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Bloodborne Pathogen Training: Critical for all cleaning contractors

20 Apr 2020 4:17 PM | Deleted user

Bloodborne Pathogen training (BBP) is a critical training module for all contract cleaning companies with possible exposure to BBP.  It involves several phases:

  • Hazard identification 
  • Training
  • Documentation
  • Post exposure followup

All contractors must identify possible exposures to BBP.  These can include, but are not limited to, trash handling, hazardous waste handling, and contact with bodily fluids.  As all firms will most likely have contact with any of these situations, the need for having a BBP plan is critical.  Failure to comply can result in employee illness and possible fines from OSHA.  Said training must be done upon an employee being hired and annually thereafter. Training is to be provided at no cost to the employee and during the employee's regular work hours.

All employees receiving the training must be offered the Hepatitis B vaccine at no cost to them.  The vaccine involves three vaccinations over a specific time period. 

BBP training must be documented.  The employee can refuse the vaccinations.  All refusals must be declined in writing with a copy saved in a specific section of the employees file.

In case of an exposure incident, the specifics of the incident must be documented and recorded on the OSHA workplace injury and illness form. Documentation must also include the nature and cause of the exposure.  The employee is also offered follow up medical care, including prophylactic treatment, testing, and counseling.  Additionally, where the source of the exposure is identified, said source may be tested for infection.  Consent is necessary.


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