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  • 09 Oct 2022 11:46 AM | Darnell Gooch

    Janitors and cleaning staff play a huge role in our daily lives by providing a healthy environment by preventing the spread of pathogens, improving indoor air quality, and maintaining a pleasing aesthetic. Keeping spaces clean, organized, safe and hygienic is what my business services excels at the best.

    Cleanliness is always a plus to every establishment. A place kept clean gives any customer the idea that the owner of the establishment as well as the janitorial services provider, always sees to it that everything is well-maintained.

    These janitors help provide a sustainable working environment. Working in a clean environment can help you think clearly because the working area is organized and clean. Seeing all the mess on your working won’t help you think clearly, it will only add up to the stress that you are feeling.

    find other fellow Janitors/Custodians at

  • 09 Oct 2022 10:20 AM | Deleted user

    In order to obtain the Green Cleaning Certification, it is necessary that you look for a certifying company or association. We, at Win Services, recommend the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association ( Certification in Green Cleaning which brings our company a unique opportunity and a fundamental role in the dissemination of concepts and in the practical demonstration of how to conduct daily activities in a sustainable way. We are aware that conventional cleaning products often contain petrochemicals, solvents, acidic or corrosive components. After the adhesion of our company to Green Cleaning, we are much more satisfied with the results, as today we have an increase in product durability, product profitability, reduction of pollution on the planet, reduction in waste generation, faster and more efficient processes.

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Companies Here

  • 09 Oct 2022 6:17 AM | Deleted user

    There are many benefits to having a green cleaning program built in to your business model. For starters, being green aware is going to significantly decrease the exposure that you and your employees have to toxic chemicals. A positive byproduct to that is going to be the improved overall health of your team. You will have to worry less about possible asthma attacks/lung problems, developing cancers, and the myriad of other harmful effects that chemical exposure has on the body. That also means that your team will be missing fewer work days, insurances costs will decline, and morale will be boosted. So, not only is it good for you and your team but it is also good for your business as a whole.

    The second part is that being green is also extraordinarily good for the environment and the planet in general. Being green conscious, using the proper cleaning agents, and the right techniques provides huge benefits in that it improves the quality of the air we breathe, it still effectively controls the spread of germs/bacteria, and does far less damage to very sensitive portions of nature that we depend deeply on such as our water tables.

    That is a only a couple of reasons showing the importance of instituting a green cleaning solution as part of your business.

  • 08 Oct 2022 10:40 PM | Gregory Pierce

    Why use a IJCSA certified professional?

    Why you might ask, well because you want your carpet to look new; don't you?  When it comes to cleaning your carpets there are lots of different things to consider.  First, what type of carpet do I have?  When was the last time my carpet was professionally cleaned?  What types of wear and tear exist on my carpet?  All of these questions can be answered by a trained professional and are also very key to in getting the results you are looking for.

    The types of soil and stains you have will dictate what cleaning methods your carpet pro will use.  Taking your time, using the proper methods and solutions always provide the best look.  We all know how important our carpet is to the overall look and design of our space so getting it to look it's best after a deep cleaning is what we pay for.  Go to the IJCSA carpet cleaning directory today and find a certified pro for your next carpet cleaning project!

  • 08 Oct 2022 3:14 PM | Anonymous

    Training and readings, it has been consistently stated residential facilities are high-risk grounds for germs and infectious diseases. Staff and employees and visitors are at risk of exposure and the spread potential infection.

    Here now America facing a crisis with a virus called COVID-19, which is a virus that causes respiratory illness in people and is extremely contagious. Symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath and diarrhea are somethings that are showing of symptoms. We have the CDC here everyday trying to help eliminate and avoid the outbreak. Residential and or healthcare facilities each should be following universal precautions, each and every job should be looked at as infectious. So we are forced to daily do so with social distancing and having gloves and mask which all come under the term PPE. We are also pushed to being on shutdown to a certain Things, Stores, basically everything. 

  • 07 Oct 2022 11:02 PM | Deleted user

    In todays world thousands of janitorial services are hard at work trying to curb the spread of Covid-19. We at EDA have been in the deep cleaning and biohazard remediation industry for thirty years and find that more and more clients are looking for Green solutions in trying to disinfect their spaces at work and at home.

    By implementing an array of Seventh generation products out of Vermont we have increased sales and brought on more clients that are satisfied and happy to use our services.

  • 06 Oct 2022 11:06 AM | Deleted user

    Cleaning employees and staff are very important day to day in the working industry.Their job entails keeping Hospitals, Government Buildings, Residences and alot of working places free from deteriorating especially from hazardous waste and pollution.Day by day more professionals in this field are needed.

    Cleaning employees and staff such as Custodians, Janitors, Hospital and Residential Aides and  Nurse Assistants all must be well-trained in proper universal precautions(Universal Precautions are established by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommending that blood and other bodily fluids from all patients be considered potentially infectious and that infection control be taken to minimize the risk of exposure.This is the approach taken by OSHA in Bloodborne Standard) and dispose of all applicable local,state and federal regulations for infectious waste disposal.

    It is a proud job description that of cleaning employees have from many venues in the working industry. OSHA(Occupational Safety and Health Association) regulates many laws and regulations for said workers so that they can take the time to learn more about the OSHA Bloodborne Standard (Guidelines to help eliminate exposure whether when coming in contact with someone's blood or body fluids, getting rid of trash, doing laundry, cleaning and removing spills and blood or cleaning up after a child to prevent serious illness or death from contamination).

  • 06 Oct 2022 9:20 AM | Deleted user

    In my current job (Maintenance - Janitorial/Custodial), I find that having knowledge of a lot of things can be tedious, but working with bodily fluids, even blood, to be essential to protect myself and others.

    Wearing PPE is a must, as well as being able to use disinfectants and antiseptics. My job requires all employees to learn about bloodborne pathogens to make sure everyone is safe, and it's constantly reported, as we don't want someone getting something like HBV, HCV, or HIV.

    I find it extremely important, not just only as a safety precaution for myself, but my partner as well as they are immunocompromised, but so that way they protect themselves as well, and we can determine what happened. Without such, the spread of certain things would potentially be much greater and could cause harm outside of our workplace.

  • 05 Oct 2022 7:31 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    Hurricane IAN UPDATES - You are not alone! We are here to help! Free estimates & financing available. IJCSA Certified Members are your first call for Hurricane Ian flood damage. Find Flood Damage Services Here

  • 04 Oct 2022 7:32 PM | Deleted user

    Are you looking for next-level professionalism. customer service and respected business ethics in the janitorial and cleaning service industry? Then you've come to the right place! Here at Stay Sew Clean, LLC we are members of the IJCSA. As such we agree to the following mission:

    • Excellent customer service
    • Professional attitude and education
    • Safety first mentality
    • Superior work ethics

    We can't help it, we are trained and certified by the best to give the best service to our clients. With the help of IJCSA and its members, we strive to grow continuously while maintaining the highest approved standards. We set the bar on Client-first customer service!

    IJCSA Members including Stay Sew Clean, LLC know that great customer service is a priority. We provide a variety of cleaning services such as light, deep, green cleaning and Covid-19 sanitization services.

    If you want to find more IJCSA Member certified cleaners, please click here.

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