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 International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association

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The things you can't see.

24 Apr 2024 1:39 PM | Alicee Taylor

Of course you want to cleaning a company to clean the mess you can see, but what about the stuff you can't see? What's in the air, that odor your smelling. That's right.There is a lot of germs and bacteria out there that is not visible to the naked eye. You may be smelling some musty or moldy odors in the air or even spoiled or rotten things. These can be harmful to the body if inhaled or even touched, and can cause some health issues.

Could this be MOLD CONTAMINATION???? This is why you need a professional Like us to come over to assess the situation. You can find a reputable cleaning company that is committed to providing quality services at a reasonable price. 

We'll come in and take a look at the area. Determine whether or not if there is a mold contamination. We will have to measure the size of the contaminated area and the extent of the contamination before we determine what type of remediation plan is needed.  For Contaminated areas larger than 10 square feet, you'll have to seek a mold remediation specialist. You can find a mold remediation specialist here at 

A need- to- know: Do you know why mold Remediation is very important. Well, I'll tell you why. Let's start with what the mold really is. Mold is Organisms that live indoors and outdoors, that can produce mycotoxins. They can break down and digest organic materials, and is also called fungi or mildew. They can grow on organic surfaces like paper, wood or plant material. Mold comes in many colors, will produce a musty or moldy smell. Mold needs moisture to grow. Mold have no preference of light spaces or dark spaces, Mold prefer cooler temperatures, but they will thrive in a heated environment. Dead or alive, mold can cause reactions such as headaches, Seizures, running nose. It can irritate the skin. In the worst part about it, it will spread and keep spreading if the problem has not been fixed. 

Protection of our homes and businesses is essential. It is a standard way of living. Here at Forgotten Spaces, we overtand, and are trained to provide appropriate services for everyone. 


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