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  • 24 Jul 2021 7:29 PM | Deleted user

      I believe cleaning medical facilities take the highest priority in the cleaning field, because of the level of sensitivity involved. your dealing with the direct health of people who are already in a compromised state. So it makes sense for these cleaning practices to be used in residential and commercial cleaning situations.

      Residential cleaning should be done with the same importance as medical facilities and in so doing we may cut down on the millions of cases of the flu which was estimated to around 35 million last year, by targeting the common areas of a residential home with the same procedures as a medical facility we probably could cut those numbers down drastically. and why not being that children could be safer from transmittable infections.

      Commercial cleaning the same, a big part of our economy is based in Corporate America. We would be better off to protect commercial facilities from harmful bacteria and germs, by following the medical facilities model, keeping these places germ and bacteria free is the future, we can't afford to lose a whole commercial building staff to infections that we can prevent by using the universal practices for healthcare facilities.

      In closing, The universal precautions protective practices is the future. With new germs and viruses emerging everyday the cleaning healthcare facilities model makes the most sense to follow. These practices transfer over to residential and commercial areas without issue. These procedures could undoubtedly impact the world in a positive way. so lets make this a safer world by using the universal precautions and practices and our PPE and make the world a safer place. for professional cleaning services please checkout the website

  • 24 Jul 2021 6:14 PM | Deleted user

      There're three major reasons to keep healthcare facilities clean, they're for the patients and the staff, and yourself. keeping healthcare facilities clean is very important. No one wants to get sick, but if you find yourself sick and need to go to a healthcare facility it should be clean to the highest levels.

      The patients, the patients have come to the facility in a very vulnerable condition, and they're trusting that they won't get sicker because the facility is not properly cleaned. Viruses and bacteria are present everywhere and must be properly disposed of, so the patient can return to a normal life without added complications.

      The Staff, the staff is probably the most important aspect of the healthcare facility, the staff is essential for the success of any healthcare facility, they treat and cater to every patient that comes to the facility, they must also be protected from harmful viruses and bacteria, their jobs encompass the care and well being of the patients, so the facility must be kept clean so they can do their jobs properly.

      Yourself, the cleaner is just as important as anyone mentioned in the former, though it is your job to keep the healthcare facility clean you are just as valuable to the success of the facility, that's why its important for you to keep your PPE on at all times, and follow universal safety measures, and follow your daily guide to clean the facility. please check out the IJCSA for professional help to service your facility.

  • 24 Jul 2021 7:53 AM | Anonymous

    Bloodborne pathogens are found in the human blood and other body fluids.  Facility employees such as janitors, housekeepers, or custodians,may be at risk of exposure to blood and other body fluids in the workplace. If not treated properly , exposure can lead to serious illness if not sometimes death . This is why we discuss why it is important to have a proper knowledge and practice on health and safety regarding cleanliness & blood pathogens .

    Exposure to bloodborne pathogens mostly comes from the mucus membrane , or in other words through the mouth airways and nose airways . This means that if exposed , you can possibly be at risk simply by eating or drinking in the contaminated environment . Jobs like school custodians , hospital janitors , can be the  most risk considering all the possibilities that can be present such as : a school fight , an accidental slip that lead to injuries , a sick student , all of these are scenarios to take caution and act accordingly .  Result of not taking proper action can lead to severe illness such as hepatitis b (hbv) or HIV. 

    So what can you do as an employee to take caution & act responsibly to any of these scenarios  ? First , you can put up proper signs and posts to inform others around that it is a hazardous area . Secondly there are safety practices that you should take such as protective equipment such as goggles , mask , gloves, all to reduce the risk of being infected . Lastly , washing the area thoroughly with soap and water , disinfect the area  removing any item if any that may be infected and segregate it in its own place , making sure that the exposure stops with you .

  • 24 Jul 2021 12:27 AM | Deleted user

    The definition of great customer service is an IJCSA Member. Members of the IJCSA all exemplify what is takes to deliver great customer service. That service starts with putting clients and customers first. This means that everything that we as IJCSA members do is to serve our clients better. We know that our success is based on serving all of the clients needs because they are the lifeblood of our companies. 

    IJCSA Members make sure customer service is the number one priority because without clients we have no livelihood. IJCSA members truly care about delivering the best cleaning and sanitation service to our customers while at the same time making sure that we keep the lines of communication open. This is important to customer service because clients can be the best resource in making any business better by listening to their feedback and this is something that all IJCSA members do. 

  • 22 Jul 2021 9:08 PM | Kamala Waller

    Janitors and janitorial staff play a huge role in our daily lives by providing a healthy environment by preventing the spread of pathogens, improving indoor air quality, and maintaining an appealing environment. Cleaning is vital to public health and being safe in facilities.  However, janitors get a bad view from people they work for and even people they work with because it’s a cleaning profession.  You’re cleaning up behind people that don’t have the time to clean or it’s just too much to clean, so they hire you to do the cleaning.

    There are companies of all sizes who rely on janitorial services to keep workplaces clean, orderly and, perhaps most importantly, properly disinfected and sanitized. Often duties might include mopping floors, wiping down surfaces, removing trash, cleaning carpets and a few other jobs that would not take up a lot of time, but its imperative the jobs are done for safety issues. Some janitorial companies even help with minor repairs and maintaining some of the building’s exterior features, like sidewalks and walkways.

    According to statics, janitorial workers experience one of the highest rates of work-related asthma, twice the rate than other workers, stated by an article published by the American Journal of Industrial Medicine. There’s also a host of other dangers that could come from mixing the wrong elements, the increased likelihood of slip-and-fall injuries, not to mention the potential impact on public health if the job is not done right. In spite all of these risks, janitors and janitor staff play a huge role in protecting the health of building residents. They prevent the spread of illness and infection, control indoor air quality, and protect the indoor environment. 

  • 22 Jul 2021 6:38 PM | Deleted user

    As a member of the IJCSA we strive to give our customers the best care possible not just satisfaction but over all contentedness with the services we provide our customer at IJCSA is our #1 priority.

    Fulfilling our customers needs and desires not only brings peace of mind to our customers but, to the company as a well. Our customer service is trustworthy and we are here to ensure satisfaction. We go together hand and hand. So we strive to give all of our customers the respect and happiness they deserve.   

  • 22 Jul 2021 12:44 PM | Dave Harting

    Knowledge of bloodborne pathogens in the cleaning industry today is crucial to keeping each employee safe. By knowing the threat that these pathogens hold, they can be sure to take greater caution when implementing cleaning strategies in the work field. This knowledge heightens the level of caution of employees through awareness of the effects that bloodborne pathogens have on the human body. Furthermore, employees can also learn how to properly deal with the threat of bloodborne pathogens and how to avoid from contaminating themselves and others.

    Being aware of bloodborne pathogens also has a distinct effect on the safety of others. If a cleaning job is not done correctly, those who enter the building being cleaned may be physically affected. It can easily become an issue of life and death. Bloodborne pathogens can take a toll on an individual's body, especially in the hospital setting. Danger level increases when proper cleaning methods are not taken to prevent infection. Therefore, keeping others safe, including fellow employees, can be possible through the knowledge of these pathogens.

    If proper safety precautions against bloodborne pathogens are not taken, it can effect the reputation of the company that a cleaner is working for. The staff is an important part of a company. If the cleaner takes improper measures of cleaning, there becomes a risk of endangering people's lives. This evidently reflects on the overall company. If someone is hurt because of an unclean space, it can spell out severe legal consequences to the company and the cleaner. Knowing the dangers of bloodborne pathogens would help to prevent this from happening.

  • 22 Jul 2021 10:29 AM | Deleted user

    Workplaces and facilities are constantly packed with people. Offices, restrooms, cafeterias, elevators, and conference rooms are high traffic areas on a daily basis. These areas are used by typing on a keyboard on your desk, placing touching your desk, a doorknob, a light switch, faucets, cafeteria tables, the list goes on and on. Because all these surfaces are being touched daily, germs, bacteria, and viruses can be spread. In addition, grime and dust that develops overtime, can make office facilities look bad, but also be a cause to spread illnesses. For facilities to look good and be safe and healthy for customers and employees, Janitors and Janitorial Staff are an essential service.

    Having Janitors and Janitorial Staff is imperative to keep your facilities healthy and clean, and it shows to the community that you are committed to sustainable and innovative practices. However, not all Janitors and Janitorial staff can achieve this goal without proper training. Janitors and Janitorial staff need to have training on modern cleaning practices such as Green cleaning to reduce and eliminate health risks and protect our environment. Janitors and Janitorial Staff need to be trained on Bloodborne pathogens and cleaning chemicals, so they can maintain facilities safe for everyone. When there is a professional janitorial service in your facility, you want to have your peace of mind knowing that the practices they follow are safe, and they can always maintain that perfect image to your clients that reflects your level of professionalism.

    Besides maintaining good appearances of your facilities and the health and safety of your clients and employees another important benefit Janitors and Janitorial staff to our daily lives is increased productivity. Junk and clutter may prevent you from finding an important document or a secure digital card, and now you must waste your time finding those valuable items. Having your office cleaned can help your office be organized; thus, leading to more productivity and less time wasted. In addition, having a professional janitorial service in your facilities can improve morale. A clean facility can have a positive effect on your employee’s morale. Your employees will feel great and will take pride in their workspace and which can also lead them to produce higher quality work. Therefore, Janitors and Janitorial Staff are important to your daily live, and you should strongly consider adding one into your business. Don’t know where to look? Click here and of IJCSA trained professional janitorial services can help you with your needs!

  • 20 Jul 2021 10:23 PM | Deleted user

    Even before the spread of COVID-19, the importance of being prepared for bloodborne pathogens has always been paramount for the cleaning staff.  Understanding the steps to clean and disinfect when bloodborne pathogens are a threat protects the employee and the client.

    With an understanding of the proper procedures to clean and disinfect for bloodborne pathogens, cleaning employees can confidently and safely clean bloodborne pathogens.  They can accurately use the EPA N-List disinfectants that helps protect themselves and the general public.  Further, their use of proper PPE will help limit the spread of the contagion on the rest of the population.

    Education of the proper use of PPE and disinfectants will safe lives and reduce the threat of bloodborne pathogen spread. 

  • 19 Jul 2021 2:21 PM | Scott Milbank

    Although employees only have so much leeway when it comes to making changes at the workplace, they often have some input into the setup of their personal workspace and the employees' lounge. While you might want to get permission first, it is possible to make a difference in greening your workplace in your efforts to create a better world for the future. If you are looking to create a more environmentally friendly workplace, just use as many of the following strategies as you can.


    Turn to Reusable Items in the Lounge/Kitchen

    If your office features a kitchen area in the lounge or in a separate room, you might want to switch over from paper and Styrofoam products to glassware and plastic. This strategy only works if the area also has an area to wash up any dishes and silverware that you use.


    Make It Easy to Recycle

    Most people will recycle their aluminum, glass, plastic, and paper items if they have the means to do so. Ask for permission to set up a recycling area in the lounge and/or kitchen of your work place.


    Set Up a Swap Zone

    If you can find a spot to do so, set up an area where coworkers can swap unwanted items. You can establish guidelines for the kind of items that are acceptable for swapping, ensuring that the area remains clean and tidy. You could also set up a policy that you must put in one item for each one that you take out.

    If you are environmentally minded, you might like the opportunity to green your workplace with a few simple changes.  While the changes that you make might be small, they can make a positive difference on the environment. If your company wants to go green but is not able to accomplish on their own, check out IJCSA Green Cleaning Directory to find the true, certified professionals that will be happy to provide guidence.


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