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  • 07 Sep 2020 6:35 PM | Christoff Neely

    In this day and age of unrest and uncertainty, it is easy to loose confidence in what is happening in society and all around us. Rest assure that is not the case when it comes to cleaning your personal space.

    Cleaning personnel that come equipped with the Residential Cleaning Specialist Certification from IJCSA  are here to serve you. Persons and companies with this certification are well versed in all around versatility cleaning. We have an advantage over any competitor simply due to an extensive knowledge of the Blueprint needed to keep and maintain your home.

    Educating our clients is a top priority for us. We keep you informed on all products we use on your property. We have standard procedures and methods on how we can tackle any issue placed before us. We are professional in every sense of the word and integrity is the order of the day.

    Most cleaning personnel can tell you why they have to do a task but with us we can explain the science of the why. Give you a guided tour of explanations and direct you to your personalized guidance check sheets to make sure that you the client are taken care of the way that you want to be taken care of. 

    The RCS Certification is the Gold standard for any professional cleaner who wants their clients and prospects to know that in this time of uncertainty, IJCSA cleaners are most competent and will not disappoint. 

  • 07 Sep 2020 5:27 PM | Alicia Prince

    When you hire a cleaner who has completed the IJCSA Residential Certification, you are choosing a cleaner who has dedication to master the procedures and effiency needed to clean you place of stay. Your chosen IJCSA cleaning business can train themselves and offer training to their employees. When everyone has the same knowledge and understanding of the cleaning process, the crew can remain productive and in a more uniform operation. 

    Members of IJCSA are professional know the importance of having guidelines and procedures to keep you as a client and employees healthy and safe. There are many hazards and issues that can come with choosing a cleaning company that lack knowledge and certification- from misuse of cleaning products, to improper wear of protection, lack of sharing information that you need to know as the customer, and many more. Certification will decrease the likelihood of many of these problems during your cleaning experience.

    Professional cleaning requires the use of chemicals, specific cloths or best practices for wiping, and the knowledge for preparing solutions or even what ingredients to use (or not to) for different surface materials. Some cleaning chemicals can be toxic especially when combined with another, creating fumes and gases. When you choose a cleaner who has completed the IJCSA Residential certification you know that they are properly informed and have created a plan to keep the areas they clean in good condition, clean and keep your health in mind.

    Certification assures you of a thorough cleaning and organized process. Cleaning companies are in turn more professional, efficient, and successful. Keeping in mind the expertise and professionalism of your chosen cleaner(s), will ensure that you will have your specific needs met. 

  • 07 Sep 2020 1:23 PM | Deleted user

    It is with outmost importance for our staff to know the procedures to effectively clean and remédiate a Bloodborne pathogen spill scenario or incident. There has to be an outline of steps to address the cleaning and disinfecting of blood spills or other pathogens.

    Knowing the risk involved dealing with Bloodborne pathogens like the fact that Hepatitis B that is more persistence then  HIV and can survive for up to a week in dried blood. Just a single teaspoon of blood can contain billions of particles in it. HIV, however, cannot survive much longer then a few minutes once exposed to air. Knowing this facts and that every blood should considered infectious the staff should be trained on how to follow the precautionary guidelines.

    Training  on how and which PPE should be used for the cleaning and disinfecting of the contaminated area and work place is extremely Important for the individuals in the area. Disinfecting after cleaning will avoid further cross contamination of the Bloodborne pathogens and risk of any employee getting infected. 

  • 07 Sep 2020 11:37 AM | Deleted user
    Our mission statement "Treat the customer right and you'll have a customer for life." It only takes a S.E.C. (Smile, eye contact and comment)

     We are here to fully understand your cleaning needs and members are trained to identify problems and provide customers and clients with exceptional quality service. With a graduate from  IJCSA. A client can feel that their needs have been met.

  • 06 Sep 2020 8:02 PM | Alicia Johnson

    We as employers are responsible for ensuring that workers are protected from exposure to deadly diseases. Also well as ensure workers are not exposed to harmful levels of chemicals used for cleaning and disinfection. Reading and understanding OSHA is a major factor in the cleaning business. Knowing what's required helps reduce accidents and increase knowledge to properly controlling any incidents that may occur. 

    Per OSHA Guidelines we train our staff to immediately clean and disinfect any visible surface contamination from blood, urine, feces, vomit, or other body fluids. Isolate areas of suspected contamination until decontamination is completed to minimize exposure to individuals not performing the work. Ensure adequate ventilation in areas where workers are using disinfectants, including by opening windows and doors, or using mechanical ventilation equipment.

    If we can follow those guidelines and a few others from OSHA my staff and those of our clients will stay safe. Carefully removal of bags with needles and syringes that could possibly be contaminated with HIV and HBV diseases. With the proper knowledge to collect and dispose of properly can maintain a healthier life for us all. 

  • 06 Sep 2020 3:15 PM | Deleted user

    It is important to make sure that your employees as well as yourself are properly trained in Bloodborne Pathogens due to high exposure risks. Janitors have a high risk of exposure due to the type of work they perform. Knowing the proper procedure for the use of PPE, proper procedure for handling Bio-Hazard items as well as Blood spill clean ups.

    Your employees health and overall well being are your main concern. It is very important to train employees to detect when they are working in a potentially hazardous environment and what objects may put them at risk and what they can do to protect themselves. 

    Your employees should also know what to do incase of a potential exposure. They will know how to determine the exposure level and how to follow through on reporting the exposure. It is the employers duty to make sure all employees with the risk of being exposed are knowledgeable about BBP to keep a healthy.

  • 06 Sep 2020 2:26 PM | Patricia Rolle

    Are you looking for a Janitorial or Cleaning Service that delivers exceptional  customer services then look no further than the IJCSA directory of qualified, competent and certified cleaning technicians for all your cleaning needs.  The IJCSA list of members are apart of a network of Janitorial and Cleaning Businesses that are fully trained and knowledgeable in this field however, we are equally big on customer service as we seek to build lasting friendships along the way.

    The IJCSA customer reviews speak for themselves.  The Organization started with just a few people, since then we have had many businesses signing up and coming onboard this speaks volumes about our reputation and integrity to the industry.  Our motto has always been customer service first and foremost because it will always be about you without you there would be no IJCSA.  To learn more about the types of services offered or to speak with a Customer Service Representative in your area or location call or visit the any of the websites listed here

  • 05 Sep 2020 11:48 AM | Anonymous

    I can implement Medical Cleaning Practices Into other Residential & Commercial Cleaning Products situations is by just looking at everything as if it came in contact with someone and now is infected. I will make sure I do my research and gather all information that I need to and come up with a proper plan and procedure to keep everyone is a less harmful environment and making sure everything is cleaned properly.

    I am helping out by trying to make sure that I help keep germs and viruses down in a workplace or at a clients home, so that they are able to enjoy their surroundings. I will make sure my company has the right proper PPE to do our job, and also stay safe and healthy while cleaning. 

    It is essential that everyone has the right training and knowledge of staying safe and protecting your health when cleaning in an home or business. To find a certified and trained company to help you with these highly standard cleanings, look no further IJCSA Janitorial Service Directory.

    Looking through this directory we are all trained and certified to complete the job. Just look for the company that is in your area to meet you needs.

  • 05 Sep 2020 1:34 AM | Anonymous

    Medical cleaning practices use a number of practical tools and guidelines to combat the transfer of bacteria, bloodborne pathogens, germs, microorganisms, and viruses.  These practices may be applied to residential and commercial spaces.

    The transfer of potentially infectious microorganisms occurs with hand contact to high-touch surfaces or infected persons.  Therefore, the initial step to implement infection control is to adhere to and teach good hand hygiene. Washing the hands regularly, with soap and water, for 20 seconds or more, will reduce to spread of contagious diseases.  When Soap and water is not readily available, apply an alcohol based hand sanitizer. 

    Cleaning is the physical process of removing bacteria, dirt, germs, and viruses typically using soap and water. It’s the necessary first step of any residential or commercial infection control procedure.  The physical action of rubbing/scrubbing any object with a cleaning agent will lower the risk of spreading infection.  Once the obvious debris is removed, a disinfectant or sanitizer may be used.

    Disinfecting uses chemicals to kill a broad spectrum of pathogens/germs and can lower the risk of spreading diseases. Disinfecting the home or workplace may be achieved with cleaning agents readily found in the grocery store.  Once a week, if not daily, wipe down the high-touch surfaces (door handles/knobs, faucet handles, toilet flush handles).  If ever feasible, remove tiles, and sanitize/deep clean carpets to eliminate the exposure to microorganisms that may have carried in from an infected area.

  • 05 Sep 2020 12:18 AM | Anonymous

    Properly cleaning healthcare facilities is very important because of the increase in potential contact with deadly highly contagious microorganisms/bloodborne pathogens (more than the common cold/flu).  The facilities also employee healthy individuals that should not be put at risk or exposed unnecessarily.




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