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  • 22 Aug 2022 3:21 PM | Deleted user

    Do you know how important it is to properly dispose of potentially contaminated sharps and soiled items? Did you know that neglecting to disinfect an area exposed to human blood or bodily fluids could possibly expose you or someone else to bloodborne pathogens? Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms in human blood that can cause diseases in humans. HBV (Hepatitis B Virus), HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and HCV (Hepatitis C Virus) are examples of pathogenic microorganisms that can be contracted from blood, bodily fluids and (OPIM) Other Potentially Infectious Material and is extremely dangerous to humans. Symptoms for HIV, HCV and HBV microorganisms do not show up immediately after exposure. Cleaning staff, employers and healthcare workers are responsible for providing and maintaining safe environments for all staff including their selves. 

    As the spread of infectious diseases continue, so should cleaning practices. Cleaning staff, especially those in the healthcare field, are at risk for occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. It is important that all cleaning staff and employers are familiar with the job, its risks and the proper protective practices. Staff should always consider body fluids, blood, needlesticks and (OPIM) as potentially infectious.  Practicing universal precautions when handling potentially contaminated materials or needles of any kind could also mean the difference between life and death if exposed to bloodborne pathogens. Bloodborne pathogens have multiple ways to travel into someone’s system once exposed. Bloodborne pathogens can enter through cuts, scraps, bits and by mixing with the mucus from inside of your nose or mouth. Color coded bags for contaminated items and labeled sharp containers for needlesticks are a couple examples of practicing universal precautions to protect you and others.  

    (OSHA) Occupational Safety and Health Administration has a bloodborne pathogen standard that requires employers who employ people to work under conditions that could expose them to potentially infectious and harmful microorganisms provide an exposure control plan, work and engineering practice control. It is the employer’s job to train staff and implement a plan for exposure control. Having an exposure control plan in place can reduce or eliminate occupational exposure and should also give you detailed instructions on what action/s to take if exposure does occur.  Employers and cleaning employees play an important role in the lives of others when it comes to disinfecting and preventing potentially infectious microorganisms from being spread. Employees have a right to safe and healthy work conditions. It is a federal law that employees must provide a hazard free work environment at all times. It is our job to protect our health and prevent the spread of infectious diseases by practicing the proper protective precautions. 

  • 22 Aug 2022 1:42 PM | Anonymous

    Importance of cleaning employees & staff knowing about bloodborne pathogens.

    It is very important for employees and staff to know about bloodborne pathogens because it can help them avoid and/or properly handle in potential accidents that may infect them. In some careers the employees are at high risk of contracting bloodborne pathogens

    It is important for cleaning employees to learn the difference in the bloodborne pathogens and how to reduce the risk or eliminate the hazards of occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. 

    Without the knowledge of bloodborne pathogens, employees put themselves and others at risk. Like anything in life you want to have proper knowledge of whatever you are involved in. Knowing how to handle encountering this will help you react an properly handle exposure and avoid contacting bloodborne pathogens.

  • 21 Aug 2022 10:14 AM | Deleted user

    Concerned about your families health and wellness?

    Look no further! Have an IJCSA Certified Carpet Cleaning provider come to your home or facility. Our wide range of cleaning services combat all forms of pathogens and bacteria that cause disease and illnesses, especially those found in your carpets, rugs, and upholstery. Knowing that you have chosen to get certified experts in the field of janitorial services to keep your spaces clean and germ free will provide the safety and security that you are looking for to help keep your family safe. Find a Certified IJCSA provider by searching our member directory at

  • 21 Aug 2022 9:07 AM | Deleted user

    Carpet cleaning in itself is very important for the overall look and cleanliness of any home or facility. The obvious benefits of having clean carpets are well established. However, there is quite a bit more benefit for having your carpets cleaned by IJCSA Certified Cleaners.

    Having your carpets cleaned by IJCSA Certified Cleaners means that you get individuals who not only are required to have their knowledge tested but we are also required to create papers and postings that are evaluated by the IJCSA to prove that we understand our trade so that we can provide the best service to our customers and create instances where the IJCSA is proud to show the dedication they have to the industry and in every member that has earned the right to use the IJCSA logo for excellence in the janitorial services.

  • 20 Aug 2022 2:15 PM | Anthony Epps

    The topic regarding knowledge on bloodborne pathogens is a big risk to employees working as cleaners. Cleaning employees are very likely to come in contact with bodily fluid, which can spread disease to others unknowingly. PPE is extremely important for staff to wear, being given by the owner of the cleaning company. Universal precaution should always be use at all times, thinking that you may have a chance of being exposed to bloodborne pathogens.   

    In the event that staff comes into contact with bloodborne pathogens, staff should be PPE prepared and utilizes the training that they received to address the possible issues with bloodborne pathogens.

    Training for Bloodborne pathogens for staff should be a great help for staff to prepare for the unknown situations that may happen during one's shift. Not having trained staff is against the law and put a lot of people at risk for bloodborne pathogens and not being knowledgeable about how to clean and deal with the problems accordingly.

  • 20 Aug 2022 9:32 AM | Vincent Supernor

    Germs and viruses are common in every workplace. Every time you touch your desk, phone, door knob, keys etc. you are coming in contact with germs. there are different ways that germs can be spread. Direct contact infections spread when disease-causing microorganisms pass from the infected person to the healthy person via direct physical contact with blood or body fluids. Indirect contact transmission occurs when there is no direct human-to-human contact. Contact occurs from a reservoir to contaminated surfaces or objects, or to vectors such as mosquitoes,flies, mites, fleas, ticks, rodents or dogs. Wiping down high touch surfaces will help prevent the spread of germs and viruses. Practicing good hygiene will help prevent the spread. Practices that are generally considered proper hygiene include showering or bathing regularly, washing hands regularly (for 20 seconds or more)and especially before handling food, washing scalp hair, keeping hair short or removing hair, wearing clean clothing, brushing teeth, cutting finger nails, besides other practices. Germs and viruses are in every workplace. Bacteria counts are lowest at the beginning of the workday (because offices are often cleaned overnight), but it doesn't take long for germs to show up for work, too. As the day ramps up and more people touch more surfaces, the risk of coming in contact with bacteria goes up. there is no way to completely avoid germs and or viruses. you just have to do your best to prevent getting and spreading them.

    Learn More About Bloodborne Pathogens Here

  • 20 Aug 2022 8:57 AM | Robert&Tammy Harris

      Did you know your carpets warranty has fine print? This fine print will usually tell you what you can and can't clean with, along with preferred methods and how often it needs to be cleaned by a carpet cleaning professional. The IJCSA Certified Carpet Cleaning Professionals clean to a higher standard. Those spots that are wicking back to the surface a few days later or the traffic lanes that just won't go away. The IJCSA Certified Carpet Pros know how to approach these stubborn carpet issues with the right methods and carpet cleaning solutions.

      CONGRATULATIONS!  Your search is over. Relax and use the IJCSA CARPET CLEANING DIRECTORY and let the stress fade away.

  • 19 Aug 2022 11:36 PM | Anonymous

    The key advantages in hiring a cleaning person or company that that has passed the IJCSA RCS Certification is the standards of the company will be higher, the company will be using professional supplies, you will only pay for the services performed. They have the professional know how to remove allergens and using a certified person or company to service the home extends the overall life of the home. 

    A professional cleaning company certified by IJCSA will always have higher standards of cleaning than any other company as well as the customer. While some company will perform the basis of clean like brush up and organize the client’s residential home. A certified IJCSA professional house cleaning company will perform an even deeper clean. At IJCSA we are trained and certified to offer the best possible services.

    Another important factor is “Attention to detail” which is very important, if not performing this step on a daily basis you could end up with dust clinging to your baseboards or hiding under the couch. Fortunately for IJCSA certified owners we know where to look. We pay very close attention to detail to make sure your home is as clean as possible. Living a hectic life, you likely don’t have time for a deep clean. Hiring professionals will give you peace of mind that your home is thoroughly cleaned.

    IJCSA certified residential cleaning will always use better cleaning supplies, having the  right cleaning supplies can make a big difference when you’re trying to clean your home. Despite how hard you scrub or the different kind of cleaning solutions you do use, a professional IJCSA certified in residential cleaning will always have better supplies and we always use stronger cleaning solutions that aren’t available to the public. IJCSA professionals are also well-educated and experienced in their field. We have tips and routine procedures that will make sure your home is clean and immaculate. When you hire IJSCA professional cleaners, you will never have to worry about the team’s salary or benefits. You also don’t have to worry about vetting the employees. Instead, you’ll have the reassurance that the team is properly trained, qualified, and insured. Knowing that you will only be paying for their services will take time, money, and stress off your shoulders.

    Did you know that more than 50 million Americans are exposed to different allergens every year. In fact, allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the country. Different factors that can trigger allergies are dust mites, pollen, dander, and cockroaches breathing in these allergies can cause a scratchy throat, itchy watery eyes, coughing, and sneezing. Not properly cleaning dust throughout your home can cause allergy-related health issues that will get worse overtime, causing dust to buildup and making it an uncomfortable environment throughout your home. However, hiring a IJSCA cleaning service, you won’t have to worry about these dust mites attacking your home, and you can maintain a clean, healthy environment, that your entire family can enjoy. 

    Hiring a IJCSA cleaning company can maintain the furniture and surfaces throughout your home; and will increase your home’s lifespan. In order to protect your home from, you’ll want to take care of your wood flooring, fittings, fixtures, and your carpets. Adequate care can extend their lifespan. So instead of worrying about dust, mildew, or mold eating away at your home, a professional IJCSA cleaning company will keep everything clean. They even have carpet cleaning solutions that are compatible with different carpet fibers and dyes. Inclusion the benefits to hiring a IJCSA certified residential cleaning service will always be beneficial to any business but also we will go above and beyond on any residential cleaning requested by a client. 

  • 19 Aug 2022 12:38 AM | Anonymous

    There are many mold cleaning products out there but the one I have actually used in the past is the CLR Mold & Mildew cleaner, I’ve been using it for a few years now and I will say it does a good job on the tiles in bathrooms of course a decent size scrub is required lol; but with a little elbow grease if comes off very quickly just make sure to let the chemical set in for about 4 to 5 minutes giving the solution sometime to aggregate the surface and it comes off like magic! However, I am looking to find a better commercial solution. Any recommendations?

  • 19 Aug 2022 12:37 AM | Anonymous

    Are you experiencing mold problems in your home or business? Did you know that mold spores cannot even be seen with the naked eye? Not being able to see something that can potentially cause your family as well as your customers to get sick; can be costly to your family and business. But there’s a solution, here at IJCSA our certified Mold Specialist will work around the clock providing professional knowledge and technical experience so that your family and customers can be safe and healthy in any setting we provide service quality service whether business or home! Click on the link to get started today! Flood Damage Directory. 

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