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  • 01 Nov 2017 8:13 PM | Deleted user

    G.H.O.S.T Cleaners is keenly aware that dirt and germs don't just hide in the most obvious and easy to reach places. Germs and dust mites can actually live deep in you carpet. Think about it every day we walk outside, a place where millions of other people also gather. Tracking things from here, there, and everywhere. Ultimately settling in the deep reaches of the family carpet barely even disturbed by your economy vacuum cleaner.

    It is horror stories like those that helped Ghost Cleaners realize the urgency of implementing green carpet cleaning. From first steps, to homework time, to story time, our carpet is a vital part of our home. Do we treat it as so? Ghost Cleaners offers carpet cleaning because we are aware of the need for a clean and safe home. Entire home. Take the steps to cut sickness and germs out of your home and check out a local carpet cleaner now! Visit us at

  • 31 Oct 2017 4:21 PM | Deleted user

    As a newly founded cleaning company we are looking to provide a cleaner, more environmentally friendly and healthier option for our clients. As a cleaning business owner we want to provide a healthier environment for our employees as well. We use cleaning products daily and need to eliminate toxic chemicals that could harm us as well as our clients.

    Green cleaning means improved health and safety of both humans and our surrounding environment. Green cleaning can improve air quality in buildings such as schools, hospitals, and offices. By replacing toxic chemicals, which can linger in the air and on surfaces long after use, with eco friendly cleaning you can implement a healthier environment for you and your employees. Green clean is a true kind of clean all around. With so many benefits of green cleaning why wouldn't you GO GREEN?

    Find A IJCSA Certified Green Cleaning Service Here

  • 30 Oct 2017 1:40 PM | Deleted user

    Prestige Cleaning specializes in everything from residential and commercial cleaning to pressure-washing parking lots and sidewalks. We want to be your go-to company that covers all of your service needs. Customer service is a big priority for us as well. We've all been in a situation that needs that special attention and when you have a crew that sees to it right away, that's one of the best feelings in the world, that's what we strive for.

    We are fully committed to being a green, Eco-friendly company including the products we use and our business practice. We value the health and well-being of our clients and our staff, that is why we only use natural, green products. Our products have ingredients that everyone can pronounce, no more harmful chemicals. Our cleaning products have everyday ingredients you can recognize, i.e. Baking Soda, Vinegar, Lemon and Salt, just to name a few. These are much less damaging to the environment and need less purification after the fact, compared to the conventional cleaning products. Go Green! 

    Find Us In The IJCSA Green Cleaning Directory

  • 30 Oct 2017 1:12 PM | Deleted user

    In today's world, where there are so many chemicals and toxins in the air and food we consume, green programs are highly needed. Our team here at Prestige Cleaning has decided to implement a green cleaning program not only as a business plan but as a lifestyle. We want everyone to live full and healthy lives, using natural products gives us the peace-of-mind knowing we are not spreading harmful chemicals in the homes and offices that we clean. 

    Furthermore, we will be creating and manufacturing our own product line right here in the USA. That way we know exactly what ingredients are going into the cleaners that we will be using. This will also cut out the transportation that may have occurred shipping the items over sea. That is just another way of staying green that is not just including the products that we use. 

    Find Us In The IJCSA Green Cleaning Directory

  • 30 Oct 2017 7:12 AM | Deleted user

    Health awareness concern rises from the food we eat to the products we are using in our everyday life's, we fail to acknowledge this area when it comes to cleaning as well. From the floors to refrigerator to bathrooms. Our lives get busier and when its time to clean; the list of products and supplies becomes overwhelming, our cabinets are filled with different cleaning products for different areas of our homes.

    Here are three reasons why you should use Ecofriendly Cleaning products.

    1.  A Healthier Home:  Eco-friendly cleaning will give you the peace of mind about providing a healthy environment for you and your family, including your pets.  There is nothing better than cleaning your home, not concerned with what your skin is absorbing while doing so, nor about your children and pets being around your products, because eco-friendly products are safer an healthier option than chemicals used so prominently today.
    2. Better Air Quality: Eco-friendly products, decreases the chances of developing asthma which it has become a common chronic illness. Imagine a clean home  without contaminating the air your breath. 
    3. Inexpensive :  You already have many eco-friendly products in your pantry,  vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, even olive oil. Making them cost effective in comparison to the chemical cleaners lined up on the  isle at your local supermarket.

    As more people become aware of the harmful effects of chemicals have on our health and their abundance in our environment, all leading us to find more Eco-friendly alternatives. Next time you clean, look no further than your own cupboards and keep it Green!

    Find A IJCSA Eco-Friendly Cleaning Service Here!

  • 23 Oct 2017 10:22 AM | Anonymous

    Using green cleaning products instead of conventional products has its pros and cons most green products advertise they are green and don’t use harmful ingredients. They also list all ingredients on the label so you’ll know what is in them. 

    Cons about green cleaning

    Green products usually come at a higher price point and take a little bit more muscle for the same level of clean that you get from traditional products. Green products are continually improving however.

    Pros about green cleaning

     Green products won’t damage surfaces over time like traditional products can. They are also better for the environment if you are using something that needs to go down the drain. They also have no harmful effects if you accidently come in contact with them to your skin or eyes. 

    Switching to Green Cleaning products is good for the health and wellbeing of your people, and it also prevents unnecessary chemicals from being released into the environment.

    Don’t fall prey to the anti-bacterial craze. The FDA has found that antibacterial soaps and hand cleansers do not work better than regular soap and water and should actually be avoided. Unless you live in a hospital or a clean room, there is no reason to eradicate all the germs from your home. 
    Use Unique Options, LLC for your cleaning needs.
  • 22 Oct 2017 9:45 PM | Deleted user

    With the many cleaning services and companies out here today , you want a company you can trust that provides Green-Cleaning-Services

    You want a company that will care about the welfare of your family, as well employees. 

    Using a cleaning service that can provide you with green cleaning can provide you with just that. A environmentally friendly cleaning using green cleaning products. Why not make a smart choice and pick a green cleaning service for your home or business. 

  • 22 Oct 2017 9:25 PM | Deleted user
    Implementing green cleaning is not just a phrase. Green cleaning is not just good for your clients but can help develop a good relationship with clients as well good word of mouth for future clients to come. Using green products can be definitely more safer than your everyday cleaning products such as bleach. 

    Mainly because if you mix bleach with most other chemicals it can cause a chemical reaction that you should not be inhaling. The smell can also linger in your clients residence or place of business. Some do not like the smell of bleach or could possibly be allergic. Green cleaning is also good for our eco system and everyday life. Most Green cleaning products are made from all natural ingredients that can still do the same thing as bleach or other chemicals.

    Find A IJCSA Green Cleaning Service Here

  • 22 Oct 2017 7:36 AM | Anonymous

    As part of being a responsible cleaning contractor and because we understand the problems that our generation are facing we are committed to protect our environment. As part of our effort we are glad to offer green certified cleaning products and procedures. Green Cleaning is not only the right thing to do, it should be the only way to do it.  Allow us to help your company make the green transition, allow us to partner with you to have the right alternatives to preserve what we still have for future generations. We assure you that you will be surprised on how just with some simple changes we all can create a positive effect on preserving our environment. 

    Find A Green Cleaning Service Here

  • 19 Oct 2017 4:52 PM | Anonymous

    As a business owner, I feel it is important that customer service is the number one priority. With both small business and large businesses, in order to ensure good relations, keeping the customer happy an setting a standard for friendly service is a priority. I entrust IJCSA for providing me with more knowledge to improve customer service as well as other knowledgeable information that pertains to helping with customers and helping my business grow more rapidly.

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