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How to implement a green cleaning program daily into your company or cleaning routine

30 Apr 2024 1:18 PM | Eudaldo Roldan

By prioritizing sustainability in your cleaning practices, you can minimize environmental impact, promote a healthier indoor environment, and demonstrate your commitment to corporate responsibility being a IJCSA Green Cleaning Certified!

Here's a guide on how to do it effectively green on your company or a routine:

1.Assessment & Planning: Begin by assessing your current cleaning practices and identifying areas where you can make changes to reduce environmental impact. This might involve switching to eco-friendly cleaning products, reducing water and energy consumption, and minimizing waste generation. Develop a comprehensive plan outlining specific goals, timelines, and responsibilities for implementing the green cleaning program.

2. Products: Choose cleaning products that are certified as environmentally friendly and safe for both human health and the environment. Look for products with third-party certifications such as Green Seal or EcoLogo, which ensure they meet rigorous environmental and performance standards. Consider using concentrated formulas to reduce packaging waste and opting for refillable containers where possible. Train staff on the proper use and disposal of these products to maximize effectiveness and minimize environmental harm.

3. Equipment & Practices: Invest in energy-efficient cleaning equipment such as vacuums with HEPA filters and microfiber cloths, which require less water and chemicals to clean effectively. Implement practices such as microfiber mopping and dusting to reduce the need for disposable cleaning supplies and minimize airborne pollutants. Encourage staff to use environmentally friendly practices such as turning off lights and equipment when not in use and properly maintaining cleaning equipment to prolong its lifespan.

4. Education & Engagement: Educate employees and stakeholders about the benefits of green cleaning and provide training on best practices for implementation. Foster a culture of sustainability by soliciting feedback, recognizing achievements, and incentivizing participation in green initiatives. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the green cleaning program through metrics such as water and energy consumption, waste diversion rates, and indoor air quality measurements, and make adjustments as needed to continuously improve performance.


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