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Everyday Cleaning Chemicals-Small Changes Towards Green

13 Jan 2020 8:08 AM | Anonymous

Walking through a local grocery store one cant help but notice the changes that the major chain stores are making towards offering Greener options to almost everything. Stores are motivated by consumers sales and manufacturers price points. This leads me to assume that we are all buying smarter and healthier products everyday. This is very good news indeed, If the typical shopper only knew about the risks when using window cleaner or oven cleaner etc, would any of us ever buy it again? 

As the common family starts to move towards a safe and less toxic environment to live in I'm encouraged by the options being offered that are recycled or biodegradable. Many of the products that we come into contact with daily are toxic or known to cause cancer. Why would anyone pay for that type of exposure when we have safe options. The health risks are real, the effects are dangerous and deep down you know this. Every-time you hold your breath while cleaning the oven or put on gloves when washing the floor you know that this is something about that product that is harmful to your body.  

Its time to give something new a try. If you already haven't tried that new window cleaner that is refillable and is a reusable bottle maybe now is the time? I know that my housekeeper used it with some newspapers to wash the windows and I have never seen them SO clean! 

Did you know that 1/2 Cup of White Vinegar and a gallon of water is another wonderful window wash?  It also strips old wax off your floors and deodorizes. Vinegar is not the only pantry star that will change your cleaning life. Baking soda is laundry's best friend! Brighter, Whiter and smelling fresh Sodium Bicarbonate has been used for years to handle the washing. It is a great alternative to the synthetic laundry cleaners available that have harmful and toxic chemicals in them. 

People with sensitive skin recognize the threat and often are among the first to switch to a natural product. I know for me it was the birth of my Son. I wanted to make all his food myself from Raw fresh ingredients. I didn't want any chemicals to taint his little new body. This was a enormous and daunting task that I was not prepared for. While I was successful in some areas like laundry detergent, foods, shampoos etc. It was impossible for me to keep him away from harsh chemicals once I went back to work. In my small town, excellent daycare were limited and definitely not Green. 

I encourage all of you to join me in doing our part to limit our use of chemicals in our work and homes. Try taking baby steps and replace items as you run out of them. While at work find out what products are used to clean and make sure that they are safe for you and your co workers to use. Educate your coworkers on the benefits of going Green and removing the risk of toxic or dangerous chemicals in your workplace and in our homes.  

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