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  • 22 Jan 2020 1:45 PM | Anonymous

    Everyone wants to make their environment healthier. 
    We use to just rummage thru a cabinet or closet an use the first thing available to clean. We assume this was cleaning. How about one step further. Responsible cleaning. Green cleaning. The same power of those cleaning agents without those harmful residues and smells left behind. Green cleaning is not only a smart option, it’s the right option. Set aside the tremendous upside your business standpoint has from green cleaning. A personal satisfaction that your doing your part in creating an healthier environment. For your customers and your employees.

    Customers will appreciate incorporating healthier cleaning in your business. And That no harmful chemicals is lurking beyond that fresh cleaned space. 

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Companies Here

  • 22 Jan 2020 9:19 AM | Deleted user

    Having a mold cleaning program in place is tremendously beneficial to the general public.  It ensures that the harmful effects of mold can be eradicated permanently. A comprehensive mold cleaning operation stands as a barrier between the deadly spores of mold and everyone else within the immediate vicinity.

    Being able to offer a mold cleaning service in the context of a business will also be financially beneficial.  It goes without saying, not every cleaning company is willing or able to offer this to costumers.  So, having the knowledge and ability to do so will easily set you a part from the competition. 

  • 21 Jan 2020 11:13 AM | Deleted user

    Some cleaning products and soaps contain harmful chemical that can irritate the eyes and throat or cause other serious health problems such as cancer. Some cleaning products release volatile organic compounds which can contribute to chronic respiratory problems, allergic reactions and headaches.

    Using natural or green cleaning cleaning products can help reduce health risk in the workplace and at home here's some benefits of using green products:

    • Protect your health
    • Safe for the environment
    • Save money
    • You know what's in the products
    • Cleaner air quality

    IJCSA Certified Green Cleaning Service 

  • 18 Jan 2020 7:20 AM | Martha Wilson

    Got mold? Need it removed correctly and promptly? Do your homework and start your search with IJCSA! Our members are Green and Mold Certified, will work to bring satisfaction to your business by treating your problem as ours! Members are trained in recognizing different colors of mold, scents of mold and much more. We have members skilled in solving your removal problems here:

    Possible areas of concern or cause:

    • ·         'funny' smell
    •        unexplained moisture
    • ·         possible broken or leaking pipes
    • ·         excessive dampness in dark places (i.e. crawlspaces, attics, basements)
    • ·         reduction of indoor humidity

    These issues can all be contributing factors to hidden mold growth. Since there are no EPA regulations or standards for airborne mold contaminants and biocides can destroy lining organisms, wet areas (carpet cleaning or removal) need to, if possible be cleaned within 48 hours to keep mold growth down. It is very hard to clean all spores once mold begins to grow. For effective and efficient mold cleaning, we recommend mold remediation utilizing products.

    When mold appears indoors, it can present a health hazard, causing breathing problems. We are careful when removing mold indoors to ensure we don’t impart chemicals into the air. Outdoors since mold can mar the appearance of your patio and make the surfaces slippery, and pressure washing with harsh chemicals can kill plants due to chemical runoff, utilizing the proper Green Clean Product is the environmentally safe way to go.

    Find Professional Mold Cleaning Companies Here

  • 15 Jan 2020 9:08 AM | Martha Wilson

    There are so many harmful effects when it comes to various cleaning products. It can be harmful on the environment as well as your health. We feel that cleaning products are safe but that's not true alot of cleaning products are dangerously toxic. Cleaning product labels can be misleading, alot of cleaners are labeled natural but they are anything but, to protect yourself and your work environment is to avoid certain chemicals.

     For example Butoxyenthanol; A common ingredient in kitchen, window, and multipurpose cleaners that can interfere with the health of your red blood cells. Ammonia: Which is found in glass and bathroom cleaners, it can be very irritating to the eyes, skin, the throat and the lungs, Chlorine bleach: is a antimicrobial an respiratory irritant. Bleach is a chemical found in mildew remover, toilet bowl cleaners and scouring powders, mixing bleach and ammonia can create a highly toxic gas that cann affect your health, these are some examples of hazardous cleaning products.

     This is why I feel going green is the best way to go it benefits the planet and the community, it has a beneficial impact on the quality of water, energy use and the amount of pollution that is generated. Green products are low in allergens the have biodegradable agents and they are good for the environment most green products are made with natural ingredients and is the safer way to go.

    For example for an all purpose cleaner you can use baking soda and water to make a all purpose cleaner for the kitchen and bathroom. You can use baking soda and borax to make dish washing soap. Instead of using paper towels to wipe up a spill you can use a reusable cloth, this cuts down on the landfill contribution with greener options for everyday paper products.

     Going green is the best way to go its safe and cost efficient and it boosts your business moral with clients and your safe.

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Services Here

  • 13 Jan 2020 4:57 PM | Deleted user

    The key is safety. I want our company and the people that we work for or with to be safe. I want us to have the knowledge and and understanding to remove mold properly and correctly. 

    I want us to have the proper tools and PPEs on hand at all times. If its a small job or giant i want us to have the right things for remediation.Doubled lined bags, gloves, sealed goggles, whatever it is we need to be prepared. 

    Proper knowledge and safety always. I want my fellow employees to be safe and know their safety is important as well. We have to make a plan and stick to it. If needed explain what we are doing, how we remove mold and make sure our residents feel safe once we are done  and there is no return of mold. 

  • 13 Jan 2020 8:08 AM | Anonymous

    Walking through a local grocery store one cant help but notice the changes that the major chain stores are making towards offering Greener options to almost everything. Stores are motivated by consumers sales and manufacturers price points. This leads me to assume that we are all buying smarter and healthier products everyday. This is very good news indeed, If the typical shopper only knew about the risks when using window cleaner or oven cleaner etc, would any of us ever buy it again? 

    As the common family starts to move towards a safe and less toxic environment to live in I'm encouraged by the options being offered that are recycled or biodegradable. Many of the products that we come into contact with daily are toxic or known to cause cancer. Why would anyone pay for that type of exposure when we have safe options. The health risks are real, the effects are dangerous and deep down you know this. Every-time you hold your breath while cleaning the oven or put on gloves when washing the floor you know that this is something about that product that is harmful to your body.  

    Its time to give something new a try. If you already haven't tried that new window cleaner that is refillable and is a reusable bottle maybe now is the time? I know that my housekeeper used it with some newspapers to wash the windows and I have never seen them SO clean! 

    Did you know that 1/2 Cup of White Vinegar and a gallon of water is another wonderful window wash?  It also strips old wax off your floors and deodorizes. Vinegar is not the only pantry star that will change your cleaning life. Baking soda is laundry's best friend! Brighter, Whiter and smelling fresh Sodium Bicarbonate has been used for years to handle the washing. It is a great alternative to the synthetic laundry cleaners available that have harmful and toxic chemicals in them. 

    People with sensitive skin recognize the threat and often are among the first to switch to a natural product. I know for me it was the birth of my Son. I wanted to make all his food myself from Raw fresh ingredients. I didn't want any chemicals to taint his little new body. This was a enormous and daunting task that I was not prepared for. While I was successful in some areas like laundry detergent, foods, shampoos etc. It was impossible for me to keep him away from harsh chemicals once I went back to work. In my small town, excellent daycare were limited and definitely not Green. 

    I encourage all of you to join me in doing our part to limit our use of chemicals in our work and homes. Try taking baby steps and replace items as you run out of them. While at work find out what products are used to clean and make sure that they are safe for you and your co workers to use. Educate your coworkers on the benefits of going Green and removing the risk of toxic or dangerous chemicals in your workplace and in our homes.  

    IJCSA Green Cleaning Service Directory

  • 12 Jan 2020 12:06 PM | Deleted user

    The funny thing about this certification process is that I actually had no idea just how dangerous the products I grew up with are.  The first day I began this course, I came home and told my wife we were throwing away all of our cleaning products and getting a big bag of baking soda!  I was joking (but not really). Now we are actually in the process of removing the poison from our home. 

    Being green clean certified will impact my life tremendously.  I have recently applied for a job within my local school system.  One of the requirements for the position is that the candidate be familiar with Green Cleaning Methods.  After getting this certification I will be more prepared for my new job (God willing)!

    I'm more excited about this position because I see our school system is getting it. My children are going to be safer because of the new green initiative.  If I"m blessed with the job, my top priority will be to phase out of the old system and make sure going green works.

    Green clean certification will not only look good on my resume, it will be good for my well being.  No one knows what the future holds, but I do know that my Green Clean Certification is one of the best decisions I have made in a long time.

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Companies Here 

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