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  • 07 Feb 2021 8:54 PM | Deleted user

    Bloodborn Pathogen Protection 

        Bloodborn Pathogens are infectious microorganisms in human blood that can cause diseases in humans. Limiting exposure to bloodborn pathogens with the proper personal protection equipment and practices is essential to the health and quality of life of yourself and your employees. 
        To protect yourself and your employees, always make sure you have taken the proper precautions to limit exposure such as wearing gloves, wearing safety glasses and masks. Make sure any cuts or openings in your skin aren’t open to come in contact with harmful bloodborn pathogens. Never reuse sponges or cloths that have been in contact with bloodborn pathogens. Make sure soiled laundry is handled with care, and placed in the proper color coordinated biohazard bag. Make sure gloves are disposed of in the biohazard bag. Never compact trash as it could contain needles or other materials contaminated with bodily fluid. Make sure to wash hands and sterilize all cleaning equipment after handling the cleanup of blood and other bodily fluids. 
       Should exposure to bloodborn pathogens occur, look to your company’s OSHA Exposure Control Plan. Make sure to contact your manager and physician. 
       Keeping yourself, and employees safe by limiting exposure and handling bloodborne pathogens with care is necessary for the health and well being of yourself and employees. 

  • 07 Feb 2021 10:48 AM | Gracie Gonzales

    Some companies do not realize just how important good customer service is to improve their businesses. For my own business, my customer service depends on customer satisfaction. It is very important for me that all of my customers are happy with the services provided. 

    I am a small business owner. I do not have an employees that I employ. Therefore, I am the only one who enters the client's home. My main focus is residential cleaning services. When I enter a home, I make sure to clean the home as if I were cleaning my home. Every detail of cleanliness is essential. 

  • 07 Feb 2021 10:26 AM | INDIA HATTER

    The mission at IJCSA is to provide top certified janitorial cleaning companies with exceptional customer service training, to serve commercial and residential customers. The members of IJCSA possess 3 important qualities of customer service those being the ability to communicate effectively with customers, managing stress of serving multiple clients and/or customers, and knowledge of products and types of services suitable for customers needs.

    Customers like to feel reassured about whom they allow into their business and/or residence. Here at IJCSA, we can say with confidence, it is our members priority to know the industry from beginning to end. Therefore, the qualities our members possess every customer should consider when searching for reliable cleaning company. At IJCSA, we pride ourselves on providing members with the certifications, product knowledge and excellent customer service.

    Click here for our Business Directory

  • 06 Feb 2021 1:04 PM | Deleted user

    It is important for cleaning employees and staff to be made aware of bloodborne pathogens and learn how to safely work in an environment with potential exposure.

    The first step is to educate employees and staff about bloodborne pathogens by making them aware that bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms such as viruses or bacteria that are carried in blood and can cause diseases in people if contact is made. It is also important to review the different ways in which a person could come in contact with a bloodborne pathogen.

    The next step is to provide the tools they need to reduce or eliminate occupational hazards such as PPE and proper instruction, including how to use and dispose of properly.

    The final step is to have an OSHA exposure control plan to be followed in the event of a potential exposure, as well as direct employees and staff to consult a physician immediately and watch for symptoms.

    A successful cleaning company heavily relies on employees and staff.  Keeping them healthy and safe should be a top priority.

  • 06 Feb 2021 7:52 AM | Anonymous

    When you think of a hospital, typically the first thoughts that come to mind is "sick", "patients", "disease", or even "emergency." While this may not be true for everyone, they all revolve around PEOPLE; people carry bacteria and germs. The only way for germs and bacteria to be in a healthcare facility is through people. Healthcare facilites tend to have a lot of traffic when it comes to the "sick," "diseased," or the like, most of which are not necessarily thinking about the germs and bacteria they are carrying. 

    Having a trained janitorial staff to clean, sanitize and most importantly disinfect surfaces and areas is most important in healthcare facilities. This is the only way to help prevent and kill germs and bacteria from spreading in the healthcare facility. It is also important to have a hospital-grade disinfectant because it's been approved by the EPA to both kill germs, bacterium and spores and to be the best use in healthcare facilities.

    Should we choose to not properly clean healthcare facilities, we may as well begin injecting bacteria and diseases into the general public. Just as crazy as that sounds, that's what we are ultimately doing in healthcare facilities if they are not properly cleaned; it's the fastest way to transfer disease and germs. Patients come to healthcare facilities to get better, visitors come to support their loved ones in their recovery. Properly cleaning healthcare facilities will assist in both of those things.

  • 05 Feb 2021 7:42 AM | Anonymous

    It's of great importance that cleaning company and employees to learn about bloodborne pathogens and potential exposure in work environments. This is so important because it could directly affect the employee's attentiveness to his or her surrounding at work and home and makes him or her aware of the potential consequences of cleaning carelessly and not according to training. Potentially working in these in environments could be safely accomplished if you follow the necessary safety precautions.

    The precautions can not be practiced if we don't first educate ourselves on said practices. Secondly, we must use the ppe provided for our safety correctly,but also dispose of ppe properly as well. Lastly, we need to have a plan in place for the unfortunate event that we are exposed, in according to OSHA standards.

    In order for any employee to remain healthy and safe, they must follow the precautions and guidelines implemented by OSHA. its important for cleaning companies to teach their employees these steps to ensure the business operates safely, but more importantly, that the employees stay healthy, on and off the job.


  • 04 Feb 2021 9:36 PM | Herbert Simmons

    Hello there, 

    I recently seen that you were looking for a good cleaning company, that could bring your dreams into a reality. Look no further, here at IJCSA we treat all of our customers with love and respect, and our objective is to make your need(s), our priority. From our warm greeting with a smile, all the way to the finishing touches of our phenomenal service, we are here for you. Weather you use http://www.spread or you are Guaranteed to receive the Best service, which gives the best results, and customer service that could give chic fil a a run for their money. Here at IJCSA we understand that great customer service skills, is the greatest asset to any successful company.

  • 04 Feb 2021 10:25 AM | Martha Wilson

    Consider going green! This is a healthier option for both you and your family and better living on earth. Not only will you be able to sleep better at night knowing your doing your part to curb the amount of harmful chemicals being released into the atmosphere. you'll also be contributing to a healthier living and working environment.

    When you switch to green-ony cleaning products, you won't be breathing in anymore icky chemicals.

    Eco-friendly products can help to improve you over all indoor air quality and can contribute to reducing certain health risk' such as chemical poisoning , skin irritation, and eye and respiratory infections, just to name a few green cleaners are not corrosive and must meet strict guidelines toxicity  and skin absorption.

  • 04 Feb 2021 3:27 AM | Anonymous

    As a 20 year member of Law Enforcement I understand the importance for you and your employees to have a vast knowledge about how to deal with bloodborne pathogens. First thing the employees should know is what is a bloodborne pathogen and its effects.


    Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms in the human blood that can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B, C and HIV.

    Employees should follow all safety protocol that include wearing gloves, eye protection and protective clothing. Employees should also follow universal precautions and treat all blood as contaminated. Always wash hands and avoid splashing. If not you could affect yourself and your closest friends and family by exposing them to bloodborne pathogens.


    There is no doubt, that in our culture of today custodians and janitors are looked down upon, scorned and sometimes undervalued and overlooked. Have you ever thought of the reason behind this? I believe it is the wrong way to look at custodians and janitors.

    Their work is extremely important to other people’s lives unless you wish to be in public places that are filthy, which I’m sure you do not. Janitorial work allows for that same community to use restrooms, walk around freely and enjoy their stay without the negative thoughts on the place being dirty. 

    There is one main reasons as to why janitorial work and the people who do that for a living are just as important as any other working human being. The number one reason is because janitors and custodians work to serve others. Their jobs are important to meet the needs of others through cleanliness. Every public facility, public restrooms, work offices, hospitals and hotels, and restaurants to name a few, need janitorial services. Without them, there would be a lot of disgusting buildings and the rise of infections, diseases and pathogens will overtake our spaces, similar to what COVID-19 has presented to us here in 2020.

    While many janitorsmay use custodial cleaning as a side job or a main job, cleaning is an essential service whether it is done in your home, or otherwise, you must have known growing up how to clean at the minimum. Custodial services however presents opportunities to learn, grow and serve others so we can all be clean. During the covid-19 pandemic, I believe that a new found respect for cleaners have been born into recognition. That I am grateful for, the understanding of the importance of janitors and custodians. To find out more about great janitorial services you may visit our page at Pro Kleen Ltd. for more details.


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