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  • 01 Feb 2021 7:37 AM | Deleted user

    Prior to taking these certifications I really didn't realize how uneducated I was. There is so much criteria to learn and must know in order to properly and efficiently clean a business.

    For instance, you can not just walk into a medical office and assume to just wipe down, vacuum and mop. No! Doesn't work that way. What if there was blood spills? What happens god forbid you were throwing out the trash and there was an improper syringe that placed in there, now all of a sudden you get stuck by it? Would you know the protocol on what to do? You have to understand that everything even if unseen in a medical facility is contaminated. 

    Now let's look at products... We tend to think we can use whatever to clean, long as I gets the job done and smells great right? Wrong! So many of our cleaning products we use today are so harmful to our health and environment. Extremely toxic in ways you would not be educated in unless you were taught about it. 

    Then you have the issue that rises about safety equipment.. How do we protect ourselves? Are goggles necessary? Should I always use a mask? Do I need gloves even just to dust? The answer to all these questions is yes... A hundred times yes! You are protecting yourself in so many different ways. Breathing all those chemicals, and dust, and even germs in consistently is nothing light on your health.

    IJCSA has educated me in more ways I could have expected. Being in charge of the sanitation and upkeep of ones business/office/home is very crucial and should always be taken with proper precautions for the benefit and safety of everyone.


    Properly cleaning health care facilities are very important because they prevent us as janitorial professionals to not take home any diseases or pathogens with us.

    There are so many different nurses and doctors seeing and treating patients on a daily basis in an average hospital, especially during the pandemic of COVID-19– germs are sure to be a great issue.

    Due to the increased risk of infection from blood or other pathogenic matters, The OSHA act is sure to maintain strict cleaning  standards for all health care facilities. Based on a study by the CDC, it is found to have over 1.2 million people that contract illnesses in hospital based environments.

    Therefore in order to reduce this contamination, health care cleaning is and must be done with the greatest precautions. You may use This janitorial firm to get access to cleaning any health facility.

    Thank you

  • 31 Jan 2021 12:59 AM | Deleted user

    I'm sure you've tried it on your own, we all have! But here at IJCSA our carpet cleaning technicians are thoroughly trained and well versed in what products, tools and techniques to get the job done properly. We strive for customer satisfaction. If you're looking for your next great experience with carpet cleaning check out out directory you won't regret it!

  • 30 Jan 2021 3:25 PM | Deleted user

    Here at IJCSA our goal within customer service is to provide exceptional in depth customer service training, Giving each member of our customer service team great communication and understanding, while valuing the customer/clients time providing knowledgeable and resourceful resources.


    IJCSA provide excellent janitorial services, ensuring they have excellent customer service training within their industry. enabling them to answering and dealing with any concerns or enquires the customer/clients may have. Therefore it is safe to say we provide excellent customer service training with the highest standard and excellence. 

    Click the link below for Janitorial Services/Directories

  • 29 Jan 2021 11:34 AM | Deleted user

    There are many benefits to being a green clean certified company. In my opinion, the most important reasons are; employee health, environment responsibility, increased productivity and an attractive marketing feature.

    Employee health is a major concern.  Especially since the cleaning industry exposes workers to harsh toxic chemicals.  Many chemicals have been shown to cause damage such as nerve damage, liver damage, reduced memory and concentration, and increased risk of cancer and many other diseases.  Substituting natural based cleaning products for toxic chemicals reduces these health risks.

    Preserving our environment is a priority here at RAVA Commercial Cleaning.  We love our earth and feel it is our personal responsibility to take good care of it.  Cleaning Green takes away the guilt of polluting our land, water and air.  Using green approved products ensures they will break down easily leaving behind less damage to the environment. Besides the reduced use of harsh chemicals, eliminating waste and recycling is a part of our daily routine.

    Every business owner is aware of productivity.  By keeping staff healthy, productivity naturally increases.  When your staff is not struggling with "brain fog" and other toxic overload side effects, they are able to think clearly and have more energy thus reducing call offs and increasing productivity.

    Increased information on dangerous toxins has made the general population more aware of the harmful effects of such substances. Customers who value the green cleaning standards are much more likely to choose a cleaning company that aligns itself with those same values. Being green clean certified gives you a "leg up" over your competitors. Please refer to IJCSAs Green Cleaning Directory

  • 29 Jan 2021 11:25 AM | Deleted user

    As the president of Spongies Cleaners, LLC. my primary commitment to residential and workplace owners was to offer a professional cleaning service that would bring them peace of mind. The reason is, I kept on listening that their cleaning services were just plain horrible. They don’t do what they promised, they aren’t dependable, there isn’t enough effort from cleaners, and cleaning techs did not have a good attitude. As time passed by, I managed to create a professional cleaning service that created solutions to their problems, but I always felt it was not enough. Something was missing. That something was promoting accurately a Green Cleaning service. I would invest my time to do research on Green Cleaning, but I was unsure if I really mastered it. That’s where the IJCSA came along.


    IJCSA mission is to promote professionalism and business ethics in the janitorial and cleaning services industry. After reviewing the IJCSA, I made the first step to become a member, so I can still maintain my primary commitment, and that is to offer the best professional cleaning service, so my customers can have a peace of mind knowing that our services are safe and healthy for their health’s, but also for the environment. One of the benefits of being an IJCSA member is that they offer a Green Cleaning Certificate, which happened to be the missing important component that I was looking for my cleaning services. The Green Cleaning Certificate offered by the IJCSA taught me that old practices were harmful, and that new innovative and sustainable cleaning method of Green Cleaning was the right practice for the well being of my environment and for my clients.


    Upon completing the Green Cleaning Certificate, the next step from me is to provide education and training to my staff. They will be introduced to why old practices, and cleaning chemicals are harmful, and will introduce to my staff the harmful ingredients that can impair their health but can damage our environment too. Once the information is digested, we will apply the Green Cleaning method to our projects. Meanwhile, I will make sure to have staff meetings on Mondays to repeat the practices of Green Cleaning, and make sure to ask questions from my staff if they have any problems understanding or applying the Green Cleaning method. Depending on the results of my process, I will decide if I will need a semiannual or annual training refresher, to guarantee that my staff is well trained on the method of Green Cleaning, so they can successfully carry out their daily tasks.

  • 29 Jan 2021 11:00 AM | Deleted user

    Todays homeowners and business owners are looking for cleaning methods that are environmentally friendly and help preserve human health. The cleaning method that is innovative and sustainable to human health and to our environment is Green Cleaning. Green Cleaning does not use cleaning products that contain ingredients that are harmful to our health and environment but use cleaning products that are found in nature and do not have any harmful consequences when used. The reason why consumer perception is demanding for more Green Cleaning methods is because the “old method” of using cleaning chemicals risk their health and the environment.


    When cleaning chemicals first came out, many households were relieved because that meant for them that they would not need to do any excessive work for hours to remove stains and grime from tiles, grout, backsplash, sink and bathroom surfaces. It was a huge relief back then knowing that you would apply a cleaning chemical and you would have immediate results with no effort. However, little did consumers know that these cleaning chemicals were harmful to the environment and to their health. Studies have shown that the average American home can be found 63 synthetic chemical products can be found, which equals to 10 gallons of hazardous chemicals.   


    Many household consumers and business owners are using cleaning chemicals without their knowledge that these products can harm their families, employees, and client’s health and environment. The reason is because they are not educated properly or have no specialization of which cleaning product is safe or harmful to them. One harmful cleaning product that is commonly found in households and businesses is chlorine. Chlorine is an extremely toxic chemical, and it has toxic affects on living organisms, and when it comes in contact with organic materials, it can create hazardous and carcinogenic toxins such as trihalomethanes and chloroform, and organochlorines. In addition, chlorine and chlorinated compounds can cause damage to our atmospheric ozone. This chemical is commonly found in laundry bleach, dishwasher detergent, tub, and tile cleaners. Furthermore, heavy duty degreasers and deodorizers use aromatic hydrocarbons, which are highly carcinogenic, and can contaminate air and groundwater. Although these cleaning chemicals can clean surfaces with little effort, it does it with a great cost to our environment and to our health. That is why there is an emerging demand for better cleaning practices such as Green Cleaning.


    As previously mentioned, Green Cleaning is the preferred method of cleaning as it doesn’t cause any harmful affects to our eco-system and to our health. There are many natural green products and items that can clean surfaces such as: baking soda, unscented soap that do not contain petroleum distillates, lemon, borax, vinegar, cornstarch, and isopropyl alcohol to name a few. These products when used do not create any toxic fumes, do not dry or harm your skin, nor do they cause any harmful affects to our ecosystem. These items are highly recommended if someone wants to practice green cleaning to protect their communities and environment.


    After reviewing the harmful affects of cleaning products, and to the benefits of using natural green products for Green Cleaning, the choice is clear which practice is beneficial to our society and environment in the long run. Green cleaning and natural green cleaning products is a sustainable and innovative cleaning method that can improve our health, productivity, minimize risks, but it also shows that we care for the environment that we live in. Now, if you happen to be a homeowner or a workplace owner who is unsure how to practice Green Cleaning or to find a professional cleaning company that practices Green Cleaning, you can always refer to the IJCSA. IJSCA is an organization that is committed to improve cleaning practices into the cleaning industry, so everyone can live with a peace of mind knowing that cleaning companies who are members of the IJCSA are well educated and trained to carry out the most up to date Green Cleaning practices. If you do not know where to start, you can simply click here, and one of IJCSA professional members can help you out with your cleaning needs.

  • 29 Jan 2021 10:36 AM | Deleted user

    After studying the IJCSA's material on green cleaning, I have decided to implement the following green cleaning service program into my business. The first step is to eliminate all nonbiodegradable chemicals from my cleaning regiment. These harmful chemicals will be replaced with naturally derived ecofriendly products.  In addition to replacing product, the use of microfiber will replace paper towels thus reducing waste. And finally measures will be taken to ensure over use of product does not occur.  This will be done by putting a system in place that only dispenses the proper amount of product thus eliminating waste.

    The benefits of converting to green cleaning are many. The most important two benefits in my opinion are the health benefits to my staff and the benefits to the environment. By replacing toxic chemicals with natural products, the risk of health complications is reduced.  Thus making a healthier workplace and healthier employees. The environment also benefits from the use of biodegradable products which can be broken down easily. 

  • 29 Jan 2021 10:03 AM | Martha Wilson

    Green Works All Purpose Cleaner-97% naturally derived all purpose cleaner, made with plant based biodegradable ingredients, cleans with no hard chemicals, cleans grease, grime and dirt. It's safe on multiple surfaces, in the kitchen, bathroom , and most countertops. It is an excellent product.

  • 27 Jan 2021 7:01 PM | Deleted user

    The mission at IJCSA is to provide top certified janitorial cleaning companies with exceptional customer service training, to serve commercial and residential customers. The members of IJCSA possess 3 important qualities of customer service those being the ability to communicate effectively with customers, managing stress of serving multiple clients and/or customers, and knowledge of products and types of services suitable for customers needs.

    Customers like to feel reassured about whom they allow into their business and/or residence. Here at IJCSA, we can say with confidence, it is our members priority to know the industry from beginning to end. Therefore, the qualities our members possess every customer should consider when searching for reliable cleaning company. At IJCSA, we pride ourselves on providing members with the certifications, product knowledge and excellent customer service.

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