are deadly materials.

In order to prevent infection in the work place, OSHA developed the following universal precaution: all bodily fluids such as blood, etc., should be treated as if contaminated with these viruses. Proper PPE (gloves, goggles, protective clothing) must be worn to decontaminate an area.

All trash must be handled with extreme care: no pressing down on any trash as there may be sharp objects such as needles, broken glass tubes, that can pierce the skin and cause infection. If someone is injured, the incidence must be reported immediately to the supervisor who will call a medical institution or a doctor. Treatment of the injured will be free to the injure worker.

All cleaning personnel must clearly understand the possible presence of dangerous bloodborne pathogens at the work place. The team must also be taught how to prevent injury or infection with these viruses. A healthy worker is a productive worker. Higher productivity is generally good for business.


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