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International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association

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  • 05 May 2020 9:45 AM | Anonymous

    I have been reading a lot of articles about green cleaning and I think compared to other cleaning supplies green is the best way to go. After I take this green cleaning certification course and get the knowledge of being green I will start using green cleaning throughout my business immediately

  • 04 May 2020 11:24 PM | Anonymous

    Janitors and their staff are important to our daily lives because they play a key role in maintaining our buildings and keeping them safe as well.  They open buildings and make sure that everything is functioning properly, they clean the buildings, and some even do light maintenance around the buildings.  They help us to prevent the spread of illnesses and infections.  They keep our work environment presentable for us and for customers.

    A Janitorial company should be viewed as a partnership between the service and the company they are cleaning for in order to serve the customers. A janitor’s service is needed in order to keep customers or visitors happy. In every building regardless of the industry the janitor’s position is one of the most important jobs.  Every janitorial service that is hired by a company to clean their building they are forming a valuable partnership to clean and maintain their building and protect them from germs and illnesses.

    Hiring a professional cleaning service, can guarantee that the work will be done without consuming too much time as professional janitors are well trained and qualified for the job. Professional cleaning services are what you need to keep your office environment clean and safe. Your office will begin to feel more welcoming. Not to mention, a clean and sanitized office will encourage your employees and can entice clients or customers at the same time. It can also enhance the reputation of your business once you impress the customers and clients. To find a Janitorial service in your area visit janitorial directory.  This is a great resource to keep on hand. 

  • 04 May 2020 10:30 PM | Anonymous

    Today many people are very conscious of the different types of chemicals that are used to clean homes, businesses, and even the many type of transportation modes. 

    It is important to understand and present a service that is within the realm of what the customer would desire to be the method of cleaning. To offer Green Cleaning products will give the customer the satisfaction of knowing you care for their health and the environment. This will also add to the business by being versatile to meet the needs of the customer.

    Green Cleaning would be one of the high lighted service that I would offer. 

  • 04 May 2020 9:13 PM | Anonymous

    We can’t wait to display our Master Green Clean Certification to all our customers and clients.  To us this signifies how much we appreciate our earth, our sea life, our environment and the betterment of our customers and clients and the well-being of others.

    In taking this course we learned many helpful things.  In particular, how detrimental using the wrong products can be on our health and environment as a whole.  It was also very awakening to see the mass amounts of trash we accumulate each year in plastic and how that also affects our environment. 

    The course was very interesting in all aspects.  The chemical reactions and the different chemical ingredients in particular, were very interesting and very informative.

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Services Here   

  • 04 May 2020 7:09 PM | Benjamin Lewis

    WaterPro Environmental Services is now Green Clean Certified which means we are trained in practices of using natural and/or environmentally friendly products in the service of cleaning and disinfection.  We are proud to feature training programs for your employees to help them meet the IJCSA standard for being a green cleaning specialist.  We can develop a custom plan for you needs and provide the equipment to help fulfill your everyday needs in the service industry.

    Our training includes the following:

    What Chemicals to Use.

    Where to Use each chemical.

    How to ensure the proper PPE is selected.

    Ensure the cleaner is not exposed to harmful vapors.

    Ensure the cleaner is providing the most value to the business.

    Ensure the cleaner is aware of his service to the community as it relates to disinfection.

    We are taking preorder for Victory Electrostatic Sprayers and TwinOxide Hospital Grade Disinfection in both the Ready to Use form and the stabilized powder form.  Depending on the need and skill level of the employees we can create a custom plan to fit your needs and still allow you to bring home more money at the end of the month.

    We hope everyone is taking the Virus outbreak serious and taking every precaution to prevent the spread.  We look forward to helping your business get a green clean plan in place for your employees and the customers.

  • 04 May 2020 6:32 PM | Benjamin Lewis

    Cleaning products are a billion dollar industry and something I am fairly familiar with.  My background is in chemical engineering and I understand how many of these products are made.  This leads to the promotion of profits over safety.  Chemical Toxicity is an important topic and one where the information is always being updated with more studies and findings.  WaterPro is teamed up with a toxicologist who is very upfront about the differences in chemical toxicity.

    The most common toxicity in cleaning environments has to do with the vapors.  All organic vapors have an exposure limit and often times those exposure limits are not considered for the cleaning crew.  While PPE does a great job of reducing exposure, the only way to eliminate the exposure opportunity is by removing the opportunity by using a safer chemistry.  All chemicals have certain toxicities which sometimes effects animals differently than humans.  The toxicity of the entire environment should be considered as much as possible.  Often times chemicals are disposed of in a manner that is harmful to the source which can cause a significant reduction in populations of certain species of organism.

    While sometimes acids are needed to clean certain surfaces, in many cases an organic acid such as vinegar can be used.  Soft water is one of the most overlooked items in my cleaning tool kit.  When cleaning a polymer processing machine, employees would use very strong vinegar.  I used R/O water to show them they could clean the rollers without any chemical because the water dissolves the particles so easily because it has <10 PPM Total Solids.  We were buying vinegar that was causing the machine to corrode.  Instead the water was a much faster and safer solution to the equipment.

    Toxicity in chemicals is something that is near to my heart.  My grandmother worked in a factory that used Ethylene Oxide as a disinfectant for medical supplies.  She died 10 years before I was born, she was in her 40s.  There are numerous reports of the use of this chemical in her department.  So I have found a much safer disinfectant that works in the vapor phase.  This chemical has a very similar molecular structure, but is much safer for humans and animals.  

    Toxicity is present in our drinking water today. Mainly caused by politics, and lack of education.  THM and HAA are known carcinogens which are commonly measured in drinking water across the country.  This toxic chemical isn't found in the source water, this is the result of a reaction with chlorine.  So while the EPA mandates disinfection, most take the easy route and use some form of chlorine, which always results in THM and HAA depending on the length of the water pipe is the extent of the toxicity.

    I just recently learned that I could do something about this THM issue.  I am very excited about what the future holds for TwinOxide in the US.  We deserve so much better than what we get from standard cleaning products, and only companies like the IJCSA Green Certified services are doing the work for the customer of understanding the toxicity and providing safe and environmental friendly solutions for the daily cleaning task.

  • 03 May 2020 6:11 PM | Anonymous

    Going green has numerous benefits at homes, in the workplace and to the economy at large. Different people across the planet are trying to come up with ways of going green by eliminating the use of plastics to green cleaning on a daily basis whether it is at home or the office. It’s no doubt that if we make the planet eco-friendly, we could significantly achieve multiple benefits by switching to All Green Cleaning.

    Another important factor and advantage of switching to all green cleaning is the health benefits it offers. Going green reduces air pollutants. Breathing clean air makes one a healthier person.  It’s essential to strive for green living. A healthy person is also a productive person at work and home. One way to go green is through the purchase of eco-friendly household products. It reduces chemicals and toxins in the air we breathe in.  Going green reduces air pollution and environmental toxins that could affect our body’s immune system that fights infections, and that could expose us to diseases and fatal illnesses.

    If we all did our part and switched to all green cleaning that would help decrease the number of pollutants released to the environment. If we opt for all green cleaning and cut out the harmful chemicals used in every day cleaners, it could significantly decrease the number of pollutants released to the environment. It makes the air we breathe in clean and free of pollutants. Breathing clean air means better health.

    That is why we have turned to to get helpful and knowledgeable information on green cleaning and to find a Green Cleaning company please visit and look for the Green Cleaning Directory. 


  • 03 May 2020 5:44 PM | Anonymous

    Green Cleaning is extremely important to not only humans but the earth because everything we use or do affects all living things.  All chemicals used in non-green cleaning can kill or severely harm humans, animals as well as our marine life; not to mention our earth.   Choosing Green options for cleaning is essential.  Changing the way we shop and how we recycle is important as most of the garbage ends up in landfills or our oceans and can harm or even kill our marine life. 

    Not choosing a Green way of living can impact our food source by some of the marine life ingesting plastics and toxic chemicals that are in plastics that are tossed into the landfills or ocean, also known as The Great Pacific Garbage Patch then ending up on our very own dinner table. 

    Something as small as properly disposing of one candy wrapper can affect our living conditions and our future living conditions and that of our children’s future living conditions. We all need to be more mindful of how we dispose of our trash.  Did you know that 350 million tons of candy wrappers, pvc pipes and synthetic t-shirts are disposed of yearly. Simply doing your part can make a significant impact to our world.  At the site you can find helpful tips and cleaning services that can help you go green and fight the significant battle of harmful toxins to better our environment.

  • 03 May 2020 9:40 AM | Deleted user

    My name is Paul Duncan and I am the Managing Director of Caribbean Public-Private Sector Solutions Limited. My company is multifaceted and we office a wide range of specialized works and business management services. One of our areas of expertise is Janitorial services, but not the ordinary cleaning services, Green Cleaning to be exact. We at CPPSSL are proud holders of the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) Green Cleaning Certificate. In addition we are also proud members of this aloft association amongst many others reputable green companies.

    Green Cleaning is the way to go for CPPSSL. We recognize the benefits of GC to our own health and well-being and we adopt the approach to green cleaning because the earth is in need of such measures to preserve the sensitive eco balance of this beautiful planet. We have heeded the call to go green and we encourage others to think, live, work and enjoy green.

    To implement a green cleaning program requires a new set of procedural guidelines, education and training and research and development. Once I have set a new policy framework to manage my green cleaning program, rolling it out is not difficult. This will mean redesigning my processes, changing my inventory to store green chemical and training staff to clean utilizing green instead of hazard. These processes will also mean running as far as possible a paperless office, using as far as possible biodegradable chemicals and containers, water soluble based and eco-friendly chemicals keeping abreast of new technology that are environmentally friendly.

    I would also seek to educate my clients on the uses of green chemicals and their possible benefits so that all stakeholders are on board. This would mean all my janitorial staff would be equipped with green chemicals and as far as possible my janitorial equipment will also be green, meaning made of material that are biodegradable.

  • 03 May 2020 8:58 AM | Deleted user

    Business advertisement for all IJCSA Members that is consumer friendly

    Today, more people around the world are becoming more and more conscious about the environment they live in, and the impact the uses of hazardous chemicals have had on the health and safety of humans, vegetation, waterways and animals alike. This awareness have sent out a beacon and today, a number of Janitorial companies and green product manufacturers are resurrected from humble beginnings, and with knowledge and certification in Green Cleaning, are ready to serve the world safely and securely.  

    These companies are proud members of the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA). They are experienced, equipped, certified and ready to provide green and environmentally friendly services that promotes health and preserves life. The chemicals these companies use are the friendliest. These chemicals are water soluble based, contain no harmful and toxic ingredients and are biodegradable to say the least.

    If you one of those people, who have become aware that we need to save the earth and reduce or carbon and other harmful and hazardous chemicals footprint, and you are looking for reputable businesses who provides green services, look no more. The International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association have collated a fine list of certified members who will both meet and exceed your expectations. You can find these reputable and experience services providers to pick from anytime, just follow this link

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