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  • 07 Feb 2023 11:14 PM | Deleted user

    Customer service in the cleaning industry is quite unique. It means first and foremost, as the training video had mentioned, understanding your customers. This means, from a cleaning perspective, understanding the exact scope of what your customer is looking for to ensure the customer is satisfied. The second key, as mentioned in the customer service training video, is asking and receiving feedback on the cleaning. This is a very important aspect. Instead of waiting on customers to potentially complain about a cleaning issue, it is important to be proactive and seek feedback consistently to ensure that you are ahead of any potential issues.

    After reviewing the IJCSA Member Directory, I saw a couple companies that did a wonderful job of garnering feedback from their customers. The first company was JEROCA Cleaning. Based on their website, not only did they have an easy avenue for both current and potential future clients to contact them and send feedback, but they also displayed a few happy customer testimonials on their website. The second company that stuck out to me was South Florida Cleaning Concepts. Much like JEROCA Cleaning, feedback and positive testimonials were easy to find on the site. They also did a wonderful job of displaying their services and providing certain guarantees to the customer. 

    One thing my company implemented which proved to be very successful was to leave a QR code after each clean at each facility. This allows staff to walk in the next day, and if they see any spots that were potentially missed, to scan the QR code and leave feedback for our staff. This has proven to leave complete transparency between the customer and the ownership of the company. I then reach out specifically to each account to ensure that the customer feels heard and their concern is addressed.  

  • 07 Feb 2023 2:07 PM | Deleted user

    My name is Javier Velez Romero and I have been a member of IJCSA since 2017...

    Freaking the benefits of my first Master's Certification was at first difficult because I needed to gain experience merging it with my other certifications in job interviews and resume making,etc.

    Ever since then, I started reaching out to services at different places and companies that dealt first with showing off My Resume as a strong asset, filled with detailed job experience highlighting all the  skills and training ,learned soft skills(critical thinking...) and hard skills(hands on training).

    Along with the IJCSA Certification I carried along NYC Green Cleaning Certificates,OSHA Environmental Services Specialist,OSHA Construction Safety ,EPA and even Fumigation 7b , I relied on past work training experience. I met many others along the way that I had to take an immediate likening to;  to relate with on our general mission and purpose, seeking work experience and employment.

    The lingo and jargon, terms in the cleaning industry flowed on ever and ever forth along with training. The because of why proper PPE Gear all that we were advised and warned about happened just like it said in the training videos.

    I stay thankful to the IJCSA for providing me with my educational needs.

  • 07 Feb 2023 7:48 AM | Deleted user

    Carpet cleaning will be a central focus in my business. Carpet Cleaning is sanitary and adds to the value of a home when done properly. I plan to incorporate carpet cleaning services as an additive to my over all cleaning services to provide customers with a clean environment for enjoying the space that they live in. Clean carpet is an integral part of a clean home and without it you could be faced with all types of bacteria, germs, dirt and grim, which is the reason I want to provide my services.

    I plan to help all my customers come to enjoy the space they live in. Cleanliness is next to godliness as they say and I want my clients to feel as if their home is their heaven or haven of safety. Carpet cleaning excites me when it is done properly. I plan to use a vacumm always before I clean a home. Customers want the extra attention even if they are on a budget and cutting corners is not what I want my business to stand for. If its not "Pristine" its not clean!

    Find A IJCSA Carpet Cleaning Company Here

  • 06 Feb 2023 5:54 PM | Deleted user

    It is important for employees to know about bloodborne pathogens and how to handle material that may be contaminated. Adhering to methodologies like "Universal Precautions" and "Post Exposure Management" for the handling and disposing of contaminated materials can protect a company's employees from contracting bloodborne diseases like HIV and HBV.

    A cleaning company should have available Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and manuals for addressing any exposure to contaminates including immediate treatment instructions.  Having an understanding of the environment and the potential for exposure to risks can prevent illness and any other loss associated with the illness of an employee.

    A cleaning company that fails to inform and prepare its employees for exposure to contaminates potentially makes itself liable if employee contracts an illness while on the job.

  • 06 Feb 2023 4:56 PM | Deleted user

    The members of IJCSA know all and everything about great customer service. They know how important it is to meet their customers wants and needs when it comes to cleaning. Having a great customer service is very important when it comes to owning a cleaning business, because it leads to having customers wanting to back for their services.

    They aspire to have a great customer service which IJCSA members never fail to provide because they listen to their customers regardless of the situation, they put their clients and customers first. Most importantly the IJCSA members makes great customer service their priority.

    If you are looking for great customer service and cleaning services don’t hesitate to visit this link,

  • 05 Feb 2023 6:19 PM | Deleted user

    When you're inexperienced and you have dirty carpets at your business, yes it alright to find many products on the market.But inexperience is inexperience and you don't have the time to get it wrong- so it's always best to have professional carpet cleaners do the work for you.- especially certified IJCSA Carpet Cleaning Members.

    Please look up some in the Carpet Cleaning Directory on this IJCSA web site.

    Certified IJCSA Members have learned how to save you time and money improving on work quality and met standards to better increase the lifespan of your carpet. With all their training and equipment they're able to remove mold and mildew dirt and grime from your carpets and provide the assurance that the work was done.

  • 05 Feb 2023 9:48 AM | Deleted user

    The proper cleaning of healthcare facilities is a very important task. Medical facilities are entrusted to take care of patients but in actuality if improper cleaning was given could devastate the health of their clients.

      Proper cleaning is required to keep everyone in good health. Cleaning improperly or not cleaning at all would spread infectious diseases at a rapid rate.

  • 04 Feb 2023 11:09 PM | Deleted user

    Regardless of the type of facility, whether it is a clinic, warehouse, building or even a home, it must always be free of dirt, dust and disease. But are the cleaning procedures very different when it comes to medical, commercial or even residential buildings? A healthier environment, a better looking appearance, and a consistently clean facility.

    Maintaining a healthier environment in your office, medical facility, or industrial building is never an option. Frankly, it's necessary. Cleaning services also work to limit the risk of developing or spreading illnesses and infections. As a result, patients, employees and staff are less likely to contract illnesses and infections. From offices to hospital chains to public buildings, we employ professional cleaning services to create a healthy environment that meets or exceeds standards. From a well-organized office, healthcare facility, or home cleaning, a more representative appearance is essential. If it is a healthcare facility, it will improve patient satisfaction; If it is a residence, it will provide comfort to your family, loved ones, and visitors to the hospital.  

    In the face of COVID-19 and many other infectious diseases, consistently clean medical facilities, offices, or homes are key to keeping patients, staff, and families healthy. To achieve this, you need to hire a cleaning company with parameters and quality control measures that can consistently clean your facility. Having this in place not only prevents the spread of contagious diseases, it also keeps the environment clean and healthier.

  • 04 Feb 2023 9:53 PM | Albert Vonjoe

    It is difficult to define a great customer service without evoking the old saying..."the customer is king." So when we provide a product or service to the consumers, we are happy only when our customers are happy. As cleaning professionals, we must deliver great services from day one. So we know that we make that great first impression only once. Also, we know that there are serious competitors in the market place. And all the cleaning professionals at IJCSA keenly understand this idea.

    But what do you, the customer, get above and beyond into the future? You will received unsurpassed and Great Customer Service  from the IJCSA companies and the well-trained professionals who will run them. One major aspect of our customer service is scheduled periodic meetings with the customer's representative to review the level and quality of our services. We also notify the customer of any break down of fixtures in the building. We want to be your partner in keeping your guilding clean and safe in which to work.

  • 04 Feb 2023 12:36 AM | Deleted user

    The importance of understanding how vital the training of Bloodborne pathogens is that we can come into contact with these items ANYTIME. Having the knowledge and experience is crucial daily life. The average person does not regularly consider safety until an incident happens. Our job as Janitors is to keep all environments safe for the public. This is not just relative to medical spaces. Any public area is subject to being exposed to bloodborne pathogens.

    Keeping the staff safe and trained is a priority. Cleaning bathrooms, kitchens, and common areas can lead to exposure of pathogens. Keeping PPE (personal protective equipment) available is hugely important to stop any transmission of bacteria and viruses while cleaning the surface areas. Post pandemic, everyone has become more cognizant of transmission probabilities.

    When placing any cleaning staff in a workplace with OSHA standard training, you have educated the staff for safety and protection of themselves and the public. Taking the necessary precautions will forever be critical to the success of our company and keeping the public safe.

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