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  • 09 Mar 2021 10:49 AM | Deleted user

    First and foremost, the highest justification for being trained and knowledgeable in bloodborne pathogens is simply safety. A bloodborne pathogen is defined as pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which is associated with AIDS.  Each person’s blood is different, containing different variables, that may be potentially dangerous to others if entered into their own bloodstream and/or mucus membranes.

    The only way to ensure optimal safety is to ensure each member of any cleaning service is properly trained and knowledgeable in cautionary procedures, as well as reactionary procedures. Having a clearly laid out Standard Operating Procedure for “best protective practices” is crucial. Having a basic knowledge of exposure symptoms can make the difference between life and death. Not understanding the symptoms, or time of exposure, could lead to misdiagnosis or even sudden death depending on the variables.

    In closing, when any cleaning service is not properly trained there is a much higher risk of mistakes, exposures, and possibly more infection.

  • 08 Mar 2021 4:37 PM | Deleted user

    Bloodborne pathogens means pathogenic microorganisms that are transmitted through the bloodstream, and can cause viruses. The three most significant bloodborne pathogens but not limited to are. Immunodeficiency virus {HIV} Hepatitis B virus {HBV} and Hepatitis C virus {HCV} Hepatitis B virus can live in dried blood for up to a week, Hepatitis C virus can survive for up to four days. Many symptoms many not be present for many years after exposure such as HIV. 

    Some of the symptoms for {HBV}: Abdominal pains, Jaundice, Dark urine, Nausea. 

    some of the symptoms for {HCV}: sore throat, persistent fever, night sweats, mild flu like symptoms. 

    Proper training knowledge and understanding is required when cleaning up any type of bloodborne pathogen As it is vitally important for protecting the health and safety of the workers. The training ensures workers and employees are qualified to work in this specialised environment. Anyone can be exposed to bloodborne pathogens during an accident or close contact with anyone that has a transmittable infection. from an open wound, needle prick or sores To bodily fluids, mucous membranes, and non intact skin with blood tissue. These are just a few amongst other potentially infectious diseases. BBP training must be retained for three years, whether kept on paper or electrically. Employers must be able to easily access this in case an OHSA officer needs to see the records.  

    The correct {PPE} Personal protective equipment should be worn at all times when cleaning up any bloodborne pathogens. It is worn to minimise exposure. Some types of PPE are: Face shields, gloves, gowns, masks, goggles and glasses, shoe covers. Anyone exposed to BBP should report it within the hour if possible to allow prompt intervention to reduce the risk of infection. 

  • 08 Mar 2021 11:18 AM | Deleted user

    Amid the Covid 19 pandemic it is more important than ever for health care workers and facilities to understand the importance of proper cleaning. Controlling the spread of infections or viruses is vitally important in many different locations and settings such as schools and the workplace but it is even more crucial for healthcare providers. People visiting or receiving treatment in these environments are already vulnerable to the spread of infection, so making sure that effective cleaning regimes are in place for waiting rooms, corridors, reception areas and wards is key.

    A clean and welcoming environment is also important from an aesthetic point of view , it makes the patient feel as though they are in a safe germ free environment. especially now with the growing cases of Covid 19 in all healthcare facilities we need to make the patients feel safe and keep them in a clean, sanitized environment. 

    Healthcare-associated infections is a term that covers a wide range of infections including MRSA, E.coli and C.diff and Covid are infections that develop as a direct result of medical or surgical treatment or contact in a healthcare setting. Healthcare providers can help to minimize the risk of cross contamination in a number of ways including:

     -Proper training of staff in cleaning and disinfecting practices

    -Proper Use of PPE from the staff

    -Keeping a clean environment for patients and staff

    You can learn more about certified cleaning companies by visiting

  • 08 Mar 2021 9:02 AM | Martha Wilson

    Implementing medical cleaning practices into our everyday life is more important now then ever. If each and everyone of us do this, we can drastically change how things are right now. We can even prevent another pandemic taking over the world again. Implementing the cleaning practices into our homes and work place could possibly eliminate the spread of any germs or viruses. 

    We can look at the medical cleaning practices and make our own to keep our homes and work places safe. For an example, something as simple as staying home if you are sick will help stop the spread of those germs. Another thing that medical facilities do is disinfect the rooms after each patient. How many times have you used another persons computer or cell phone without disinfecting it or washing your hands before and after the use? 

    If we look to the professionals as an example for our cleaning practices, we can stop the spread of germs and viruses before they get to the point of an pandemic. I understand that they are a lot of things that the health care facilities do that would not pertain to our home or workplace, however, if you speak to a professional cleaning company, they can inform you on how to adapt the same concepts to use at home and work. Here is a link to a janitorial directory that can help you find the right company for you. 

    International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association - Janitorial Services Directory (


  • 08 Mar 2021 7:54 AM | Brian Sadler

         Our business deals with mold and virus remediation & crime scene, trauma clean up. All of these environments pose a sever threat to every worker. the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment is essential in preventing possible exposure to HIV, Hepatitis B, viruses, bacterial infection, and mold and mildew exposure. The same way you treat a gun as always loaded, you treat any workspace and scene as being infected. With this mind set and attitude you will always remain safe. 

         Proper handling of contaminated materials will not only keep you safe but will ensure you do not possibly contaminate other areas and other people. Never take short cuts when donning and offing your PPE. Always dispose of contaminated material safely and properly. Always be aware of possible sharp objects that can not only breech your PPE but may open wounds that can put you even more at risk. 

         Your health and safety is our utmost concern. Proper training and practices will ensure you remain healthy and safe in a hazardous environment that we work in every day.  

  • 07 Mar 2021 11:44 PM | Deleted user

    Healthcare workers are not the only types of workers that come into contact with bloodborne pathogens. In fact custodians, janitors and cleaners are all exposed to blood and other bodily fluids daily. It is important for anyone who works in the cleaning industry to be thoroughly trained on how to identify potentially contaminated areas and proper PPE when working. Its also important to make sure all workers are trained in first aid .

    If an exposure were to occur ,it is vital the the proper first aid, reporting and documentation process is followed to ensure safety of not following OSHA's standards puts other people at risk for many infectious diseases as well as the worker being fined by OSHA. 

    By providing your employees with the proper training it could make the world a safer place for everyone.

  • 07 Mar 2021 6:24 PM | Herbert Simmons

    Janitors are important in our everyday lives in so many different ways, they are the ones to open the doors in the morning. Janitors are our first line of defense in security, and health safety, before we get to the work place they have it already set up for us.

    They come in and turn on the lights and unlock the doors and set the temperature in the building, and then they make sure each area is cleaned and disinfected for the staff and customers. It is important to stay on top of cleanliness, because germs and disease can grow without proper attention.  

    From cleaning the cafeteria and restrooms, to wiping all high point areas such as counters, ledges and door handles . These are areas that are in use on a daily and is handles by many people throughout the day. This is just a brief summary of why janitors are important.

    Find Professional Certified Janitorial Services Here

  • 06 Mar 2021 1:07 PM | Anonymous

    The more my employees know and understand what bloodborne pathogens are, the more equipment they will be to minimize the risk of being exposed. While many people think that medical professionals are the only ones exposed to diseases of the blood on a day-to-day basis, the fact is that people in the cleaning industry can be exposed to bloodborne pathogens at any time. Within our company training program we will ensure that we stress the importance of how to properly clean and dispose of hazardous materials, how infectious disease spreads, about different types of diseases that spread through contact with blood and body fluids, the chain of infection, how to reduce your risk, and what to do if an exposure incident occurs.

    Again, we cannot stress how important it is to be properly trained for bloodborne pathogens. They become particularly lethal not just because they are dangerous for your health, but also because they are virtually invisible and symptoms take a considerable amount of time to show. You could have several infected individuals walking around and working on your job site right now and you don’t even know it.

  • 06 Mar 2021 1:01 PM | Deleted user

    It is very important for cleaning staff and staffing in the health care field to know the proper cleaning and sanitation tools made available by OSHA to safeguard against coming into contact with blood or other possibly contaminated body fluids. Learning the correct cleaning and sanitation chemicals used in the removal of blood, vomit, and other body fluids can help in the prevention of cross-contamination of HIV and HBV.

    Because blood borne pathogens can cause diseases in humans, as we are cleaning and decontaminating areas, we are to assume all human fluids are contaminated and proceed using standards set in place by OSHA. This includes an exposure control plan. The exposure control plan must be updated and made readily available to all employees.

    Because the symptoms of HIV and Hepatitis B (HBV) are not immediate, those who come into contact with the bloodborne pathogens should contact their supervisor and let them know what happened; they are to contact their doctors also. Follow the guidelines that are in the written exposure control plan set by OSHA in regards to what should occur after making supervisors and doctors aware of possible contamination.

  • 06 Mar 2021 12:36 AM | Anonymous

    As I've transitioned from the homeowner do-it-yourself mentality of remediating mold was to use baking soda. Those were the days. A year ago, I used a liquid mold remover by Concrobium, which my first and only time, but product had a lingering harsh smell a few days after application of the product. 

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