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  • 28 Jun 2022 10:37 PM | William Green

    There are many advantages in hiring a residential cleaner that has passed the IJCSA RCS Certification. One being that IJCSA residential cleaners have extensive background in chemical processing and safety. RCS members understand the dangers of chemicals used incorrectly. We also understand the importance of obtaining and keeping multiple SDS's on hand.

    Another advantage would be the fact that the cleaner has taken the IJCSA RCS class show that the cleaner is always willing to be better. We all make mistakes in this world but the ability to want to be better, not til you get it right but until you can no longer get it wrong, is what set IJCSA members apart from other residential cleaning companies. It is imperative that we be the become better each and every day for our customers. 

    Consistency is another great advantage of hiring an IJCSA RCS member is because they understand the needs and the wants of the customer when it comes to effectiveness.  IJCSA RCS members understand the in's and out's of using the correct methods of getting the job done correctly. They understand what it take to make the world a better place and that only comes with a clean world. 

    IJCSA RCS members are hard workers. They make sure that even if you are upset with the job that was done that they will come back and make it right. The great thing about hiring IJCSA member that has passed this course is that they would have had to pass the customer service class. Which subsequently comes down to the fact that you will be dealt with the best of service.

    They have also passed the mold inspection class. If mold was found on site they could easily, with the right PPE, remove the hazardous organisms. IJCSA RCS are the brightest in the field when it come to residential and if you think I am lying, give me a call and I prove it to you.

  • 28 Jun 2022 4:56 PM | Rashawn McCraney

    It is important for employees and cleaning staff to understand what bloodborne pathogens are so that they can properly clean them while staying safe. Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms that are present in human blood, vomit, saliva and other bodily fluids. When handling these fluids, it is important for all employees to treat them as if they are potentially infectious to reduce the chances of exposure to the diseases they can cause. 

    When coming into contact with these bodily fluids, employees must follow company protocol for proper cleanup and disposal methods. Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be worn at all times when handling these fluids. This includes disposable gloves, protective eyewear, a disposable face mask and a disposable apron. These items will ensure that any possible bloodborne pathogens will not come into contact with the employees nose, mouth or any breaks in the skin. The appropriate cleaning solutions should be used for each fluid and cleanup should be done carefully to prevent splashing of any fluids. Once cleanup is complete, all rags and PPE used should be disposed of in a properly labeled trash bin (red or orange in color) to notify others that the materials in the trash are hazardous. Employees must immediately wash their hands after cleaning these fluids. 

    It is important to follow these steps to prevent exposure for both oneself and other employees when handling these fluids. Employees also need to know what to do in the event of a potential exposure to these pathogens. Employees should seek out their supervisor immediately and inform them of their potential exposure to these pathogens. Their supervisor will follow the company’s exposure control plan so that the employee can seek the proper treatment for any potential exposure. Knowledge in bloodborne pathogens is crucial for all employees so that both proper cleanup methods and exposure prevention are used whenever these pathogens are encountered. 

    In the cleaning industry, it is crucial for employees and staff to have guidelines and protocols when dealing with bloodborne pathogens. Providing extensive knowledge to all staff can help avoid and prevent serious and life threatening injuries. Studies show that as many as one-third of all sharps injuries occur during disposal. Accidents are bound to happen, and in situations of an emergency, following a bloodborne pathogen exposure incident protocol can be a determining factor of life or death. Post-exposure management is an integral part of a complete program for preventing infection following exposure incidents. Educating all employees and staff on what bloodborne pathogens are and providing clear and up to date programs and protocols in how to efficiently deal with bloodborne pathogen incidences can greatly help with ensuring the safety of all employees.

  • 28 Jun 2022 3:36 PM | Darnell Gooch

    Carpet is notorious for becoming a home for allergens, dust particles and bacteria. If you or anyone in your home is susceptible to breathing problems, the airborne particles in carpet can increase and/or lead to breathing problems, such as asthma and allergies. These contaminants in your carpeting can cause a wide range of health problems, especially in children and the elderly. Vacuuming does help to remove dust mites, dirt and bacteria; however, it doesn’t completely remove these things and over time they accumulate, increasing the risk of health problems. Professional carpet cleaning helps to remove dust mites, bacteria and other allergens, which ultimately helps your family breathe easier and reduces the risk of colds and other health problems.

    Having your carpet professionally cleaned will help to improve the look and the feel. As dirt and dust build up in the fibers, it causes the fibers to become matted, which makes the carpet look old and worn as well as feel rough and flat, regardless of how much padding is underneath. Expert cleaning helps to keep the dirt and dust from tearing away at the fibers in the carpet, which ultimately makes them look better and feel softer for a longer amount of time.

  • 28 Jun 2022 3:31 PM | Darnell Gooch

    Extends the Life of your Carpet and keeps it Looking New. ...

    Removes Carpet Stains. ...

    Maintains a Healthier Living Environment. ...

    Eradicates Residue that Rental Carpet Cleaners may leave. ...

    Eliminates Soiling from High Traffic Areas. ...

    Contributes to the overall Clean Feel of a Home

    So let 1 of many of the IJCAS Members to assist with your carpet cleaning needs. You will not be disappointed

  • 28 Jun 2022 3:06 PM | Deleted user

    As an owner or manager of a short-term vacation rental with quick turnarounds you have many things to handle. Outsourcing turnaround cleaning to an experienced business with  superior customer service can free you from time-consuming burdens and provide you ongoing peace of mind. Top-notch cleaning businesses receive industry training and certification through IJCSA and know how to provide excellent customer service.

    When working with a certified IJCSA Residential Cleaning Professional you will be greeted with a smile. As a top priority, IJCSA cleaners strive to understand your needs perfectly. They listen to understand and ask pointed questions. Once your concerns are confirmed, IJCSA professionals will work to  develop creative solutions and provide remedies. You can expect to receive follow-up from an IJCSA professional who personally cares for your satisfaction. Find your local cleaner through the IJCSA Business Directory now.

  • 28 Jun 2022 11:32 AM | Deleted user

    Are you frustrated with janitorial staff who clean your facility but don't care for you? Do you want to be heard and understood by those who clean for you?  Look no further!  IJCSA members are professionals trained in the essentials of excellent customer service. We listen until the you feel heard, we ask questions until the you feel understood and we seek creative solutions that show you are cared for. We also smile!

    Contact an IJCSA member today and experience excellent customer service that will make you smile!

  • 27 Jun 2022 8:22 PM | CRYSTAL HARRIS

    The benefits of having your carpet or rugs cleaned by certified IJCSA members are plentiful. IJCSA members have gone through extensive training on carpet fibers, best practices on carpet cleaning, and are trained on how to use customer service for  their clients. 

    IJCSA certified carpet cleaners have taken testing to get their certification and are part of a business cleaning group that uses up to date cleaning methods and practices. You will not regret using IJCSA certified members for your cleaning needs!

  • 27 Jun 2022 1:04 PM | Deleted user

    In our industry of working with the public there are many hazards we may come across. It is extremely important that ourselves and our staff know how to properly care for and dispose of items that may come into contact with blood. There are many contaminated items we can come across with as well and we should know how to manage everything to keep ourselves safe. 

    Our staff and ourselves should be properly educated about cleanup and communicable disease. We should treat every contact and cleanup as if it could cause us harm requiring diligence and knowledge of what we are coming into contact with. 

    Keeping a record of any exposure and the proper way to care for such exposure is very important in the industry and it could even save a life. This is not a topic to take lightly, should we come into contact with blood they may have been contaminated we should keep an eye on our symptoms and how we feel following. I’m excited to continue learning and look forward to expanding my knowledge. 

  • 27 Jun 2022 7:54 AM | CRYSTAL HARRIS

    In bio hazard remediation services, it is very important to have good customer service for your clients. This cleaning industry deals with trauma, unattended deaths, homicides, suicides, hoarding situations, and hazardous chemical contamination. When dealing with a client who has just lost a loved one, it is important to use the S.E.C. method, which is an acronym for: Smile, Eye Contact, and Comment. 

    The S.E.C. method will help provide service with a smile to grieving clients and individuals that have been in close proximity to the after math of a crime or traumatic event. Great customer service is having compassion and empathy, by listening and letting them be heard, by acknowledging them and repeating back to them what their concerns are. 

    If you are looking for compassionate and professional bio cleanup services, please check out the companies in this business directory list, that specialize in trauma cleanup, forensic cleaning, and compassionate cleanup. There are many cleaning professionals that you handle your needs. 

    In bio hazard remediation services, it is very important to have good customer service for your clients. This cleaning industry deals with trauma, unattended deaths, homicides, suicides, hoarding situations, and hazardous chemical contamination. When dealing with a client who has just lost a loved one, it is important to use the S.E.C. method, which is an acronym for: Smile, Eye Contact, and Comment. 

    The S.E.C. method will help provide service with a smile to grieving clients and individuals that have been in close proximity to the after math of a crime or traumatic event. Great customer service is having compassion and empathy, by listening and letting them be heard, by acknowledging them and repeating back to them what their concerns are. 

    If you are looking for compassionate and professional bio cleanup services, please check out the companies in this business directory list, which can be found here: 

  • 27 Jun 2022 2:08 AM | Robert&Tammy Harris

      Does using a Rug Doctor yourself take the place of a professional? Simply a resounding, No! There isn't a store bought or store rental that can take the place of a professional cleaning.

      So many of us never like to read owners manuals, terms and conditions or warranties. But did you know that carpets come with fine print that is the customers responsibility to read? Take Mohawk residential carpet. To keep that warranty intact you need to have your carpets cleaned at least once every 18mos. by a professional and you need to keep your bill/invoice or receipt as proof.

      The IJCSA Certified Carpet Cleaners know how to keep your carpets looking like new and bring them back from the brink of the landfill. Before you spend thousands on new carpet, talk to a IJCSA Certified Carpet Cleaner and let them assess your carpet. Sure you can save money in the short run, and slightly extend the life of your carpets. But having a professional clean your carpet will greatly extend the life of your carpets, basically paying for it's self. You would be surprised at what they can do.

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