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  • 07 Aug 2022 2:20 PM | Anonymous

    It is imperative that all cleaning employees and staff are educated about the importance of preventing the spread of bloodborne pathogens in the workplace. Acknowledging and remembering to follow the PPE ( personal protective equipment) policies when handling and cleaning up any exposures to body fluids and sharp objects are a must.

    When removing the protective equipment, always wash your hands with cleaner immediately. Always properly decontaminate surfaces and disinfect all equipment and materials used for cleanup. This will help limit exposure. If you think you've been exposed to a bloodborne pathogen, inform your supervisor and physician immediately.

    These are a few ways to reduce or eliminate these hazards of occupational exposure to your worksite.The "best defense is a thorough offense".

  • 07 Aug 2022 1:26 PM | Deleted user

    Bloodborne Pathogens are serious and life threatening diseases, therefore knowledge of these pathogens is absolutely vital for cleaning business' and employees. Pathogens such Hep B, HIV and AIDS are very dangerous and can be life threating, knowledge of these pathogens as well as comprehension of necessary PPE and safety procedures is essential to both employees and staff alike in order to keep all involved safe and protected. Bloodborne pathogens are capable of spreading through contact with the nose, mouth or any opening on the skin for example a cut. The CDC created the "Universal Precaution" approach. Which recommends that all blood or bodily fluids from patients should be considered infectious. This is the approach OSHA has taken in the Bloodborne Standard. 

    The Universal Precaution approach states that, laundry that has been soiled by blood or bodily fluids can be color-coded if the laundry is handled with Universal Precaution. Labels and color-coding must be clear to allow all employees know that Universal Precaution is required. If the laundry is sent to a location that does not use Universal Precaution then the bags must be clearly labeled and color-coded red or orange.  PPE is crucial to using Universal Precaution effectively. Failure to use proper PPE can result in injury which could lead to an infection from a bloodborne pathogen. 

    Bloodborne pathogens are serious illnesses that should be addressed quickly and seriously. An example of a bloodborne pathogen is HBV, HBV can cause liver disease, inflames and damages the liver and can even cause cancer later on. If an employee suspects they have been exposed to HBV the HBV vaccine must be made free for the employee. After completing bloodborne pathogen training those who can be exposed at work daily should be vaccinated after training. Employees should also vaccinated within 10 days of assignment.  Another example of a bloodborne pathogen is HIV contraction of HIV can often lead to contraction of AIDS. Which is a life-threatening disease. Symptoms of HIV may not appear until years later. Employers should keep a written plan of what to do in the situation of a potential exposure. OSHA requires specific documents from the employer, and your employer must hold the records for 3 years after the exposure. 

    Bloodborne pathogens are very serious and can often be life-threating to employees and staff alike. The best way to avoid exposure to these is through the Universal Precaution approach. All employees and staff require knowledge of Universal Precaution in order to stay safe. 

  • 07 Aug 2022 1:11 PM | Que Gordon

    Mold is one thing that you do not want to see growing in your home or business. It is caused when moisture is allowed to remain in an area for an extended period of time. The effects of the mold can span from structural to health issues for you and your family.

    It is important to have mold testing by International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association - Flood Damage & Restoration ( team, this will help you see what kind of mold that is residing in your home or business.

    Mold is a destructive force that can do a-lot damage if left untreated, it can harm you even if you do not see it or know that it is there.

    After all, no one wants to look at a brunch of mold in the corner and wonder if their health risk because no one is treating the problem. All it takes is a phone call to your mold specialist.

  • 07 Aug 2022 12:17 PM | Que Gordon

    The mold business is usually an invisible one. It's rarely talked about or referenced outside of particular gruesome growth. Few people even think about it unless they absolutely have to. But just because mold isn't a sensational topic doesn't mean it's not a legitimate business. Mold can occur at anytime, anywhere, and it needs to be dealt with as quickly as possible. Those who want to get ahead in this competitive world should consider offering a service that everyone can take advantage of.

    Whether you're a first-time business owner or a seasoned entrepreneur, mold remediation is an industry that checks off practically every box a hopeful mogul could want. It may not have the glamour of other professions, but it's one of the more secure careers you can choose for yourself. Removing mold isn't like installing marble countertops. Luxury items can easily be discarded when the economy takes a turn for the worst, but mold is a serious health risk that no homeowner or commercial business can ignore.

    The longer mold grows unchecked, the more likely it is that residents will become seriously ill. In some cases, they can develop chronic health problems that are severe enough to cause death. It's just one of the many reasons why mold remediation is a recession- proof industry, one that's big profits for those who recognize the opportunities.

  • 06 Aug 2022 3:05 PM | Ana Gonzalez

    For us as a company, it is important that our clients feel safe that whoever is providing them with the service is qualified to do it always with a smile and love to do it.

    Our clients are our responsibility that there is an interaction between them and us, offering them a good quality of work, with all the necessary requirements since we are with them with our presentation that is kindness, smile, honesty, etc.

    Although our services is to maintain everything well in terms of cleanliness, and security... they also refer us because for the company it is important that the client feels satisfied and sure that we are professionals in what we do.

  • 06 Aug 2022 6:50 AM | Deleted user

    Bloodborne Pathogens are all over the place and can be easy be transmitted from person to person or surface to surface. That is why we shall always take extra precaution to prevent the transmission. From thoroughly cleaning surfaces to watching how we compact the trash. 

    When staff and employees are properly trained, they can help prevent the spread of infectious diseases. There are many ways one can become in contact with a bloodborne pathogen. direct contact is one way that you can get an infectious disease the other is through bodily fluids.

    By following the Rules placed by the CDC and OSHA we as an employee and employer can prevent the spread. With proper training we can have a healthier and safer work environment. 

  • 06 Aug 2022 12:57 AM | Lena Wind

    It has never been more obvious than now, with the current pandemic situation, that we cannot take for granted cleaning procedures or protocols. We must be vigilant in developing a thorough offensive plan. This plan must include a clear understanding of what a pathogen is and what is required to develop a defensive and strategic plan. This plan should outline clearly, proper practices, handling of areas and transportation of contaminated items.

    The first step is understanding that pathogens are presented in human blood and that they can cause serious and deadly diseases in humans. Exposure to these pathogens happen when they come into contact with mucus membranes such as the nose, mouth, or open cuts or breaks in skin.  This exposure can occur from blood, vomit, and saliva. Diseases such as HBV, Hepititus, HIV can be contracted from such exposure. This is why, a Universal Precaution Approach must be seriously adhered to.

    OSHA requires that the Universal Approach should be clearly outlined and posted at each work site. It is imperative that it be followed. Should contamination occur Specific documentation must be submitted. This also requires records to be kept for 3 years. If an employee is exposed, they must know that the first thing they should do is immediately report it to their supervisor and notify their physician.  The employee should be made aware of potential symptoms such as fatigue, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and light color stools.  Remember the Best Defense is a Thorough Offense.

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  • 05 Aug 2022 10:53 PM | Jony Kosman

    Great customer service is making sure the customer is happy, comfortable, feel valuable and heard. A great customer service is crucial to the success of any business especially the cleaning business. A great customer service has many steps to it. It all starts by listening to the customer, making sure you pay full attention to what the problem or complaint is, maintain eye contact and a smile. Then repeat to the customer to confirm you understood the problem and to let them know that you were actually listening. Then you apologize for the bad experience they had and you explain to them how you will solve the problem. After you agree with them on how you will solve the problem, thank them for the feedback and tell them how much you appreciate them reaching out to you and letting you know. 

    This is what members of the IJCSA are known for and do best. They are trained on customer service and how to provide a professional service that meets the customer's expectations and needs. They understand how important it is for their business. Great customer service puts the customer first and helps their business grow through referrals and great reviews. 

    Here you can find a directly list for all the members:

  • 05 Aug 2022 12:10 PM | Robert&Tammy Harris

      A properly cleaned healthcare facility is very important. Whether it is an Urgent Care, Doctors Office, or what most of us instantly think when we hear healthcare facility, a Hospital. These may be different in purpose but they have one thing in common, they can all harbor dangerous germs, viruses and bacteria. If not cleaned properly it can put it's occupants at great risk and you at a great risk while visiting these facilities. The cleaning companies found on the IJCSA JANITORIAL SERVICES DIRECTORY know how to keep you protected.

      HAI's or (Hospital Associated Infections) are often thought of as an infection received while in a hospital, but these HAI's can be anywhere in a healthcare facilities network. If you go to a doctor's office or an urgent care and expose an open wound you could get an infection from a surface that hasn't been cleaned properly.

      Using the correct method to clean these facilities will greatly reduce HAI's in healthcare settings. Cleaning from dry to wet, top to bottom and least contaminated to most contaminated. Following these steps while using the correct method and hospital approved disinfectants will eliminate cross contamination and remove the dangerous germs, viruses and bacteria. When cleaned properly in between patients or at night by the cleaner, it protects both the occupants and patients. Medical cleaning certified companies can be found here.

  • 05 Aug 2022 9:39 AM | Dave Harting

    Everyday cleaning supplies often have toxic chemicals in them. While they are not obvious in the ingredients, these chemicals can cause irritation in the lungs, eyes, and throat. In those whose health is high risk, it creates additional problems and may exacerbate their symptoms. This creates an environment that is unsafe in both households and businesses. 

    Harmful chemicals not only affect humans, but also our outdoor surroundings. Everyday chemicals may contain VOC's, which can have a significant impact on the ozone. As these chemicals become airborne, using them will affect the outdoor world. The environment that we live in should be protected. By choosing safer options to clean, we can avoid sending toxic substances into our air.

    Rather than continue to use harmful chemicals in our cleaning procedures, switching to natural green products would improve a company's reputation. As the company uses more natural products, other clients would see the attention and effort put into the health and safety of both clients and employees. As a company uses natural products, the ease of mind for employees allows them to perform better in their work. This increases the welfare of the company and in turn comes with added benefits.

    Furthermore, natural cleaning products benefits both the health of others and the health of our planet. We can take a proactive stance for health and welfare by using green products while also not compromising on the quality of the product. It has been shown that natural cleaning products have the same or better performance than everyday cleaning chemicals.

    By using natural cleaning products, the company can benefit from improved health of employees, a proper stance on environment welfare, and a good reputation. Instead of using generic cleaning products and affecting others, a company can switch to green products and still get the same quality that they had. This results in a more well rounded, self-aware company.

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