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  • 03 Mar 2021 12:32 PM | Deleted user

    If you're looking for exceptional customer service, IJCSA has wonderful individuals who really care and take the time to listen and understand your needs. Not only do they take the time to ask questions to fully understand but they do it with a friendly smile on their faces.  

    If there is ever an issue with your service IJCSA cares, empathies, and addresses the issue promptly and efficiently. IJCSA will contact every customer after service to make sure you were completely satisfied with the services you received. It's nice to feel cared for by a friendly team.  

  • 02 Mar 2021 3:44 PM | Gracie Gonzales

    It is very important to make sure that a healthcare facility is cleaned appropriately and properly sanitized. The person in charge of cleaning should make sure to use all the correct types of disinfectants. All surfaces should be cleaned properly in accordance to sanitation regulations. 

    Properly cleaning a facility is not just for the well being of the employees but also for the patients that enter the facility. The person cleaning should be thoroughly inspecting every room properly to make sure everything is clean and free of bloodborne pathogens

    Not only is cleaning important but also the inspection of safety precautions. When cleaning, you must also ensure that objects are placed in there correct location. You must also make sure that sharps are disposed of correctly. Lastly, should be sure that there are no spills or tripping hazards on the ground. 

  • 02 Mar 2021 2:08 PM | Deleted user

    The importance of Janitorial staff And Janitors Communication should be in sync at all times to provide a great customer service.. Janitors provide the safety of germ spreading, and viruses from transmitting. It is good for your health and the environment to have a certified janitor in charge of your cleaning department. To ensure that no chemicals are  improperly mixed / all hazardous materials and waste materials are properly disposed. 

    Janitors are 1 of the most essential workers in the industry  of the workforce, when it comes to protecting the environment from germs, bacteria, and diseases. Without Janitors the United States would be in bad shape, just on the improper disposal of some chemicals, on one's person , or land. ( Quote: Janitors, are simply here to provide an environmental friendly service to the customer when its needed, and to keep visitors happy.

    However, I think A Janitor should pride him, or herself Before and after the service provided.  Because we are not recognized enough throughout our 24 hour public service.. The is no scheduled quit time on cleaning, it is a rotating wheel, it will always be a need. No matter how routine the janitors role may seem, things can change in a instant due to an emergency. that is why having a great Staff that communicates well with Janitors is important in a daily manner. To give daily Updates on areas in need of public service, in cause of adding environmental safety to our daily lives. 

  • 01 Mar 2021 11:00 AM | Deleted user

    It is important to educate yourself and staff about bloodborne safety and precautions in the cleaning industry. All staff should use and understand universal precautions in any cleaning situation, especially where trash and laundry is being handled. 

    Having regular training to staff and having a bloodborne pathogens control and exposure plan will help stop the spread of virus and diseases such as HIV and HBV. 

    When you and your staff are taking proper care of themselves like wearing personal protective gear they are protecting not only themselves but the client too, which makes everyone feel more comfortable. Proper handling of blood and body fluid's and knowing where to dispose them with Good hand washing techniques is what all staff should be practicing. 

  • 01 Mar 2021 7:29 AM | Deleted user

    Bloodborne Pathogens is a very serious and are easily transported from person to person. In the cleaning industry it is very important for all persons that come into contact with bodily fluids such as blood and saliva to take very serious cautionary practices.

    All PPE that is used during the clean up of any bodily fluids must be disposed of or properly cleaned.

    There are many symptoms of potential infections and must be reported to your Healthcare Professional immediately.

  • 28 Feb 2021 9:06 PM | Deleted user

    For any employee working in a healthcare setting, it's extremely important to be aware of proper cleaning procedures and protocols. As we are in the midst of a global pandemic, it's even more important to be aware. Employees must take these procedures seriously to avoid spreading potential bloodborne pathogens, exposing themselves to bloodborne pathogens, and to prevent serious injury or death.

    It's also important for employee to have a basic understanding of bloodborne pathogens and the seriousness of them. Whether it's HCV, HBV, or HIV, the potential risks in healthcare settings are enormous. It's imperative that employees use Personal Protective Equipment when cleaning sites with potential bloodborne pathogens.

    Finally, staff knowledge of bloodborne pathogens is extremely important. Through proper education, employees can train others on proper cleaning procedures and protocols that will aid in the prevention of exposure and illness.

  • 28 Feb 2021 8:17 AM | Charlette Wortham

    The key to a successful business is excellent customer service. The ability to satisfy your client can translate into repeat business, referrals and great reviews. All IJCSA companies are aware of the importance of implementing simple, yet effective, customer service practices. These essential practices tremendously boost company’s revenues and reputation.
    The following are just a few examples of what every IJCSA customer can expect when using their services: 1) They will be heard, understood and treated respectfully and appropriately, 2) They will know their concerns are of the utmost importance and satisfactory resolutions will always be sought if ever an issue arises and 3) They will always receive a follow-up call, e-mail or flyer to let them know how much their business is appreciated.

    Each IJCSA company is aptly equipped to provide every customer with the excellent service necessary for building long term business relationships.

  • 27 Feb 2021 10:35 AM | Deleted user

    Bloodborne pathogens are pathogenic microorganisms, that can cause disease. They are found in human blood, and bodily fluids, such as Mucus, Semen, Saliva, cerebrospinal fluid, and any other fluid that mixes with blood. Being that these pathogens are pathogenic and disease causing, and also microorganisms, they add great dangers to employees and staff members, because the the human eye cannot see them.

    All employees and staff should be trained properly on how to clean bloodborne pathogens, because of the high risk and life threatening illnesses that may occur, due to the exposure of pathogens, in a contaminated area. Which can include diseases such as hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) known as the virus that causes AIDS.

    Although, Bloodborne pathogens are viruses that deteriorate cells within the body, And a virus is a submicroscopic organism that depends on cells for their nutrients, so the virus can survive and reproduce. When cleaning a contaminated area, it is very important to avoid any splatters or come in contact with any puncture, to the skin , because these pathogens are known to spread.. And if someone has cut themselves or been stuck by a needle, they should wash the area thoroughly, and monitor their health for the next few days, before consulting a physician. Most importantly, wear gloves, goggles, and treat all blood and bodily fluid spills as if they are infectious.

  • 27 Feb 2021 8:02 AM | Deleted user

    Learning about the safety of bloodborne pathogens is an integral part of any cleaners training. Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms found in human blood. The most common of these and HPV and HIV, both of which are lifelong illness’ if contracted. Each cleaner must know the safety protocols of having proper PPE as well as the Universal Standard of removing, cleaning and disinfecting, and disposal of contaminated items. Employees should also be up to date on their companies exposure plan, and any necessary vaccines, before entering a work place where exposure to bloodborne pathogens is present.

  • 26 Feb 2021 11:16 PM | Anonymous

    Why is it important to know about bloodborne pathogens, as a cleaning person?

    It can be hard to keep in mind dangers that we cannot see & in our day to day lives we tend to forget such unsightly dangers. Bloodborne pathogens (BBP) can be all over the place & in areas we least expect & according to the Health and Safety Institute, some BBP can live in dried blood up to 7 days or more. 

    It is very important to know about all personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves, protective eyewear, face masks, etc. When used properly PPE can greatly reduce your exposure to BBP & will ultimately help prevent the spread of certain diseases, such as Hep B, Hep C & HIV. Those are just a fraction of many BBP's out there.

    It's very important for cleaning employees to know about BBP simply because, ANYONE exposed to them are at risk in coming in contact with potential infectious microorganisms that can cause serious disease in humans & we are all responsible for protecting ourselves.

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