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  • 04 Nov 2019 6:51 AM | Deleted user

    Good customer service starts with hearing what customers want, acknowledging understand their needs by repeating their wish, and demonstrating care by solving their problems or granting their requests. This is all done with a smile of empathy, friendly eye contact, and sociable comments. IJCSA Cleaning Service Members then follow-up to ensure customers are really happy with the solutions and service provided.

    Additionally, IJCSA Cleaning Service members demonstrate good customer service by staying in touch with all customers on a regular basis with all customers. One way to do this is through email campaign messages of value; thank you for your business, cleaning tips, holiday greetings, and life event acknowledgments. By staying connected with potential, current, and past customers and practicing good customer service skills of listening, understanding, and caring, a business can reach Customer Service Excellence.

  • 02 Nov 2019 11:12 AM | Deleted user

    Good service starts by building relationship with the customer. We thank the client genuinely and show a positive, helpful and affable demeanor, thus leaving them with a great impression.

    As we converse and Listen to the customer we show that we are competent, respectful, focused, and empathetic to all their concerns.

    Find More Cleaning Services That Put The Customer First Here

  • 01 Nov 2019 3:10 PM | Deleted user

    There are numerous benefits of having a mold-cleaning program.  Most significantly, a mold removal program reduces health risks to consumers by ensuring that all sources of mold have effectively been removed from the building. 

    Mold can quickly lead to a variety of health problems, especially for those with weakened respiratory systems and immune systems.  In worst case scenarios, mold can even prove to be fatal.  Rather than exposing those close to you to the dangerous health risks posed by mold, it is essential to hire a trained professional who has the skills and equipment to effectively remove it.

    As an IJCSA certified company, Sage Canyon Cleaning has demonstrated extensive knowledge in the EPA approved methods for mold removal.  Our mold remediation services are designed to detect the source of the mold and eliminate it at its root. Mold commonly hides in unseen places, such as inside walls, basements, attics, beneath carpets, and in closets.  Without hiring a professional remediation service, there is no way to know that you have effectively eradicated all the mold colonies from your home.   

    Even if you are able to remove mold growth through DIY methods, there is still a strong possibility it will recur.  Mold spores require moisture to grow and multiply.  Some molds can start to grow as soon as 24-48 hours after a leak or spill.  As a professional mold remediation service, we at Sage Canyon Cleaning isolate the areas that are producing excess moisture and stop the problem at the source.  By identifying and resolving leaks and moisture problems, you completely eliminate the possibility of mold coming back. 

    Don’t wait until molds infests your whole building. As soon as you become aware of the infestation, have it professionally treated right away. 

    Find Professional Certified Mold Remediation Companies Here

  • 01 Nov 2019 11:24 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    Como una pequeña empresa local, es importante elevarse notablemente por encima de la competencia. Una manera importante de lograr el objetivo de destacarse entre la multitud en lo que a veces puede parecer un mercado saturado es mostrarles a los clientes potenciales que su salud, seguridad y bienestar son lo más importante. Después de todo, la limpieza es una industria de servicios, impulsada por el cuidado de los clientes, sus familias y su entorno más preciado y personal: su hogar. Obviamente, los productos ecológicos son mucho mejores para nuestro planeta que sus equivalentes químicos, fabricados por el hombre, debido a la biodegradabilidad, la sostenibilidad y la toxicidad, entre otros factores, pero los beneficios que ofrecen también se sienten profundamente dentro de un hogar. Al considerar los productos que se usarán para limpiar el hogar de alguien, se debe considerar mucho a los residentes del hogar y los impactos en la salud que dichos productos pueden tener. Los productos y la limpieza ecológicos pueden garantizar que los niños, las mascotas, las personas con sensibilidades respiratorias o cutáneas, los ancianos y otros grupos de riesgo, así como las personas en gran medida sanas, no sufrirán ningún daño como efecto secundario de un servicio de limpieza. . Brindar esta garantía a los clientes potenciales mediante el uso de productos que se sabe que son más seguros le permite al cliente disfrutar de un entorno hogareño más limpio sin preocuparse por los efectos secundarios, y le permite a la empresa mostrar su compromiso con un entorno hogareño más saludable para los clientes potenciales y un mundo más saludable por todos nosotros. Encuentre servicios de limpieza ecológica profesionales certificados aquí

  • 31 Oct 2019 9:15 PM | Deleted user

    In any workplace that involves exposure to blood borne pathogens such as Hepatitis B or HIV are important for educating your employees. It is required by law to protect yourself and your employees. The symptoms can take years to show themselves, so it’s very important to report it.

     By not sanitizing your tools after job completion, compressing a trash bag containing needles, or not wearing proper protection such as gloves and eyewear can put an employee in danger for exposure.

    As an employer, It’s very important to have an exposure plan on hand at all times, and provide each employee with this plan. The employer is responsible for  keeping a kit on hand for protection.

  • 30 Oct 2019 8:02 AM | Anonymous

        I feel it is important to understand the meaning of protecting yourself and employees from Bloodborne Pathogens. Pathogens are Microorganisms that spread by being exposed to Mucus membranes. This includes the nose, mouth, and eyes. Employees should always treat these situations as Universal Precautions, meaning consider all patients potentially infectious, because you cannot see all Bloodborne Pathogens or OPIM. 

       I also think its a great idea that Bloodborne pathogens material must be appropriately labeled with a red or orange label to notify the cleaning employee of the dangers of infectious viruses and bacteria, because in the janitorial industry it is mostly over looked and just not emphasized enough. Wearing the appropriate protection equipment such as gloves, glasses, and face masks , could also eliminate the risk of exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens and OPIM. Never compressing trash, because of potential risks of being poked by a infected needle. Disinfecting your materials is also way to keep from cross contaminating , according to OSHA standards. 

       OSHA requires that all companies keep documents about recent exposures in the workplace for up to three years. Your company should also implement an Exposure Control Plan on site with details on exposure protection measures. I think these plans should be implemented every 6 months to a year to keep employees knowledgeable about Pre Exposure.

    Learn More About Bloodborne Pathogens Here 

  • 29 Oct 2019 4:28 PM | Deleted user

    Qual-Serv being Green Cleaning Certified will benefit by fulfilling its mission. Since its inception we have visualized a company that surpasses the industry standards in quality with a eco-friendly methodology. Today’s customers and upcoming leaders understand that environmental issues are no longer the stories of alarmist. Our impact to the environment is a factor that all must deal with.

     Our focus will be the commercial and federal contracting sectors. Many of the work statements being published for state and or federal agencies already require that the contractors hold and maintain a green cleaning certification through the period of performance. This certification will ensure compliance with the requirements of these sectors.

    Our ability to be certified and knowledgeable in green practices will also reduce employee illnesses and disease due to chemical exposure. According to “It has been proven that using green products for cleaning can reduce health issues such as eye, respiratory and skin burns or irritations, allergies, headaches, chemical poisoning, nausea, and even reproductive hazards.” We have sought out sources for such items as recyclable mop heads and spray bottles. We want to make this all a part of the employee’s sense of responsibility and wholeness with the company improving and benefiting morale.

    Time and time again going green shows cost savings to various industries and businesses. The Green Production Guide provides tools and reports of cost saving benefits analysis conducted on various markets. We believe and research backs that going green will save us as a company money in operational costs, procurement costs and employee management.

    Find Professional Green Cleaning Services Here


  • 29 Oct 2019 11:28 AM | Deleted user

    Customer Service the pathway to your success!  Customer service in residential and commercial cleaning is absolutely crucial to the success of your company.  Individuals who are providing services need to  understand  how to make a customer happy by being heard, being understood, and being cared for. I have often felt that smiling, making eye contact, and being genuinely  friendly is the best way to initiate any and all contact with your customer base. Employees who are able to understand the customer emphasize with the situation and create solutions on hand or absolutely  valuable. Being able to do all of these things allows you to follow up with your clients who will then provide referrals for future business, positive reviews. Our company works very hard to ensure that all of these things are done on a daily basis. 

    Find Professional Cleaning Services Here

  • 26 Oct 2019 4:35 PM | Deleted user

    Here at KC Cleaning LLC, We strive to give excellent customer service to our customers. Customer service is a skill that all jobs require. When you are providing services for the public, you should know how to treat and speak to customers. Our customers are our first priority. 

    We joined IJCSA to get more training and gain knowledge in our industry. Being a proud member of IJCSA, the certification courses will help our customers feel comfortable in relying on us to provide professional services on a daily basis. Find other professional cleaning companies below.

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