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  • 23 Oct 2019 10:18 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    Certificación de limpieza ecológica IJCSA (Nuestra certificación de limpieza ecológica es el programa en línea más asequible en la actualidad y asegura que nuestras empresas miembro estén al día con prácticas, normas y prácticas ecológicas seguras. Se requiere una certificación ecológica anual para que nuestros miembros estén completamente capacitados en todos los aspectos actuales de los procedimientos de limpieza ecológica ecológica segura y natural. Los miembros han realizado las 5-6 horas de capacitación requeridas para obtener su certificación. Nuestros miembros pueden entregar un certificado de limpieza ecológica con sus propuestas de limpieza para asegurar que cumplan con los estándares de su programa actual de certificación de limpieza ecológica, para que su empresa permanezca certificada. Nuestro programa se adhiere a todos los estándares internacionales, incluido el estándar de sistema de gestión ISO 9001, ISO 14001 e ISO 31000. Puede verificar el estado de una empresa miembro en cualquier momento solicitando su certificado de limpieza verde actual que se ve así y verificando su membresía en nuestro directorio . Todas las agencias gubernamentales locales, estatales y federales ahora requieren que las compañías de limpieza y limpieza tengan certificación de limpieza ecológica para ofertar y limpiar sus instalaciones. Junto con las agencias gubernamentales, todas las empresas importantes que mantienen una certificación de estándares HACCP, certificación ISO, certificación LEED, certificación CFGS, etc., requieren que las empresas de limpieza estén certificadas de limpieza verde. Si usted es propietario de un servicio de limpieza y limpieza, no sea tonto y espere hasta que se le solicite su certificación de limpieza ecológica. ¡Estar preparado! ¡Presente sus certificaciones con su oferta! Regístrese para esta certificación ahora >>)


    Our green cleaning certification is the most affordable program online today and insures that our member companies are current on safe green practices, training, and regulations. Yearly green certification is required so our members are thoroughly trained in all current aspects of natural safe eco friendly green cleaning procedures. Members have performed the required 5-6 hours of training to gain their certification. Our members can turn in a green cleaning certificate with their cleaning proposals to insure they meet the standards of your current green cleaning certification program, so your business remains certified.

    Our program adheres to all international standards, including management system standard ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 31000. You can verify a members company status at anytime by asking for their current green cleaning certificate which looks like this, and verifying their membership in our directory.     

    All local, state, and federal government agencies now require cleaning & janitorial companies to be green cleaning certified to bid on and clean their facilities. Along with government agencies all major companies maintaining a HACCP Standards Certification, ISO Certification, LEED Certification, CFGS Certification, etc. require that cleaning companies are green cleaning certified. If you are a owner of a cleaning & janitorial service do not be foolish and wait till you are asked for your green cleaning certification. Be prepared! Present your certifications with your bid! 

    Sign Up For This Certification Now >>   

  • 22 Oct 2019 7:23 PM | Deleted user

         Green cleaning is quickly becoming the popular choice for service providers based on health and environmental reasons.  Green cleaning refers to the growing trend of opting for environmentally-friendly cleaning products & methods over the use of toxic and harmful cleaning chemicals which can lead to serious health repercussions.  Green cleaning also refers to the methods for manufacturing, packaging, and distributing cleaning products, typically using biodegradable ingredients in an environmentally sustainable manufacturing environment. 

         The primary purpose of cleaning is to protect human health.  At IJCSA, our certified member’s Green Principles begin with health - the health of our employees and of the workers in the buildings we clean. We use only safe products which are free of toxic side effects, and we do all that we can to improve indoor air quality. Green cleaners are not corrosive and meet strict standards regarding inhalation toxicity, combustibility and skin absorption.  Reducing the acute and chronic impacts of our chemicals and practices is the most important part of our Green Program.

         Beyond immediate health effects, we strive to reduce the residual impact of our chemicals and practices on the environment, so to make our own company's impact on the environment as small as possible.  IJCSA green certified companies do not allow the use of any cleaning products containing known carcinogens, mutagens, or other harmful chemicals.

         According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), many standard cleaning products out on the market are known to contain toxic chemicals that are harmful to adults, children, and the environment.  Green cleaning is now the most popular choice for service providers based on health and environmental reasons. Please refer to our directory below to find your next green cleaning service provider.
  • 19 Oct 2019 2:53 PM | Anonymous

    My son and I have been searching for a good business opportunity that we could share in together.  After examining several types of businesses and his interests, we determined that starting a carpet cleaning business would be a good way to go.  

    One observation we have noticed amongst several of our friends is that many today are having difficulty with allergies and chemical sensitivities.  Therefore, we are planning to incorporate green certified chemicals that will be effective and safe for families and pets.

  • 18 Oct 2019 5:46 PM | Deleted user

    My plan on implanting Green House Cleaning in my business is by removing harmful cleaners and replacing them with safe non toxic cleaners to promote a healthier choice for my clients and the planet. I plan to fully disclose all the ingredients to my clients and make them knowledgeable. I also plan on upgrading my equipment that produces better air quality to for my clients.

    I plan to retrain myself and my staff with the following: Adopt alternative cleaning practices that minimize or make unnecessary the use of cleaning chemicals. Use cleaning chemicals in areas only where sufficient ventilation is present to allow chemicals to dissipate before the area becomes repopulated. If available, provide additional ventilation to enhance the rate of chemical dissipation. Clean in a manner that prevents the transfer of impacts to other areas of the residential dwelling that may contain vulnerable populations.

    Find Professional Residential Green Cleaning Services Here


  • 18 Oct 2019 11:51 AM | Deleted user

      Bloodborne Pathogens are micro-organisms that can be transmitted through the exposure to blood and bodily fluids. Such contact may lead to serious diseases HBV (Hepatitis B Virus) or HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). These can attack the bloodstream and liver which can lead to death. A person can be affected by needles, cuts, abrasions, and human bites either through touch, nose or mouth.

      Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) regulates standards to certain businesses where an employee may contract these viruses. The video we watched displays safe ways and measures to avoid coming into contact with pathogens. Wearing the proper protection equipment and following guidelines will help protect employees. Everyone needs to remain vigilant of their surroundings, ensuring they understand the risks involved.

      OSHA requires that records be kept for three years should an employee come into contact with these pathogens. That person should immediately see their physician to protect themselves. These pathogens can be anywhere but would be more prevalent in hospitals, jails, prisons, and hotel rooms. I would make this video mandatory for my employees to watch to lessen the risk of things they may come into contact with and help keep them safe.

    Learn More About Bloodborne Pathogens For Cleaning Staff Here


  • 17 Oct 2019 4:48 PM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    Running a business, especially a small to medium size business, requires constantly pursuing a stellar reputation.  In the cleaning business, making sure that the actual cleaning job is done is extremely important, but ensuring that the customer is 100% satisfied is the number one priority. 

    When advertising as a green company, the organization members have to know how to green clean.  Otherwise, clients who expect the use of certain cleaning agents, and also non-use of some others, may be disappointed if the wrong products are used.  Green cleaning certification provides the information that will allow cleaning companies to choose the correct materials to green clean.

    In addition, being a green cleaning certified company is a feel-good step for business owners.  Helping people with their cleaning projects while contributing to saving our Earth is an impactful feeling.  It makes me as a business owner feel like I am contributing to protecting the environment and to the global movement of saving Earth and our civilization from its doom.

    Finally, green certification has helped me to learn about harmful chemicals that I as an individual am now staying away from to help my own self.  I do not want to get sick, and the certification has taught me about specific chemicals to look for in cleaning materials and in other items, that can cause various ailments.  I now know to avoid those chemicals, and this will have a positive effect on my own personal health and on the health of my family.

  • 16 Oct 2019 11:20 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    Blanqueador de cloro, nafta, alcoholes minerales, ftalato, éter, cloruro de metileno, celulosa butílica, destilados de petróleo, ácido sulfúrico, hidróxido de sodio, etoxilatos de alquilfenol, amoníaco, diethathanolina, lauril sulfato de sodio; Todos estos son venenos, irritantes, toxinas y carcinógenos conocidos y documentados. ¿Entraría a propósito en una habitación donde las superficies, el agua e incluso el aire se han saturado con tales productos químicos? Estos son algunos de los productos químicos comunes utilizados como ambientadores, limpiadores y pulidores en la mayoría de los hogares y empresas de hoy. Los efectos comienzan en los procesos de fabricación donde contribuyen significativamente a la contaminación y las emisiones de carbono, produciendo corrientes de desechos de subproductos tóxicos que el medio ambiente no debe soportar o asimilar. Esto continúa para el usuario. Exponer a los clientes mal informados en los hogares a los efectos a largo plazo y de acción lenta de estos químicos. Terminan arrastrando desagües y canalones hacia lagos, ríos y vías fluviales que regresan al agua que consumimos. Esta es una imagen aleccionadora de la industria de la limpieza en su conjunto. Bicarbonato de sodio, limón, vinagre blanco, almidón de maíz, solventes cítricos, productos biodegradables, solventes y detergentes ecológicos; ¿Qué pasa si te digo que estos y otros productos similares pueden ser tan efectivos como sus contrapartes derivadas químicamente pueden limpiar tan bien o mejor? Nos hemos acostumbrado y programado para usar y depender de estos productos por conveniencia. Cuando se exponen los hechos y hay opciones disponibles, la mayoría estará de acuerdo en que no hay comparación y que la elección correcta es clara. La limpieza ecológica es tan efectiva como la limpieza convencional. Los productos reducen significativamente las emisiones y la contaminación en su fabricación en comparación con los productos químicos convencionales. Los consumidores, las empresas y los empleados pueden ahorrar, ya sea en productos más baratos, menores costos operativos o simplemente una vida más saludable. Encuentre servicios de limpieza ecológica profesionales certificados aquí Referencias IJCSA-Green Cleaning Directory-Curso de certificación de limpieza verde-Material de estudio

  • 16 Oct 2019 9:10 AM | Deleted user

    To help your green cleaning business succeed in the new environmentally friendly world or to have a better green cleaning service that will not let you down? Just visit to start feeling green now

  • 15 Oct 2019 2:47 PM | Deleted user

       Bloodborne pathogens are of great concern when it comes to maintaining a clean work environment. There are protocols and procedures that need to be used every time an incident occurs. It is not a simple matter of wiping down a countertop or floor. It is vital for you, your employees, and the employees who work in that environment to be kept as safe as possible.

        Employees need to be aware and take precautions to avoid contaminating themselves as well as others around them. This includes training them on how to properly clean, transport, and disinfect after any possible encounters with these pathogens. Proper training should be given to each employee on how to clean using the proper tools and disinfectants. Gloves should always be worn when dealing with anything related to biohazard materials to ensure that our employees stay safe as well as our customers.

        Since pathogens are not visible to the human eye, every job should be treated as though they were present. We must aim to do our best the first time in order to maintain a clean and safe atmosphere for our customers to work in.

       Bloodborne pathogens are of great concern when it comes to maintaining a clean work environment.
  • 15 Oct 2019 11:07 AM | Deleted user

    Uh oh! Another spill? Not sure how to get it out? Sounds like you need to contact an IJSCA member for your carpet cleaning needs. Our members work to treat your carpet with tender, loving care, as well as, provide helpful and easy to use carpet care tips in between cleanings. You’ll never say “uh oh” again with an IJSCA member on your side. Find a company that may be right for you at the Carpet Cleaning Directory.

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