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  • 09 Oct 2021 1:44 PM | Deleted user

    The cleaning industry is one of the fastest growing portions of the service sector in the world. There are countless cleaning companies out there, ranging across all sizes and the entire spectrum of the cleaning field. For large businesses looking for a commercial cleaner, the sheer breadth of options is a boon, one that they have the time and resources to manage. But for the average person just looking for a reliable cleaner to deep clean their home, the number of choices can be paralyzing.

    Enter the IJCSA, and its Residential Cleaning Specialist Certification. The IJCSA RCS logo is a proven sign of a quality cleaning service, one that brings several key advantages to make a consumer's choice easy. These advantages are built into the RCS certification curriculum, making sure that no one earns the certificate without meeting its standard.

    First, there is safety. Before a cleaner can even begin the training process for the RCS certification, they must also earn IJCSA certifications for bloodborne pathogens and hazardous chemicals. This means that any RCS certified cleaner is going to have a thorough understanding of the chemicals they are working with, and how they should be used, as well as a knowledge of the universal precautions for preventing exposure to and the spread of blood borne illnesses.

    Second, there is customer service. A residential cleaner is a public facing profession, one that requires regular contact and communication with clients. A bad attitude or an inability to communicate and problem solve effectively can hamper this relationship. So as another prerequisite for the RCS certificate, a residential cleaner must also take IJCSA Customer Service Certification, to ensure that they know how to engage with clients in a respectful, productive manner.

    Last, but far from least, is Training. Once a residential cleaner has demonstrated a knowledge of both safety and customer service skill sets, they move on to the RCS training course. Drawing from a wealth of experts and source material, the course offers a wealth of tricks and best practices covering every aspect of home cleaning. Whether it's soap scum in a standing shower, or a dirty oven, an RCS certified cleaner will know how to make it go away.

    As has been said, there are a lot of options out there for residential cleaning services, and choice paralysis is a real problem for many consumers. Who is the best? Who can I trust in my home? They are valid questions, and the IJCSA certified Residential Cleaning Specialist has an answer. "I am."

  • 07 Oct 2021 3:49 PM | Deleted user

    With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, and all of the questions it has brought to the public mind, maintaining a clean and sanitary home has never been more important. And likewise being able to find the most professional, safe and thorough cleaning services for one's home has never been more important, and thankfully easy.

    The IJCSA provides not just a first rate system of training and certification covering every aspect of cleaning work, including residential cleaning. It also provides helpful tools for potential clients to find IJCSA members in their area and to suit their specific needs. IJCSA member businesses and their certified cleaners have been set up with every tool and skill necessary to clean a house quickly, and without missing a spot.

    A clean home is a safe home. For those looking to stay clean, to say safe, and to feel fully confident in the services they are paying for, the IJCSA, and the host of residential cleaners that can be found among its membership are the best answer. Anyone interested can search for a IJCSA cleaner in their area using the following link:

  • 07 Oct 2021 6:56 AM | Deleted user

    Working in the cleaning field, whether it be a hospital, healthcare setting, residential cleaning, commercial cleaning, or janitorial services, We are exposed to many potentially harmful bacteria, viruses, and possibly bloodborne pathogens every single time we clean. Knowing where these potential dangerous exposures are, and how to handle and clean them accordingly as to minimize risk of exposure, is imperative to assuring our health and safety, as well as others.

    As cleaning professionals, it is our duty to not only clean, shine, and tidy, but also to safely minimize risk of exposure, disinfecting all surfaces, and to do so in a way that will not harm ourselves or others who work with us, as well as others who work in these areas that we clean.

    Being aware of the potential hazards of bloodborne pathogens has always been incredibly important, and these days during the global pandemic, it is absolutely necessary.

    We have an important, unique duty and responsibility to helping to protect ourselves, others around us, and our families by knowing how to properly work in our field, and do so in a way that not only minimizes the risk of contamination, but to help in breaking the chain and helping to stop the spread of infections diseases of all kinds. 

  • 05 Oct 2021 12:36 PM | Deleted user

    As workers in the cleaning services industry, we are the first responders to the sort of potential biohazard incidences that can spread bloodborne pathogens. Whether it is blood, vomit, or items such as needles, cleanup and disposal is our business, and therefore understanding the best practices regarding bloodborne pathogens is our responsibility.

    This responsibility should be taken seriously, as the consequences of failing to uphold it are serious. A failure to know or practice OSHA recommended universal precautions when cleaning areas potentially exposed to bloodborne pathogens can have a dramatic and negative effect on workers, clients, and the families and friends of both. HIV or HBV can be contracted and then spread from just one incident of negligence.

    In the interest of protecting not just ourselves, but our coworkers, clients, and loved ones, an awareness of blood-borne pathogens and the strategies necessary to avoid exposure are integral.

  • 05 Oct 2021 11:42 AM | Deleted user

    For most people, their home is more than just where they sleep and where they keep their possessions. It is their sanctuary. To invite someone into that place is something that takes trust, which is why in residential cleaning especially customer service is key.

    Good customer service practices help to establish a rapport between cleaner and client that means they will feel comfortable having a stranger in their home. Being polite, friendly, listening to what the client has to say about their expectations for the cleaning job, and even being open to hearing about issues with the cleaning all help to build a relationship that ensures that when the client feels the need to have their home cleaned, they will know who they trust to come in and do it.

    This is the kind of trust and rapport that IJCSA member businesses excel at. By offering excellent customer service training and certifications, IJCSA ensures that any prospective client who sees an IJCSA certification will know that they can trust that business with their sanctuary. An expansive list of such businesses can be found at this link:

  • 05 Oct 2021 8:07 AM | Deleted user

    Today, we are proud to offer Green Cleaning to our customers and partners. We are proud to display in our Disclosure material, the Green Seal, acquired for Certification from the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association,

    We are committed to our systems in place to assure a better and transparent process. We revised our structure to generate less waste. We look for partners and products that also have environmental certifications. We reduce the consumption of disposable material. We work with awareness policies for our customer’s. We train leaders and work teams. Win Services delivers more than a conventional cleaning! We deliver an experience to a better planet!

  • 05 Oct 2021 7:50 AM | Deleted user

    First, we will implement the green cleaning program by training our employees to be aware of the benefits and advantages for personal health, environment sustainability and for the future of the planet. In parallel, we are developing strong work on our social media and on our website to raise awareness of our customers about this important topic.

  • 03 Oct 2021 10:57 PM | Deleted user

    Janitorial and commercial cleaners are needed in the public places to keep these place safe and clean. Janitors, also known as custodians, have a role in order to meet the needs of others.

    Performing janitorial services for businesses creates  a partnership between  the service and the company they are cleaning for on order to serve their customers. This type of service is need every where in order to keep customers and visitors happy. For example, medical clinic have a duty to get their clinics clean and sanitize so the patients can feel welcomed and not grossed out. A number of people are in and out of the medical clinics therefore janitorial and commercial cleaning services are critical for their practices.

    Janitorial and commercial cleaning businesses aid in providing a clean and sustainable work environment. Employees are more apt to come to work. A clean place of work helps you think clearly because everything  is clean and organized.

    For more information, reference  the Janitorial Cleaning Directory that follows.

    Frances Kelly

    Apply The Pressure LLC

  • 03 Oct 2021 7:03 AM | Deleted user

    Biohazard cleaning is essential to the community because there are many occurring tragedies on a day to day basis. Like those of us losing a loved one or having a loved one be living in an unsafe condition is the reason these companies exist because not everyone can handle cleaning an area where a loved one passed or clean an area that smells awful.   
      That’s the reason why we the professionals are here to help those loved ones and those people who are in need of assistance in cleaning. We take courses to be certified to do our jobs correctly and effectively. In a well mannered way and to follow all laws regarding the hazardous waste that will be disposed of and the training needed to avoid any contact with bloodborne pathogens.

      These biohazard businesses are very important to our society because it’ll help us do the correct type of cleaning to get rid of any harmful material that can cause illnesses. Like a classroom having mold behind a board and the mold spores could cause breathing problems that could result in worse conditions if not removed. That’s the reason biohazard cleaning business are important and essential.

  • 02 Oct 2021 5:48 PM | Robert Johnson

    Biohazard cleanup is a job you want a professional to do. Like backed up sewage, black mold, any unfortunate death involving bodily fluids. All are hazardous and extremely dangerous if not properly cleaned up. Customer and employee safety to health are a priority and OSHA has implemented many rules and guidelines that a certified professional must follow. These guidelines are in place to ensure every precaution is taken to to keep all involved safe.

    A certified biohazard cleaning professional must take several hours of courses to learn the guidelines, emergency plans and when and how to write them, proper PPE gear, and the risk factors involved. Every job or scene has its own unique risks, and a trained OIC or certified worker will know the risks and dangers associated with the environment and materials involved. 

    For many, biohazard risks are only occasional but, for some people it's a job a career that is taken very seriously. Hazards such as Bloodborne Pathogens are tiny microorganism that cannot be seen by the eye alone. These Pathogenic microorganisms are present in the blood and could cause life threatening disease to humans. It is one of the few dangers in life that we don't have a cure for and that is why one must put safety for oneself and others first. So do you need a professional, when it comes to biohazard cleanup, I say yes....

    IJCSA Biohazard Cleaning Directory Here

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