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International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association

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  • 15 Mar 2024 11:34 PM | Hasan Abbas

    If anyone looking to get the carpets professionally cleaning in New York City, we are here. 

    Contact us today @ 

    We are the best. :) 

  • 15 Mar 2024 11:31 PM | Hasan Abbas

    Carpet cleaning is a very professional and skilled work and required extensive training and expensive equipment. 

    Initially we would like to hire sub contractors to perform this job and I would like to manage them. 

  • 15 Mar 2024 11:16 AM | Blanca Arroyo

    Hiring a cleaning person or company that holds the IJCSA RCS (Residential Cleaning Specialist) Certification offers a multitude of advantages for maintaining a clean and healthy environment. The International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) ensures that certified professionals possess the expertise needed to deliver exceptional residential cleaning services. Let's explore the key benefits of entrusting your cleaning needs to an IJCSA RCS-certified cleaning service.

                1. Expertise and Skill: The IJCSA RCS Certification signifies that a cleaning person or company has undergone comprehensive training and demonstrated proficiency in residential cleaning practices. With this certification, you can trust that the cleaning professionals have acquired essential skills and knowledge to provide efficient and effective cleaning services. They are equipped with industry-leading techniques, safe cleaning practices, and a deep understanding of residential cleaning requirements, allowing them to deliver superior results.

                2. High-Quality Cleaning: Hiring an IJCSA RCS-certified cleaning person or company ensures a high standard of cleaning for your home. These professionals are well-versed in the best practices of residential cleaning, utilizing the most suitable products, equipment, and methods to achieve optimal cleanliness. They pay attention to every detail, leaving no corner untouched. From dusting and vacuuming to sanitizing bathrooms and kitchens, their expertise ensures a thorough and spotless clean that surpasses your expectations.

                3. Personalized Cleaning Solutions: An RCS-certified cleaning person or company understands that every home is unique, with specific cleaning requirements. They take the time to listen to your needs and tailor their services accordingly. Whether you have specific preferences, areas of concern, or require specialized cleaning for certain surfaces or materials, they will customize their approach to ensure your complete satisfaction. This personalized touch guarantees that your home receives the attention and care it deserves.

                4. Time and Convenience: One of the major advantages of hiring an IJCSA RCS-certified cleaning person or company is the time and convenience it provides. Cleaning can be a time-consuming and physically demanding task, especially for busy homeowners. By outsourcing the cleaning responsibilities to professionals, you free up valuable time to focus on other priorities and enjoy a clean home without the stress and effort. The convenience of having a trusted cleaning service handle the job ensures a consistently clean and inviting living space.

                5. Peace of Mind and Trust: With an IJCSA RCS Certification, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have chosen a reputable and trustworthy cleaning person or company. IJCSA-certified professionals adhere to a strict code of ethics and prioritize customer satisfaction. They undergo background checks, ensuring the safety and security of your home. By entrusting your residential cleaning needs to a certified provider, you establish a long-term partnership built on trust, reliability, and professionalism.

                To conclude, hiring a cleaning person or company that has passed the IJCSA RCS Certification brings numerous advantages to your residential cleaning experience. From expertise and high-quality cleaning to personalized solutions, time savings, and peace of mind, certified professionals offer unparalleled value. With their commitment to excellence and adherence to industry standards, IJCSA RCS-certified cleaning persons or companies are the ideal choice for maintaining a clean, healthy, and inviting home environment.

  • 15 Mar 2024 8:39 AM | Sierrah Voll

    Discover Your Perfect Home Cleaning Service with IJCSA Members!

    Are you tired of spending your precious weekends scrubbing floors or dusting shelves? Look no further! As proud members of the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA), our dedicated cleaning professionals are here to make your life easier. Whether you need a one-time deep clean or regular maintenance, our trusted network of cleaning experts is at your service. With a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, we tailor our services to meet your unique needs and schedule.

    At IJCSA, we understand the importance of a clean and healthy home environment for you and your loved ones. That's why our members undergo rigorous training and adhere to industry-leading standards to ensure the highest quality of service. From eco-friendly cleaning products to advanced techniques, we prioritize both your well-being and the environment. Say goodbye to stress and hello to a spotless home with our reliable and efficient cleaning services.

    Experience the difference of working with IJCSA members – your partners in creating a clean, comfortable, and welcoming home. Contact us today to schedule your personalized cleaning service and take the first step towards enjoying a happier, healthier living space. With IJCSA members, finding your perfect home cleaning solution has never been easier!

  • 14 Mar 2024 7:43 PM | Dan Harduar

    Are you on the lookout for a home cleaning service that goes above and beyond your expectations? Look no further than Prime Luxury Cleaning! As a proud member of the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA), we bring you an unparalleled level of professionalism and expertise in the world of home cleaning. Our dedicated staff adhere to the highest standards, ensuring your home is not just cleaned, but transformed into a haven of freshness and hygiene.

    At PLC, we understand the importance of a clean and healthy living space. Our staff are equipped with cutting-edge cleaning techniques and eco-friendly products, guaranteeing a spotless environment without compromising your family's well-being. Whether you need a one-time deep cleaning or a regular maintenance service, our team of professionals is committed to delivering personalized and exceptional service tailored to your unique needs. Trust in the reliability and credibility of IJCSA members for a home that sparkles with cleanliness and radiates a welcoming atmosphere.

    Choosing PLC for your home cleaning needs means choosing excellence, integrity, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Join countless satisfied clients who have experienced the trans-formative power of PLC services. Say goodbye to stress and hello to a pristine home environment—contact us today and let PLC be your partner in creating a cleaner, healthier, and more comfortable home for you and your loved ones. Your satisfaction is our priority, and with PLC, your home is in the hands of true cleaning professionals!

    #primeluxurycleaning #PLC

  • 14 Mar 2024 12:28 AM | Hasan Abbas

    The importance of janitor staff can not be neglected as they are the one's who are responsible for keeping the environment and surroundings of the building hygienic.

    Without janitors the entire building and bathrooms will become heaven for the germs. 

    This is the reason we should always hire fully trained and certified janitors and cleaning service for our commercial facility. 

    IJCSA Business Directory

  • 13 Mar 2024 10:00 PM | Sierrah Voll

    The International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) offers a range of certification courses tailored to meet the needs of both employees and service owners in the cleaning industry. These courses provide numerous benefits that can enhance professional skills, improve job prospects, and elevate the quality of cleaning services offered. Whether you're a seasoned cleaner looking to expand your knowledge or a business owner seeking to enhance your company's reputation, IJCSA certification courses offer valuable advantages.

    Firstly, these courses provide comprehensive training on various aspects of cleaning, including proper techniques, safety protocols, and the use of specialized equipment and products. Employees who undergo IJCSA certification can sharpen their skills and become more proficient in their roles, leading to increased efficiency and effectiveness in completing cleaning tasks. Likewise, service owners can ensure that their staff are well-trained and equipped to deliver high-quality services that meet or exceed client expectations.

    Moreover, IJCSA certification courses can enhance credibility and trustworthiness in the cleaning industry. By obtaining recognized certifications from a reputable organization like IJCSA, employees and service owners demonstrate their commitment to professionalism and excellence. Clients are more likely to trust and choose cleaning service providers who have undergone certified training, knowing that they possess the necessary knowledge and skills to deliver superior results.

    Additionally, IJCSA certification courses can open up new opportunities for career advancement and business growth. For employees, earning certifications can lead to promotions, salary increases, or the ability to take on more challenging roles within their organizations. Meanwhile, service owners can attract more clients and command higher rates by showcasing their certified staff and highlighting their commitment to quality and expertise.

    Furthermore, IJCSA certification courses promote a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the cleaning industry. Through ongoing education and training, professionals can stay updated on the latest advancements, trends, and best practices in cleaning techniques, products, and technology. This not only enhances individual performance but also contributes to the overall advancement and innovation of the cleaning industry as a whole.

    Beyond professional development, IJCSA certification courses also prioritize safety and environmental sustainability. Employees and service owners learn how to minimize risks, prevent accidents, and handle hazardous materials safely, protecting themselves, their clients, and the environment. Additionally, they gain insights into eco-friendly cleaning practices and products that reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability, aligning with the growing demand for green cleaning solutions.

    In conclusion, IJCSA certification courses offer a multitude of benefits for both employees and service owners in the cleaning industry. From enhancing skills and credibility to fostering career advancement and promoting safety and sustainability, these courses empower professionals to excel in their roles and distinguish themselves in a competitive market. By investing in certified training, individuals and businesses can achieve greater success, satisfaction, and recognition within the cleaning industry.


  • 13 Mar 2024 9:50 PM | Hasan Abbas

    It's possible to implement medical facility cleaning standards into residential facility cleaning by following universally accepted cleaning and disinfecting standards. 

    Especially, we have to make sure we give a medical facility level cleaning to a residential property where someone is sick or paralyzed or a hoarding house where no one has cleaned recently in years

    We have to make sure that every highly touched surface and highly contaminated and exposed areas like bathroom are properly sanitized to make sure everyone's health safety. 

    Here is a link for more informative articles like this.

  • 13 Mar 2024 9:33 PM | Hasan Abbas

    There is a huge importance of properly cleaning a medical facility. As a medical facility is a public facility where millions of Healthcare workers and patients are exposed to Bloodborne pathogens and OPIMs. 

    Proper cleaning and sanitizing of a medical facility ensures the maximum protection of everyone present in the facility patients and Healthcare workers. 

    This is the reason anyone working as a cleaner of medical facility to be fully certified. Without having a proper knowledge and certification, a person won't be able to follow universally accepted cleaning standards. Hence the health security of each person present in the medical facility would be at risk. 

  • 13 Mar 2024 3:59 PM | Deleted user

    Proper cleaning of any facility or home is a must. Imagine if the food you eat or the things you eat with were not properly cleaned. You would instantly think of what kind of bacteria you could possibly have ingested, right? Now think about medical facilities, the germs lurking around inside if not properly cleaned and what could happen if you encounter a dirty surface in a medical facility.

    A clean medical facility is vitally important. The spread of disease can easily happen. Ensuring that proper cleaning is done is a vital component. Diseases can quickly become widespread in a medical setting. Using the link provided by the IJCSA - Janitorial Service Directory  can be very beneficial in finding well trained and certified companies that will properly clean and sanitize medical facilities.

    In closing, proper cleaning of healthcare facilities can often be the key to slowing the spread of disease transmission. It is imperative that a medical facility is properly cleaned and finding a certified company through IJCSA is a perfect place to find your staff to clean any type of health care facility.

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