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  • 06 May 2024 10:35 AM | David DeForest

    A clean environment in which one lives or works is essential for good health, much like the air, food and water we need. Bloodborne pathogens similar to contaminated air, food and water poses a risk to health and life.

    A well trained janitorial service being educated about the potential dangers of bloodborne pathogens, can help maintain a clean and safe environment to benefit the health of those in it.

    IJCSA maintains high standards for its members and therefore provides the necessary training to achieve certification in the various scopes of the profession. The bloodborne certification is one credential on the path of excellence and professionalism for the IJCSA members.

  • 06 May 2024 10:06 AM | Anthony Willis

    Cleaning employees and staff play a critical role in the ongoing effort to control the spread of germs and pathogens which can often lead to any number of diseases including but not limited to HIV and HBV.  When we receive training and education on bloodborne pathogens, we help guard against the spread of contagions that can result in negative health consequences for anyone who might otherwise be exposed to them. 

    As a professional in the janitorial services field, I value the training that I received particularly since I work in medical facilities.  My training has helped me to better understand best practices for the properly handling of trash including a process which is very common that being the compacting of trash within trash liners and how that is a potentially hazardous practice which I will advise my staff not to perform.

    My training has also helped me to better understand the most likely sources for the transmission and exposure to bloodborne pathogens, that being that pathogens are most likely to enter our bodies through our mucus membranes and or through cuts to our skin.  I think that most cleaning professionals take the basic precaution of wear gloves but armed with a better understanding of the other ways an infections can occur, I am inclined to resume wearing additional PPE including protective eyewear and a face mask.  

    I think our collective relief that the threat posed from COVID 19 has been drastically reduced, got us all a little lax and this training reaffirmed the need for cleaning professionals to be as vigilant now as we were in the not- so-distant past.

  • 06 May 2024 9:39 AM | Blanca Arroyo

    Are you seeking a reliable and trustworthy home cleaning service? Look no further! The International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) is your go-to resource for finding top-notch residential cleaning providers. With a directory of IJCSA Members dedicated to delivering exceptional cleaning services, you can trust that your home will receive the care and attention it deserves.

    When it comes to maintaining a clean and healthy living space, IJCSA Members excel in providing professional home cleaning services. Whether you need a one-time deep clean, regular maintenance, or specialized cleaning solutions, the IJCSA directory offers a convenient search feature to help you find the perfect cleaning provider near you. Simply visit and explore the wide range of cleaning professionals available.

    By choosing an IJCSA Member, you can expect a team of experienced and trained professionals who prioritize customer satisfaction. These experts understand the unique cleaning needs of residential settings and utilize industry-leading techniques and equipment to ensure a thorough and effective clean. From dusting and vacuuming to kitchen and bathroom sanitation, their services cover all aspects of home cleaning.

    Experience the difference that IJCSA Members bring to residential cleaning. Visit the IJCSA directory today at to find a cleaning provider near you. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a sparkling clean home, courtesy of professionals who take pride in their work. Your home deserves the best, and IJCSA Members are here to deliver exceptional home cleaning services tailored to your needs.

  • 06 May 2024 8:57 AM | William Boston

    Janitors and Janitorial staff are essential to not only the cleanliness of the areas that we frequent; but also the sanitation. Janitorial staff are responsible for upkeeping areas that are frequently touched as well as areas that are not generally disturbed. Both areas over time will accumulate particles to include skin cells, dust, and germs and if ignored they can cause damage to buildings or spread illnesses. Without Janitorial staff, busy areas would be ridden with disease and filth. Proper upkeep of these areas is essential to fostering an environment that is welcoming and safe for customers and this is accomplished through an experienced janitorial staff. 

    Janitorial staff are the backbone to any thriving business and they perform the work that is often overlooked. These staff are trained to recognize and mitigate the spread of germs and filth and keep you and your customers safe from unseen dangers. Often performing duties when others are off work, these staff members reset the workplace at the end of the day so that others can come in knowing that they are entering a clean environment. The presence of a good janitorial staff can also increase productivity and enhance employee satisfaction with where they work and how they are able to perform their duties. 

    Locating an experienced janitorial staff can be very easy by utilizing the IJCSA's Janitorial Services Directory. This directory will connect you with janitorial services companies in your area. You can also be certain that you are making connections with companies that are highly skilled in their trade and are ready to provide top notch services. 

  • 06 May 2024 8:03 AM | Lori Weber

    We are excited to announce that we are now Green Cleaning Certified by IJSCA! Not only do we provide cleaning services that exceed expectations, but we can effectively do so while keeping your family, our cleaners, and our environment safer. After becoming certified in Green Cleaning, we carefully evaluated the cleaning products and tools that we use, and decided to implement some substitutions that we could use in our Green Cleaning service to put in place of them to provide the best possible results, at a lower cost to human/pet health, and environmental impacts. 

    The first thing we will be implementing as part of our Green Cleaning program, is biodegradable trash bags. They won't take nearly as long to biodegrade as regular plastic trash bags and will lower the amount of toxic emissions that are created during the manufacturing process of regular trash bags.

    Next, we will not be using any cleaning solution that contains any form of bleach. No bathroom cleaners, no disinfectants, no stain removers, etc.  There are a whole host of reasons as to why this was a no-brainer to us, and we know that some people don't believe that bleach is as awful to their health and the environment as it really is, but it isn't even going to be offered as a part of our regular services. 

    Among other things, we've decided to use solutions that have more natural active ingredients. Things like vinegar, citric acid (from things like oranges, lemons, etc.), washing soda, and olive oil, prove unbelievably useful around the entire home. These simple ingredients in the right combinations can effectively take care of things like stain removing, window cleaning, grout brightening, deodorizing, furniture polishing, etc.  

    As these are just a few of the things we're implementing as IJSCA Green Cleaning Certified business members, we're constantly improving our practices as we become more informed.  Because of this, we know you'll be more than happy with our Green Cleaning services, and can feel great that you played a role in keeping your family and the world a little safer in choosing to partner with us!

  • 06 May 2024 7:18 AM | Que Gordon

    Did you know that more than 2,000 dust mites can live in a single ounce of carpet dust? That's a lot of gross stuff lurking in your flooring. But getting your carpets cleaned a by a professional often can cut down on the gunk in the fibers. But if it's been a while since you got them cleaned, you're probably wondering how to find the best carpet cleaning service in the first place. It's easier than you think. You just need to follow this  one simple guide.

    Instead of searching all over the internet or calling friends and family, click the link to find the best certified carpet cleaning service in your area with the experience, knowledge and equipment to get the job done!

  • 05 May 2024 10:52 PM | William Boston

    Allowing someone to come into your home or business can be a daunting task. Finding people with professionalism and an understanding nature can seem impossible. Lucky for you there is a database of trusted companies that you can search to find the right provider for your needs! By using the IJCSA's database of providers you can ensure that you are looking at a comprehensive list of providers who have been equipped with the proper training and customer service skills to meet your needs and actually listen to your requests. 

    At the IJCSA, providers are trained comprehensivley on the skills needed to reassure customers and provide them with honest and caring service. We are trained to treat all customers with respect and genuinley listen to their concerns in all situations. Members understand what great customer service is and it goes beyond providing a valuable service. Being present and avaliable to customers is important as well as reaching out and caring about the well being of customers beyond the job. So use the IJSCA's Buisness Directory for all of your cleaning needs and find a professional near you today!

  • 05 May 2024 9:58 PM | Jennifer Medina

    Hi, my name is Jennifer Medina, owner and operator of BioCare. Just like myself, all other members of the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) are committed to providing each and every one of our customers and clients with impeccable customer service skills that will make your day better. As a client and/or customer, it is up to us to provide you with the service you deserve. 

    When all of us decided to go into this line of business we knew that sometimes you cannot please everyone, but that doesn't stop us from providing quality customer service to you because you are our priority. If for some reason you are dissatisfied with your service, do not hesitate to let us know. Let us know and we will work with you and see what we can do. As a whole, providing great customer service to you is a priority to us. If interested please visit the following link and we will be happy to service you:

  • 05 May 2024 6:31 PM | Garnett Patmon

    Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms such as viruses or bacteria that are carried in blood and can cause disease in people. It can be exposed as a result of blood itself or other bodily fluids. It is important for cleaning employees as well as staff to have common knowledge of it simply due to the fact that they will be more likely to work around it. They must understand the risk factors of exposure, how to deal with cleaning and disinfecting an area certain around it, and indulge in the required safety measures to keep them safe. 

    When cleaning an area that may be exposed to bloodborne pathogens you should always wear proper PPE attire such as disposable latex gloves, a mask, googles, and on rare occasions a face shield and disposable overalls. Using proper cleaning disinfectant is also very important. You should always properly dispose of your gloves as a precaution. The reason why you should wear proper attire is because a simple cut, bruise, or scratch can mean the difference between safety and infection. Even when disposing of trash you should take great precautionary measures to ensure that no uncapped needles are exposed. If one should become stuck with a needle or come into contact with any form of bloodborne pathogens they should quickly clean the area with soap and water as well as see a doctor. The problem with exposure to bloodborne pathogens is that it puts an individual at risk of contracting certain diseases such as hepatitis b, hiv, and aids. 

    Understanding risk factors is also important if one does not receive treatment following being exposed. As I mentioned earlier if left untreated exposure to bloodborne pathogens can lead to life threatening diseases. Finally it is most important that all workers are informed of the risks as well as ways to prevent exposure and protect themselves. OSHA provides in great detail an overview regarding bloodborne pathogens, ways of prevention, and even information regarding the causes of bloodborne pathogens

  • 05 May 2024 3:40 PM | Leon Williams

    Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms present in human blood and bodily fluids that can lead to dangerous diseases in those who come into contact with them. Types of bloodborne pathogens include: HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. 

    Those in the cleaning field are especially at risk for coming into contact with bloodborne pathogens since they may be tasked with cleaning up and sanitizing areas where bodily fluids were present. 

    OSHA (The Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has created industry standards which help employers and employees create a plan to remain safe on the job. By understanding the dangers of bloodborne pathogens and adhering to OSHA guidelines, employees can decrease their risk of exposure and do their jobs safely and effectively.

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