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  • 25 Nov 2019 2:57 PM | Anonymous

    So you find yourselves in need of a cleaning service, you want to make your business more presentable and suitable for customers. While searching for a company to provide this service you come across offers for green cleaning, you think to yourself “what difference would this really make? Isn’t this just going to cost me more?” Let me be the first to assure you that this will be a wonderful benefit to your company and may even cost you less! 

    By using biodegradable and eco-friendly chemicals that limit plastic usage you can proudly display to your customers the steps you’ve taken to assist your community. The world is changing, being a green is a clear way to help stand out in the modern business environment, especially towards the youth. The community you live in will greatly appreciate your effort to create a more safe and clean world and therefore more people will commonly frequent your place of business.

    Today is the day to start using an ethical non-toxic service to keep your workplace looking its best and doing its best to help the world. The responsible and energy efficient way is the best road to go down, and it’s easier than you think!

    At this point you’re probably thinking “How would I go about finding a Green cleaning company?” Well, there’s a simple answer to that! is a directory of green cleaning companies all over the world! From the state of Georgia all the way over to Myanmar!

  • 23 Nov 2019 5:44 PM | Anonymous

    There are many reasons why being trained properly in carpet care are beneficial to maintaining carpets. One of the main reasons to have someone certified caring for your carpet is "carpet life". If you can keep carpets looking good for longer with little cost. You would be saving money in the long term. 

    Having someone certified taking care of your carpets will not only keep the life of the carpet longer but also keep it looking good. Knowing they have been trained on properly using chemicals and testing in areas first will put your mind at rest.

    Find IJCSA Certified Carpet Cleaners Here


  • 23 Nov 2019 3:32 PM | Deleted user

    One major benefits from implementing a green cleaning program is for health reasons. Many people often find themselves using hazardous cleaners and disinfectants, containing synthetic chemicals. Products containing these hazards can lead to health risks such as irritation of the skin, fatigue, headaches, and a lot more. Green cleaning can improve the health of building occupants, reduce pollution and sick days. Consumers and laborers will be able to reduce exposure to these harsh chemicals by using more ecologically-friendly products. Therefore, it is very beneficial to one’s health to include green cleaning in their cleaning program. 

    One way I can implement a green cleaning program into my business is by gaining suitable knowledge on the different products, applying the appropriate cleaning techniques where required, and finally replacing all hazardous products containing chemicals with green cleaning mixtures of my own. A specific example of this is replacing my surface disinfectant spray with baking soda and white vinegar. The baking soda can be used as a non-abrasive cleaner for surfaces and the vinegar serves as an acidic liquid that cuts stains and removes odors. The baking soda provides grit for scrubbing and also reacts well with the vinegar to help speed up the cleaning process. The combination of these two green products will serve as the perfect tool to transition to green cleaning.

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Services Here

  • 23 Nov 2019 11:19 AM | Deleted user

    Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms that are infectious and can contaminate other humans. 5.6 million workers are at risk of being exposed to bloodborne pathogens and all occupational exposure puts workers at risk for infection. Exposure occurs when the pathogen comes into contact with the employees mucus membranes or breaks in the skin. 

    Always use Universal Precaution and treat all blood and body fluids from all patients as infectious, and make sure precautions are taken to minimize exposure. Wear the proper PPE. Never eat, drink, smoke, or apply lib balm in an area that could be infected. Never manually compress trash as sharp objects or needles may be hidden inside. Never reuse sponges or towels that have been used for infectious cleanup. Use tongs or other mechanical means to pick up dropped sharps. Handle contaminated laundry as little as possible with as little agitation as possible. Sharp objects and needles may be hidden in the laundry. When cleaning a spill do so in a way that won't cause splash or spatter. Use appropriate cleaners and wash hands with antibacterial soap. Make sure to disinfect any equipment following use. 

    62-88% of SHARPS injuries are preventable. Cleaning professionals need to be educated in bloodborne pathogen risks as an important part of their training. The best defense is a thorough offense.  

    Learn More About Bloodborne Pathogens Here

  • 23 Nov 2019 7:42 AM | Martha Wilson

    If your are in need of Bio-Hazard cleaning services some very extreme has happened. Here at Imagann Cleaning services, Inc, we are a team of certified trained professionals in the field of bio hazards. We have years of experience in disinfecting and the restoration process, In situations such as an unexpected death, a hoarded house and or a feces infestations, etc

    Here at Imagann we will provide a high quality clean up. We are quite efficient in the clean up process, we do it with empathy, compassion and discretion. We will provide the best service in the time of need.

    We will leave your 100% guaranteed with our work. If your not happy with our work neither are we, our main goal is to keep our clients happy with our services.

    Find Professional Biohazard Cleaning Companies Here

  • 22 Nov 2019 11:13 AM | Anonymous

    Bloodborne pathogens are micro-organisms that transmit serious illness and diseases. These diseases include, but are not limited to, HBV (Hepatitis B Virus) and HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). These diseases are not visible to the human eye, and may be contracted in any environment with substantial risk of Blood-borne Pathogen exposure, such as hospitals. Properly educating staff on the risks of these diseases is the first step to prevention.

    Most likely methods of contact with these viruses, that many may be first unaware of, include but are not limited to; garbage, laundry, and cleaning up after sick personnel. As such, staff should be educated on proper approaches to handling task that may render potential exposure hazards. Garbage should never be manually compressed, as needles or sharp infectious material could potentially stab or cut the person, potentially causing exposure. Laundry that is infected with bodily fluids should always be treated as highly dangerous and bagged and labeled separately in an orange or red bag marked bio-hazard. When cleaning up after an individual who is ill, especially if there is vomit or other bodily fluids, the cleaner must take the utmost caution to avoid spraying/splattering chemicals that may spread the infected environment. 

    Staff should also receive HBV Vaccination within 10 days of receiving an assignment that has a high risk of Bloodborne pathogen exposure. All job sites with this potential risk of exposure are required to have a written exposure control plan that must be updated annually. A copy must be distributed to any staff at their request. In the event a staff member is exposed to potential pathogens they should inform their employer and also consult a doctor immediately. Also in the event of exposure, an employer is required to maintain records of the incident for a minimum of 3 years.

    By following these steps to educate and inform staff and employees, we can mitigate the risk of infection and spread of disease.

    Learn more about bloodborne pathogens here.

  • 19 Nov 2019 8:46 PM | Ariane Morais

    What is good customer service in the Janitorial Cleaning Industry? Will it help my business thrive? The answer is yes! 

    Providing good customer service brings customers back, improves the way we service, and results in a clean and well-maintained building. 

    Just take a look at IJCSA Members, found on These members  are clearly taking customer service seriously and improving their business.Utilizing the S.E.C module to make sure their company outsources the competitor.


    Eye Contact


    Three simple steps to put them ahead of the game, gaining trustworthy clients who refer their services, and all because they placed their clients needs before their own need of making money. 

  • 17 Nov 2019 12:14 PM | Deleted user

    Nowadays we have different and better environmental techniques to build and if we have done this changes on the construction side, why not on the cleaning side?

    If we look to preserve the environment, we have to do it in every aspect. We want to provide a green cleaning to new buildings and a green janitorial plan to existing ones.

    Find Professional Green Cleaning Companies Here

  • 17 Nov 2019 10:53 AM | Deleted user

    The benefits of having a green cleaning program is wonderful.There are so many things you can be informed on with keeping not only just your house clean using less toxic chemical but also keeping the environment clean using less toxic chemicals as well . There are things we can learn that are very Important to our health. 

    Learning about the products that are being used now and comparing to what we should use is helpful. The Green program teaches about harmful chemicals that can cause serious illness to our body’s and not only to us our families and pets. The program will help businesses promote good healthy and friendly products to your home and the environment.

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Services Here

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