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 International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association

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Finding a Green Cleaning Service

23 Apr 2024 8:39 AM | Deleted user

There are many benefits to hiring a green cleaning company. Have you ever wondered where you can find a green cleaning company? The IJCSA directory for finding a green cleaning company is a lot of help when it comes to finding a company that will practice the necessary steps to safely clean your building while also maintaining the health of planet Earth. 

Hazardous materials are not only present in chemicals that are used to clean buildings but are also present in clothing and food service products too. With the help of a green cleaning company this risk for developing harmful reactions to these chemicals will go down since they are certified to recognize these risks and eliminate them appropriately. 

Volatile organic compounds (VOC's) are the things that can harm a human when something wrong happens when dealing with chemicals inappropriately. A green cleaning company has the training that ensure humans do not go near VOC's since they are a large danger to human health. Click the link below to look through the directory of green cleaning companies so that you can hire someone that will ensure human safety. 

Green Cleaning Directory


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