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The Importance of Bloodborne Pathogens

05 May 2024 6:31 PM | Garnett Patmon

Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms such as viruses or bacteria that are carried in blood and can cause disease in people. It can be exposed as a result of blood itself or other bodily fluids. It is important for cleaning employees as well as staff to have common knowledge of it simply due to the fact that they will be more likely to work around it. They must understand the risk factors of exposure, how to deal with cleaning and disinfecting an area certain around it, and indulge in the required safety measures to keep them safe. 

When cleaning an area that may be exposed to bloodborne pathogens you should always wear proper PPE attire such as disposable latex gloves, a mask, googles, and on rare occasions a face shield and disposable overalls. Using proper cleaning disinfectant is also very important. You should always properly dispose of your gloves as a precaution. The reason why you should wear proper attire is because a simple cut, bruise, or scratch can mean the difference between safety and infection. Even when disposing of trash you should take great precautionary measures to ensure that no uncapped needles are exposed. If one should become stuck with a needle or come into contact with any form of bloodborne pathogens they should quickly clean the area with soap and water as well as see a doctor. The problem with exposure to bloodborne pathogens is that it puts an individual at risk of contracting certain diseases such as hepatitis b, hiv, and aids. 

Understanding risk factors is also important if one does not receive treatment following being exposed. As I mentioned earlier if left untreated exposure to bloodborne pathogens can lead to life threatening diseases. Finally it is most important that all workers are informed of the risks as well as ways to prevent exposure and protect themselves. OSHA provides in great detail an overview regarding bloodborne pathogens, ways of prevention, and even information regarding the causes of bloodborne pathogens


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