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  • 23 Dec 2021 6:15 AM | Deleted user

    Green cleaning is using product and procedures that are no ill effect on nature. Cleaning green is beneficial not only for the environment but also for the general public.

    To the safety of your consumers and employees to your business, green cleaning minimizes the waste pollutant discarded to nature. in other words this practice helps the improve natures stability even in a small way but we work together these will be a big impact on the benefits of the population.

    In addition to the human health problems, traditional cleaning products and  methods also have a threat to human health. that's why we only use ecologically friendly products and procedures. 

  • 22 Dec 2021 2:45 AM | Deleted user

    Why is Green Cleaning so important to every living creature on earth?

    I believe that cleanliness is essential in our daily life, it is very important that our surrounding is clean and healthy. To have a safe environment and to have fresh air every time we breathe is big beneficial for us and for every living creature on earth. it will benefit every human creature, animal, plants and the whole world as well.

    Being Green Cleaning is most helpful way to protect one another. To use green cleaning products for our services mainly in regard to janitorial cleaning services is a great way to help prevent illness or avoid health problems or health hazard. Using chemical hazardous ingredients can put our life into risks especially when not using it properly. 

    We ought to be aware that using natural cleaning products or ingredients is more safe and more recommended than to use toxic chemical solutions or ingredients. Natural cleaning products are also affordable. So, why Green Cleaning so important in every living creature on earth. We can save lives, we can also save money.

  • 21 Dec 2021 8:03 AM | Deleted user

    Janitorial staff and cleaning support staff provide a service that is vital to public health: while risking their own health in return. They service every public facility imaginable, including but not limited to public restrooms, hospitals, office spaces, grocery stores, and hotels.

    Janitorial staff experience one of the highest rates of occupational asthma, according to a 2001 article published by the American Journal of Industrial Medicine. Other dangers include other respiratory issues from mixing chemicals, coming in close contact with bio-hazardous material, potential needle sticks, and slip-and-fall injuries. Janitorial staff prevent the spread of illness and infection, control indoor air quality, and protect the indoor environment.

    The public relies on the janitorial staff for the cleanliness and sanitation of public spaces. With so many people coming in and out of these areas janitorial and commercial cleaning services are critical.

    And now in 2020 as the COVID-19 virus continues to cause havoc and death in the United States cleanliness is more important than ever, due to some places essentially staying open, such as hospitals and grocery stores. As a result, someone needs to keep these areas clean to not further the spread of this deadly virus, allowing these essential businesses to continue to function. 

    You can find links to some of these vital janitorial cleaning companies below:

  • 21 Dec 2021 2:27 AM | Deleted user

    Biohazards are the common cause of spreading bloodborne diseases. Bloodborne diseases is transmitted to person by ingestion, open wound contamination, eye and nose contamination.

    Being knowledgeable about how to contain and properly clean and dispose of blood and bodily fluids is important especially to the ones who works in health care and crime scene operatives because they are the one who are most vulnerable to be exposed to the biohazard.

    By being aware of the biohazards. We can prevent the spread of bloodborne diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. knowing how to contain biohazard is paramount to be safe while working in the hospitals and on the crime scene.

    We should educate more people not only the ones who work in the health care but also other regular people to be aware of the possible threats  by  biohazard exposure.  By educating people they are more safer in their work place and perhaps in their everyday life.

  • 20 Dec 2021 11:02 AM | Deleted user

    Members at IJCSA are committed to making our clients are our highest priority. Customer satisfaction is a priority as we strive daily to ensure that customers are happy. When we place our customers first it helps us to build solid relationships. Everything and all that we do we do for our customers. We are also committed to creating value for customers so that we can build deep customer relationships. We guarantee that you will receive quality service.

  • 19 Dec 2021 1:14 PM | Deleted user

    Bloodborne pathogens pose a serious and significant health risk to anyone who comes into contact with them. Everyone should understand the risks associated with the cleaning and/or disposing of contaminated surfaces, articles of clothing, linens, and cleaning tools. This is most true for employees or workers that frequently come into contact with them. Training should be available to every employee and mandatory for anyone at risk. 

     Bloodborne pathogens like HIV and hepatitis B do not only exist within blood. They can exist within saliva, vomit, urine, and other bodily fluids. Proper procedures should always be followed when coming into contact with any suspecting bodily fluid. The best way to avoid exposure is to ensure you're wearing proper PPE or personal protective equipment and following the osha guidelines.

     Proper education for all cleaning workers is the 1st step in protecting them and your business. The availability of proper fitting personal protective gear is a must. Masks, gloves, safety goggles, and at times full tyvek suits can, and should be worn depending on the situation. Education and protection are vital in keeping your work force safe and productive while keeping your clients satisfied. 

  • 19 Dec 2021 12:48 AM | Deleted user

    A lot of people say that Janitor is the easiest job to do but in my own opinion being a Janitor and Janitorial staff is one of the hardest tasks to perform. They play an important role in our business industries. They are critical employees that maintain cleanliness and of our surroundings in offices, schools, etc. So, in my own opinion they play an essential role in our daily lives.

    We will not be able to perform our task well daily and be comfortable in our surroundings without them. Hiring a professional janitor and janitorial staff who under go training and have passed their exams will help you provide a safe and healthy environment. You will feel secure day-today indoors and outdoors. They are efficient workers because they are trained to organize schedules to make sure that your restrooms are clean and hygienic as well as everywhere in your workplace, schools and workplaces.

    They help prevent diseases and infections. They know how to handle things in any situation if you have any problems maintaining a clean environment. In some incidences, they will help you find possessions that you or your staff may have lost. That's is how important a janitor and janitorial staff are in your daily lives. It will benefit you, your staff and your clients.

    Find Janitorial Services Here

  • 18 Dec 2021 7:03 AM | Deleted user

    Providing an excellent Customer Service is critical for IJCSA Members as it it recognized as one of the most important factors in any business. IJCSA has had a big influence on me because they taught me how to provide great customer service and how to manage any possible problems we might encounter. This includes dealing  with irate customers or client. They have taught me how to be polite even when customer is irate and how to stay calm.

    IJCSA is one of the best training websites I have enrolled on. They enlighten me that we should put clients first, we must priorities them before anything else. IJCSA has given me tips on how to entertain and treat customer fairly and to understand that every customer is different. In this IJCSA training I have become knowledgeable that customer service is essential in every industry. Proper training on customer service will help you run a successful business. IJCSA International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association can help you and guide you 100% They taught me to always remember that I can always apply the word "LAST" in my chosen field. Listen, Apologize, Solve and don't forget to Thank.

  • 17 Dec 2021 10:42 AM | Deleted user

    The proper cleaning of healthcare facilities is important for many reasons. Proper cleaning of healthcare facilities primarily prevents pathogens from infecting the cleaner themselves, the staff that work at the facility and the patients that they care for. Improper cleaning practices could cause the spread of contagious illnesses and chronic disease.  

    By practicing the standards of infection control and following OSHAs precautions for bloodborne pathogens, the cleaner is taking an active role in keeping themselves and everyone else coming into contact with all surfaces within the environment safe and healthy. To find a cleaning company that meets certification standards, search the IJCSA service directory at:

    Cody Jay Kayser

  • 17 Dec 2021 9:06 AM | Deleted user

    Knowledge and understanding of bloodborne pathogens, the potential risks involved when coming into contact with contaminated materials and utilizing universal precautions when placed into situations where you will be handling contaminated materials are all vitally important.

    By following universal precautions, you are not only preventing yourself from contracting an infectious disease, you are also minimizing or eliminating the risk for your clients and their clients from contracting an infectious disease. Cleaning service staff removing a hazard safely keep all parties safe.

    Following universal precautions to prevent bloodborne pathogen exposure includes, but is not limited to: using the proper PPE for the situation, knowing what sanitization methods to use, knowing how to contain soiled items, always washing your hands and having reporting requirements and protocol in place in case of possible exposure.

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