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  • 11 Dec 2021 7:02 PM | Deleted user

    Bloodborne pathogens are a serious concern for cleaning employees and staff.  It’s important that all cleaning personnel understand what bloodborne pathogens are, what hazards they possess, how to prevent exposure and the procedures for post exposure.  Bloodborne pathogens include viruses like HBV, HCV, HIV and OPIMs.  These disease can be transferred through blood and bodily fluids.  It’s greatly important that cleaning employees and staff understand the importance of these hazards.

    OSHA has created bloodborne pathogen standards that guides employers on how to implement control measures, universal precautions, hazard communication and recordkeeping.  Work practices should be explained to the employees and enforcement of the procedures should be a top priority.  Understanding the importance of using PPE, disinfectants and the post-exposure steps are critical in those working in facilities that have possible contact with bloodborne pathogens.

    Employers must implement a safety program where the staff and employees understand and follow the rules for working with bloodborne pathogens.  They must wear the proper PPE, use the appropriate cleaning products and equipment when working in these facilities.  The importance of understanding bloodborne pathogens is to enforce precautionary measures to prevent exposure.   

  • 09 Dec 2021 3:45 PM | Deleted user

    Unless you are going to wait to use the bathroom until you get home,then  public restrooms are the the primary option.

    So if you use a bathroom,and it's not properly clean then you are at risk of a infection or illness. Let me also add depending how healthy you are,it can also affect how your cells respond so some people can be affected even more. 

    When you are working in a office,and it's not properly sanitized,or clean,then the indoor quality which is vital to our health can be affected which is super imperative as well.

    So in conclusion Janitors are as important as all other front line workers because they are the protectors of our health in a public setting.

  • 09 Dec 2021 8:50 AM | Kegan Lung

    House cleaning would seem to be a simple enough process. We all have homes that we clean and we all have our methods that we have found to be effective. But like all things their is a process, and often the processes that you find with proper training. Lead to your team being more efficient and cost effective.

    For example how many teams start vacuuming before they dust? Often cleaning top to bottom is a method of cleaning that allows for the laws of gravity to work with you and not against you. Sometimes home owners will watch you clean and complain before your even done. Having a certificate such as this allows you to say. We are certified in our cleaning process and follow strict guidelines to insure a job well done. 

    This being said, it is also important to remember that the customer is always right and if they think something should be done a different way. Let them pay you to do it their way.

  • 09 Dec 2021 2:52 AM | Deleted user

    A lot of cleaning products or common household products can irritate the eyes, nose or throat or can cause allergies or  other health problems, including cancers, other cleaning chemicals emit hazardous fumes including volatile organic compound. Other harmful ingredients include ammonia and bleach.

    commercial use of cleaning products can affect indoor and outdoor environment and can lead to pollution and waste. Water pollution from many chemicals from cleaning products are washed to rivers and streams that ends up to the worlds oceans affecting marine life.

    Cleaning green on the other hand have this advantage, workers are reduce to toxic exposure. Harmful chemicals are eliminated reducing asthma attack by effectivity keeping dust and chemical allergens at bay.

    Improvement on the overall air quality both indoor and outdoor by reducing airborne dust and chemical gases. Converting to greener products and procedures helps reduce pollution to our waterways , oceans and in the air it also minimize the impact on the global warming.


  • 09 Dec 2021 2:37 AM | Deleted user

    The war on viruses and bacteria is never ending. Bacteria and viruses can live everywhere from the air we breath to the food we eat.

    Today viruses are never been prominent fear in our daily lives due to this Pandemic. we cannot live our lives as the way we used to be without following safety health protocol in fear of contracting this deadly viruses 

    By being a green cleaning certified we are more knowledgeable on the alternative products and procedures that are not harmful to the environment. this way we can educate others on how to be green cleaning is beneficial to not only to the worker but also to nature.

    Exposure to toxic chemicals  for both workers and customers are minimize when green cleaning is applied. Health effect to these conventional product is reduce. thus making this hazardous task before become more safe fo using ecofriendly products and procedure.

  • 09 Dec 2021 2:02 AM | Deleted user

    Hazardous chemicals are common not only in our cleaning products but also in our foods and home construction materials. Workers must be knowledgeable on the alternative cleaning chemicals that are environmentally friendly. they must be properly train on what chemicals are harmful to the environment.

    We must have  a written guidelines of which chemicals are toxic to the environment and have an alternative option to do the task. For example using vinegar can be used as antiseptic and it does not have ill effect in nature, soft water can be use in cleaning metals as it does not leave water marks.

    Cleaning green will be beneficial for both workers and the environment and for the building occupants as the use of toxic chemicals will be eliminate thus being exposed to harmful chemicals is prevented.  

  • 09 Dec 2021 12:20 AM | Deleted user

    Health is wealth 

    Having a clean surrounding inside and out of your home and in your workplace is a big advantage!

    Being a mold awareness is a great advantage to all of us. Cleanliness in indoor and outdoor of our workplace is a must! it is best way to start to have safe and healthy environment in this program we are going to tackle and going to implement of MOLD CLEANING OPERATION  In this topic we are going to tell you and give you knowledge of how to get rid to one of our problems inside or outside of our home , school and our workplace as well MOLD PROBLEMS

    Let us support one another and be knowledgeable in this matter. its surely will benefits us not only for ourselves but can help other people by teaching them and informing  them the right way of how to prevent mold in your organization, this program many people asking what is mold? and how they grow and develop? what are the symptoms associated with mold exposure? can we able to avoid having or growing mold in our business and other structural building? 

    First and foremost, mold is fungi, mold does not need light to grow and they can be black and white, mold normally dwelling and growing almost anywhere most likely found in some hidden areas of our buildings and other organic materials such as wood, paper carpet and foods. mold love water so much and some they can grow in wet or damp spot and areas who has high humidity (60% relative humidity) and can create moisture. that's their food. mold can potentially affect our health, including  asthma, allergic reaction and other respiratory complaints, MOLD exposure, inhaling, releasing mold spores into the air can result nose and skin allergy. Mold can destroy things and building.  

    How can we prevent having mold in our place? We can avoid having them in this few and simple steps.

    if mold is your problem.

    1. Let's start clean up MOLD in home, school and organization thoroughly.

    2. Remove source  of condensation. Used gloves. Things you used after          cleaning mold. Use polyethylene plastic

    3. If you have leak problem in your home or office. Fix it immediately                  without any thinking.

    4. lessen the indoor humidity (30-60%) to have small potentially mold              growing by:

        .  Install ventilation in your office and home.

         .  Using de-humidifiers air conditioners might can help

          .  Install exhaust fans in your kitchen while cooking, dishwashing and               cleaning 

           .  Venting rooms, dryers and other moisture generating sources to the              outside

    5.  Make it a habit to wipe and dry wet floors and any other sulk area or             materials in your home and office. at least dry 24-48hrs. Note: Do not           touch moldy with your bare hands 

    6.  Using fresh water and detergent clean possible hidden areas such as           behind walls, ceilings, crawl spaces, attics Throw away absorptive substance includes tiles and ceiling. 

    7.  Prevent moisture as such as possible. installing or adding window is            advised 

    8.  Do not install carpet. if cannot avoid, make it a habit to wash it a habit to       wash it and dry it thoroughly within 24-48hrs

    9.  If health effect is involved. consult doctor immediately  and seek mold           remediation. To investigate the cause and source or mold.

    Note: other health effect of inhaling mold or spores 

               -  Headaches

               -  Red eyes 

                -  Sneezing

                -  Skin rash (Dermatitis)

                -  Runny nose

  • 09 Dec 2021 12:07 AM | Deleted user

    Be wise and be more conscious 

    You can be smarter not having a mold in your home or business

    Be a consumer friendly in finding mold areas in any corner of your house 

    It can be worth it for you to live in a healthy and clean environment home and workplace, to be free from any harmful viruses and fungi that surround in your home or workplace area like  mold, Finding mold can be very difficult especially with no proper training but in IJSCA can make your problem solve right away. I'm so thankful to found this website who can able to give knowledge and taught that molds can prevent and can avoid with the proper and right instruction. It can save you as well in any possible health effect like asthma. allergic reaction etc. 

  • 07 Dec 2021 7:44 AM | Deleted user

    The climate change has complicated our health and safety situation. Our world is highly vulnerable to different natural, man-made and technological environmental hazards. Some of the health and safety hazards could be easily preventable and manageable by changing our behavior and using the health friendly tools to address them. The green cleaning is one of the key solution to mitigate irreparable damage to our bodies, water, air, and ecosystem that comes from the exposure to chemicals and toxins. 

    Green cleaning promotes the avoidance of dangerous ingredients and products like phosphates, chlorine, artificial fragrances and colors, toxic chemicals that Volatile compounds causing respiratory, dermatological and other conditions and harm environment. The main goal of the green cleaning  is to use cleaning solutions and methods that keep us and our environment healthy and free of toxins.

    The green cleaning allows us to meet the compliance with the law and standards of environmental safety and human health. The service creates safe working and living condition to sustain the environmental safety and human health. 

  • 06 Dec 2021 8:34 AM | Anonymous

    Greater Importance of cleaning employees and staff knowing about bloodborne pathogens are for safety and handling measures. Employees should how prevent an accident and if they are exposed what are the safety measures they should be taken.

    BloodBorne pathogens can be located on used needle, dirty sheets or vomiting. Being exposed to them may cause severe health risk. In a Hospital or Medical facility, you will be handling certain with disposal contaminated with blood pathogen. Knowledge of handling these disposal lessen the risk of any unsafe measures.

    With the COVID pandemic, This a primary example of knowing the preventative measure. Safety is not just prevention, it also knowing in case you are exposed and knowing the correct safety procedure to handle this incident to reduce cross contamination, along with proper reporting. 

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