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  • 06 Apr 2024 11:34 PM | Javier Borceguin

    There are many benefits when it comes to hiring a green cleaning company as opposed to a regular cleaning company. The first of which is that the company is certified when it comes to dealing with safely handling hazardous chemicals that can be harmful to humans. These chemicals cause a lot of injuries over the years, and having protocols in place to keep this from happening is very important. 

    In addition to employee safety, a green cleaning company follows guidelines so that chemicals are not used in a malicious manner towards the environment and Earth. It is very important that we take care of our planet since it is the only one we live on. We can only contribute to that through trainings and certifications in order for the Earth to heal and be better. Green cleaning programs are a wonderful thing that more cleaning companies in the world should get into. 

  • 05 Apr 2024 10:34 PM | Mikayla Quon

    It is extremely important for staff and employees to know and follow the protocol in regards to bloodborne pathogens because it can be the difference between someone or themselves contacting a very serious bloodborne diseases. Dealing with these possibly infectious materials while cleaning in a medical environment can expose you to micro organisms such as HIV, HPV, HBV, and much more. 

       Some common ways of exposure are through the mucous membrane. This can be your mouth, nose, or eyes. Other ways of exposure are through a cut or break in the skin. some fluid to note that carry these bloodborne pathogens are blood, vomit, and feces. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention established the Universal Precaution approach. This means you are to consider all blood and fluids to be infectious so you will always take the precautions to minimize the risks of exposure. 

          The protective practices that have been put into place to help minimize exposure are to always wear gloves and protective eye and hair wear when necessary. wearing special clothing to ensure it is not too baggy to be getting into contaminated fluids. Always use the appropriate cleaners that eliminate the pathogens. When taking out the laundry, always make sure you are putting it into color coded or labeled bags to let people know that it is to be handed with precaution. this means it will be color coded orange or red. Needles can be hiding in bedding so take that precaution. 

          Always wash your hands thoroughly! this is SO important. You also need to make sure to wash all bucks and equipment used to clean with. This needs to be sanitized with the same solutions used to eliminate infectious fluids. If you have been exposed or you think you have been exposed you need to contact your supervisor immediately. You also need to contact your Doctor. There are certain diseases that can take years to show symptoms.

         It is so important to follow these steps because it is in your best interest to stay healthy. It is also to protect your family and friends at home and in your personal life, The clients at the Medical establishment, and the employees that work there. Its always best to take the most precaution. 

  • 04 Apr 2024 8:29 PM | CRISTIAN LOPEZ

    Bloodborne pathogens may pose a health risk to workers, especially in healthcare and cleaning services settings. adequate knowledge about these pathogens allows employees to take measures to protect themselves and others in society and thus prevent infections.

     exposure to bloodborne pathogens can lead to the transmission of serious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B. understanding  how these disease are transmitted and what precautionary measure to take is essential to preventing infections in the workplaces.

     i believe that knowledge about these infections within what is cleaning and working in hospitals is essential when it comes to keeping a work team safe with good prevention techniques using disinfection methods an disposal of objects with possible contaminants. 

  • 04 Apr 2024 7:36 PM | Denise Carrasquillo-Alicea

    Medical cleaning is a standard practice in health care facilities and hospitals to reduce the spread of germs that make people sick. These same germs can be found in commercial spaces and residential buildings. 

    OB’ Z Multi-Cleaning services can implement the same procedures as medical cleaning services to prevent others from getting sick and to reduce the spread of infectious diseases. All spaces should be cleaned, sanitized and disinfected; EPA has compiled a list of disinfectant products, including ready-to-use sprays, concentrates, and wipes, that can be used against viruses and pathogens. (click link for list of disinfectants). 

    OB’Z Multi-Cleaning professional will always wear the appropriate PPE when using chemicals, cleaning up contaminated spaces and cleaning up bodily fluids. The basis cleaning step that will be used to ensure a thorough cleaning was conducted will be to do a visual preliminary site assessment, wear appropriate PPE, than disposal the trash, dusting from top to bottom, damp wipe all hard surfaces and items, restock items and products, clean or dust mop the floor level, inspect the overall area for any missed steps, damp mop any wet table floor surfaces, and always place a wet floor sign. 

    When cleaning a bathroom it’s should be done in specific steps and PPE must be changed after cleaning it. When removing garbage do not push the trash down with hands to avoid getting pricked by a sharp object. When dusting and cleaning the room it should be done from top to bottom or high to low. The room should be cleaned from cleaner to dirtier to avoid spreading dirt and microorganisms. The Janitor or cleaning crew will be cleaning in a systematic manner to avoid missing areas for example, left to right or clockwise. 

    Janitors/Cleaning staff are knowledgeable and trained on what cleaning detergent and disinfectant that is effective against both bacteria and viruses. You can find a listing on highly trained cleaning companies that specialize in health care cleaning at Janitorial Service Directory 

  • 04 Apr 2024 6:40 PM | Jerome Robinson

    Ensuring that cleaning employees and staff are knowledgeable about bloodborne pathogens is of paramount importance for maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms present in human blood that can cause diseases if transmitted to others. In workplaces where cleaning staff may come into contact with bodily fluids or contaminated surfaces, such as hospitals, clinics, or even commercial offices, the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens is heightened. Therefore, educating cleaning personnel about the risks associated with these pathogens and providing them with appropriate training on handling and disposal procedures is crucial for minimizing the risk of infection.

    Not only does understanding bloodborne pathogens protect the health and safety of cleaning employees themselves, but it also safeguards the well-being of everyone else in the workplace. By being aware of the potential hazards and knowing how to properly handle situations involving blood or bodily fluids, cleaning staff can prevent the spread of infections and diseases. This knowledge empowers them to take necessary precautions, such as wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), using proper disinfection techniques, and following established protocols for handling contaminated materials, thereby reducing the risk of transmission within the workplace environment.

    Furthermore, compliance with regulations and standards regarding bloodborne pathogens is not just a matter of safety but also a legal obligation for employers. OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, for instance, mandates employers to provide training to employees who may be exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials as part of their job duties. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in severe consequences, including fines and legal liabilities. Therefore, investing in comprehensive training programs for cleaning staff not only fulfills legal requirements but also demonstrates a commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all. In conclusion, the importance of cleaning employees and staff knowing about bloodborne pathogens cannot be overstated. By equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to identify potential risks and mitigate them effectively, businesses can protect the health and well-being of their employees while also ensuring compliance with regulations and fostering a culture of safety within the workplace.

  • 04 Apr 2024 1:08 PM | Nichole Graham-Treston

    Cleaning healthcare facilities properly is of utmost importance because of a number of critical reasons. Optimally it is vital to maintain a clean environment in healthcare facilities to help control and prevent the spread of infections. It is no secret that hospitals and medical centers are major breeding grounds for bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens, which pose significant health risks to patients, staff, and visitors. With regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, equipment, and patient areas, the spread of infections will be minimal, thus reducing the likelihood of infections which can lead to severe complications or even fatalities. This is especially problematic among vulnerable populations.

    When cleaning is undertaken in the right way it promotes patient safety and well-being. Patients in hospitals and other medical facilities are often already in a compromised state of health, and that makes them more susceptible to infections and illnesses. Dirty environments can intensify patient conditions and/or lead to new health complications, which renders ineffective treatments received and may even prolong the recovery time. Once a high standard of cleanliness is maintained, healthcare providers can create a safer and healthier environment for healing and recovery, which ultimately improves patient outcomes and satisfaction.

    Finally, effective cleaning and sanitation in healthcare facilities help to prevent infections, reduces the level of bacteria and viruses found in a facility and helps to promote a healthy and safe environment for all persons at the medical facility.  When the spread of infection is minimized, it also lessens the time off staff need to recover from illnesses and helps the facility to be properly staffed to handle day-to-day proceedings. In summary proper cleaning practices not only benefit the health and safety of individuals but also ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of healthcare systems. To help you find certified companies who can properly and efficiently undertake this type of cleaning see  this will make the process a lot smoother and less of a hassle.

  • 03 Apr 2024 12:03 PM | Denise Carrasquillo-Alicea

    Maintaining a clean environment to health care facilities is very important to reduce the risk and exposure to germs, viruses, infections and diseases to everyone exposed such as visitors, patients and staff. OSHA has guidelines that all surfaces must be cleaned with an appropriate disinfectant determined by EPA to reduce Health Care Associated Infections. The most common infection associated with hospitals are urinary tract infections, bloodstream infections, surgical site infections, pneumonia, and diarrhea. 

    Janitors/Cleaning staff are knowledgeable and trained on what cleaning detergent and disinfectant that is effective against both bacteria and viruses. You can find a listing on highly trained cleaning companies that specialize in health care cleaning at Janitorial Service Directory

    Janitors are responsible for cleaning all zone areas such as restrooms, countertops, floors, equipment, high touch areas  and surfaces,and properly disposing trash and potentially hazardous waste and materials. 

  • 02 Apr 2024 4:40 PM | Lori Weber
    There are so many harmful effects of using everyday cleaning chemicals in comparison to more natural green products.  Everyday cleaning chemicals not only have a negative effect on the environment due to the single-use plastic packaging and toxins emitted during the manufacturing process, but also on human and wildlife health from toxic fumes being inhaled or chemicals flushed down a drain.

    As per the article included in IJCSA's Green Cleaning Certification, toxic cleaning chemicals include many solvents and petroleum-based chemicals that can cause health effects like reduced concentration, coordination, memory, and sleep disturbances. These are just a few of the issues that everyday cleaning chemicals can cause to a person's health.  Another health hazard to keep in mind involves children and pets. Small children and pets are at risk for accidentally ingesting cleaning chemicals if they're spilled or found in a person's cleaning cabinet. The result of something like this happening is dire, immediate medical attention is required and can still be fatal even if urgent medical care was obtained. Using things like lemon juice (citric acid), or vinegar, or baking soda is so much safer, because even if they're accidentally ingested in some way, you should still seek medical attention but it's likely going to cause an upset stomach, vomiting or diarrhea. I'd take that over the alternative.

    The effects that some of these everyday cleaning chemicals have on the environment may not be as well-known as the hazards to health are, but the impact is just as great.  Laundry soaps, just for one example, contain surfactants like LAS, that do slowly biodegrade, but while being manufactured, release carcinogens and reproductive toxins like benzene into the environment. Everyday cleaning chemicals like window cleaners that contain ammonia, release nitrogen into the environment, and in areas that cannot handle the excess ammonia, can disrupt the ecosystem and cause toxic effects to fish, plants, and animals. This information was found in the article provided as study material for IJSCA's Green Cleaning Certification.

    IJSCA Green Cleaning Certified Members know that using single-use plastic used for packaging everyday cleaning chemicals adds to the amount of waste in landfills that may take hundreds of years to biodegrade, and release toxins as they degrade as well. To combat that, we use things like glass bottles to contain our more natural and ecofriendly cleaners, and use microfiber cloths instead of disposable paper towels.

     I've read an astounding number of comments on cleaning videos and posts on various social media platforms about using more natural cleaners that are safer for human health and the environment that say things like "it isn't clean unless it's been cleaned with bleach".  This is a wild concept to me, because people are essentially condoning the use of a cleaning chemical whose fumes are known to cause eye and throat irritation as well as respiratory damage to the people that use them. Additionally, in an article written by Environmental Impacts of Bleach and Greener Alternatives - Action for Renewables, it states that in dumping/washing bleach down a drain, the chlorine and other toxic ingredients included in it can contaminate nearby water bodies that make them unsafe to drink from or bathe in, and increase the acidity of these water bodies, which can destroy habitats and ecosystems. 

    Entrusting your home or facility members and the protection of our environment to the Green Cleaning Certified Members of IJSCA is a great eco-friendly decision that a person can be proud to make. You can search the directory here International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association - Green Cleaning Services (

  • 02 Apr 2024 8:34 AM | Charles Baird

    A young physician had just come in from assisting a laboring mother. His hands were covered by the evidence of the operation. The controversial Austrian physician who witnessed this firmly rebuked his younger colleague and told him to go get cleaned up before proceeding to the next birthing mother. At this time in Europe, the knowledge of pathogens was minimal but the mortality rates were not-especially in the birthing wards. But one man would strive to take the cleanliness practiced by the midwives into the hospitals of his beloved homeland. History lessons from the past show us why we must practice a system of contamination control and knowledge in the workplace.

    On the farm/ranch we grew up taking pride in the grease, oil, or dirt that gave proof to the demands of our daily chores or projects. It was much the same in Europe at the hospitals in a trade exclusively dominated by men. Pride often gets us into trouble in more ways than we realize. We can be gratified by the results as long as no one else is detrimental affected. Wearing personal protection such as a uniform designated with this in mind, glasses and gloves, are the most important things to remember.

    Thinking about the consequences to others around us should play major part in our attitude toward pathogens of any kind. That OSHA and fines should happen to catch up could indeed be a key motivator- but principles of society go beyond a governing entity. Principles are based on what we believe and why and if we believe what others tell us without thought we become a cheap fragment. These ignorant doctors in 18th century Europe were going from birthing woman to woman without cleaning up or wearing protective equipment because they were just doing what everyone else was doing. Sounds similar to our society now in other facets of life.

    To sum this up let's not just consider the facts and figures spouted out with textbook lingo and because OSHA tells us to, let's make sure we know the life and death is in the blood...

  • 02 Apr 2024 12:09 AM | Javier Borceguin

    It is no secret that regular cleaning products have the potential to create harm within humans and the environment. Green cleaning on the other hand is the best way to go about cleaning for your business and for your customers because of the benefits that come along with it. With regular cleaning products, there are chemicals within it such as irritants that could do damage to the skin, lungs, and eyes if they are misused. 

    It is the best way to go about cleaning through green cleaning because of the benefits that comer along with it. The main benefit being that the health of you and your employees is maintained with the proper knowledge and training received for green cleaning. For example, one product known to cause irritation to humans is chlorine bleach. This chemical has the potential to do some real damage if used. Green cleaning has good alternatives compared to chlorine bleach so that the dangers are not present

    Another example of a dangerous everyday chemical used in regular cleaning is isopropyl alcohol, which can be found in glass cleaners. It is no secret that isopropyl alcohol has the power to irritate skin, eyes, nose, and throat if mishandled. Green cleaning products also have an alternative to this chemical so that you, your workers, and the environment stay safe while you work. 

    Some all-purpose cleaners can also include 2-butoxyethanol which can cause headaches, confusion, and irritation to the human senses if mishandled by your or your employees. Green cleaning products do better by providing something else to do an even better job of cleaning while you and your employees steer clear from the harmful damage of these chemicals.

    Sodium hypochlorite/chlorine found in some bathroom cleaners can also do some harm to you and your employees since it could severely irritate your skin, cause eye damage, and cause shortness of breath. Green cleaning products available to you can eliminate the need for using harmful chemicals and do a better job overall!

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