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  • 22 Jun 2019 10:11 AM | Deleted user

    One of the first things I have learned since joining is the importance of providing good customer service! Customer service is the most important key to any business. It doesn't matter how good your service is if you treat your customers terrible. Customers today can voice their feelings and demand to be heard. It's important to treat your customers the way you want to be treated. That is the golden rule of life not just customer service.

    The word service is in the name of our cleaning company. This makes services the most important part of our business. Our customers keeping using us because we have proven to give them the type of service they want. Our customers have recommended us to other companies. That is the best proof of great customer service! We listen to them and take care of their needs. These are the key points that IJCSA stresses to all of their members. 

    Find Professional Cleaning Companies Who Care About Customer Service Here

  • 21 Jun 2019 8:21 PM | Deleted user

    Perfection isn’t obtainable but striving for perfection is everything we can offer you. We take great pride in all of our services we provide to our community and clientele, that have been provided to us by

    Using 100% non-toxic eco-friendly products that IJCSA has to offer insures you, your pets, and our health throughout every experience. Environmentaly we are doing our part for generations to come with Green Cleaning Services No job too large or too small we can’t handle.

    We also have a variety of professional cleaning experts in our business directory with full membership that will be happy to assist you in many areas. Please inquire if you have any additional questions. 

  • 21 Jun 2019 8:22 AM | Deleted user

    Everyday people are vulnerable to things that negatively affect the body such bad food, hygiene products, cleaning products and if you're in the healthcare field like I am then it could be a Blood-borne Pathogen. My company cleans medical facilities and we often find used needles that have to be disposed of. Its so easy to potentially get affected if the proper procedures aren't in place.

    In order to avoid vulnerability to Blood-borne Pathogens, my team and I go through a thorough training. We first discuss the exposure and how it can affect your health and livelihood. There is nearly 800,000 needle sticks mistakenly happening each year. Although this can happen to anyone, we do our best to avoid it and inject a solution if it happens. 

    The staff know that PPE is a must when around Potential BBP and must be held accountable for not wearing it. So far we have been cleaning surgical centers for 4 years and haven't had an accident. Our goal is to focus on being as safe as possible.

  • 20 Jun 2019 2:36 PM | Deleted user

    I feel that having the option to have a Green Cleaning Program is very beneficial. Some people even though they have an idea about Green Cleaning may not want it. In my experience a lot of people are not educated about how this program can be effective and leave a fresh clean scent. So I would get the attention of the people that I am in business with and if they are open come to a consensus on what Green Cleaning means to them and then continue to educate. Start by putting a plan together to service their needs.I would have a simple agreement to "Do Green". Which would include walk throughs to observe and audit the surroundings. Enlist steps to processes in regards to the goal of the audits. Assess what is needed  and obtain the Green Cleaning Equipment that has to be utilized.

    Acquire needed educative materials and educate cleaning crew on keeping abreast and current on Green cleaning processes. Evaluate and monitor by being accountable to the program and key people who are involved which would vary depending on who in the market you are servicing. This Came from the Article Implementing A Green Cleaning Program.

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Service Here

  • 20 Jun 2019 12:43 PM | Deleted user

    I have worked for several cleaning companies over the years. I had to use a lot of chemicals which are really harmful to the human body. Although the cleaning result is okay, it is not eco-friendly and it is harmful to the earth, kids, pets, and clients. 

    Now, we can use green cleaning products and it allows us to a run a healthy green cleaning business. As I use green cleaning products, I can proudly explain to customers about what kind of healthy results they will receive. I explain they can have the same cleaning results without any harmful side effects. 

    Green cleaning is new world cleaning. State of the art cleaning! Where we do not have to hide something from our clients and we can be proud to clean an office or home using natural healthy green cleaning techniques. 

    Find Professional Green Cleaning Companies Here

  • 20 Jun 2019 7:20 AM | Anonymous

    How to stay healthy in a toxin-ridden business.

    It should be noted that there's no way to not be exposed to harmful toxins or bacteria in real life, but there certainly are ways to minimize it. Our bodies are suited to combat these harmful substances and help us heal and grow more immune to them, but repeated exposure and improper care can wear down even the hardiest of people. You could be a healthy individual who exercises, eats right, and takes care of their overall well-being; and still be prone to disease or other complications due to exposure to things you often don't give a second thought...such as common cleaning products that are already in your home. You'll notice many products contain the label "hazardous to humans and animals", and might think, "why would I use this all over my house or office?"

    The average household has over 60 toxic chemicals, a claim by environmental experts. These are often found in fragrances or their furniture/counter top cleaners, making people prone to asthma, cancer, and other chemical imbalances in the body. These exposures are more hidden than more direct hazards, like heavy fumes or direct contact with other chemicals. A common harmful substance found in air fresheners an dish soaps, are phthalates. These are considered endocrine disruptors, so men who are exposed to these on a constant basis suffer from reduced sperm counts and other hormonal complications. Since the skin has no protective layer like our organs do, direct contact is much less safe. You can reduce exposure to these by choosing more green options to cleanse the air; such as having plants or lighting a scented candle.

    Another harmful substance known as 2-butoxyethanol, is readily available in most window, kitchen, and all-purpose cleaners. The convenience of these items and the fresh, clean feeling they provide after use can be misleading. When you constantly inhale these scents, the body is more prone to lung, liver, and kidney damages. The riskier part is, US Law does not require this chemical to be listed on a product's label. A way to dilute or reduce this chemical's presence, is once again to employ a greener option to clean your windows and kitchen. A mixture of vinegar, oil, and water is an effective, non-threatening solution to leave your glass surfaces sparkling. Washed with a microfiber cloth or even a newspaper, you can rest assured knowing your windows are clean and your organs unharmed.

    Ammonia is another one of several common chemicals found in our cleaners. Usually they're found in products that clean bathrooms, sinks, jewelry, as well as glass. Since ammonia evaporates and leaves your glass feeling sparkly and clean, people often don't give it a second thought. Ammonia is a powerful irritant, especially bad for those who suffer from asthma or other lung issues. House cleaners who must do their work can spend hours exposed to this, and even if they suffered no health issues before, they can suddenly spring up in the form of bronchitis or asthma. A viable choice would be to use vodka on any metal surface, as it will produce that shine without the added health risk.

    Chlorine, which is used as an antiseptic and disinfectant can be misleading in thinking it is safe. Even when you're in the pool and open your eyes underwater, you can feel the irritation it gives and the distinct red coloring your eyes get after. It's also commonly found in toilet cleaners, laundry whiteners, and mildew removers. The fumes it gives off go to your skin due to proximity, but it's also running in the tap water you brush your teeth with or shower with. The effects can be mild, or chronic, but it's certain that it causes irritation in our breathing. To scrub in an effective and safer manner, try using baking soda and vinegar. A mixture of vinegar and borax powder work well for whitening clothes. To reduce the exposure you get from tap water, consider installing filters on your sinks and showers.

    Aside from the few chemicals mentioned earlier, customers really need to be aware of greenwashing. Greenwashing refers to companies or products that label themselves as "green" or "natural" mistakenly leading to believe they are nontoxic. The environmental consulting firm known as TerraChoice Group made up a report called "The Sins of Greenwashing" in which it found more than 95% of "green" consumer products contain at least one or few harmful toxins. Being certified as a green cleaner by the IJCSA is a great step for you as a cleaning business owner, to show your customers you know proper and safe procedures to provide an effective, natural cleaning solution. Check out a green-certified company in this directory:

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  • 18 Jun 2019 2:35 PM | Deleted user
    Cleaning workers that are dealing with human bodily fluids must always have a clear understanding of OSHA's standard for bloodborne pathogens and needlestick prevention. Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms in human blood that can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include but are not limited to, hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Needlesticks and other sharps-related injuries may expose workers to dangerous bloodborne pathogens.                                                                                                                                                                        There should be a proper plan in place when dealing with bloodborne pathogens which includes treating all human bodily fluids as if they are infected, wearing the proper safety equipment and using sufficient chemicals to disinfect whatever you are cleaning. Following OSHA's univeral precautions should ensure you do the job safely.                                                                                                                                                                               In the event of exposure to a bloodborne pathogen such as a needlestick or blood splatter in the eye, you need to flush the area with water and wash with soap. Then seek medical attention right away so they can determine what you were exposed to and treat it accordingly. Having a strong understanding of bloodborne pathogens will minimize risk when dealing with these potentially dangerous fluids.

    Learn More About Bloodborne Pathogens Here



  • 18 Jun 2019 7:18 AM | Christina Freer

    Excellent customer service is an essential part of any successful janitorial service.  That is why RCF Commercial Cleaning and the members of the International Janitorial Cleaning Service Association take pride in thoroughly training its leadership staff and employees with the elements necessary for delivering a top-notch experience to our clients. 

    As active members of the IJCSA, we understand that customer service is an attitude not just a department and that service with a smile goes a long way.  We are not just here to clean but to create a happy and healthy workplace for our clients to come to each day.  We actively listen to their specific needs and quickly respond, resolve and follow up on any problems that may arise. 

    Our goal is to exceed client expectations and build lasting business relationships that earns us repeat and referral business.  We achieve this by demonstrating a commitment for ongoing training and education as well as implementing effective quality and follow up systems for delivering on service promises. Find professional cleaning companies here:

  • 17 Jun 2019 9:17 PM | Deleted user

    OSHA's act on the prevention and clean up of blood pathogens has been in affect since 1992.  This act was and still is intended for the employers to safeguard and protect it's employees against health hazards caused by bloodborne pathogens. 

    Employers in areas like schools, doctors offices, and dentist offices are required by law to train their employees on the safe removal of these hazards, but does this training only have to be in these facilities? I ask the question cause I believe that all facilities should have this training. This should be really taken into consideration when having a facilities that houses more than 5 employees in one location. Employees need to know what to do if exposed to such common things like vomit, or tiny cuts in the work place. Although we drop our guard in such relaxed environments such as common work spaces, break rooms, and bathrooms that's no reason for employees in such facilities to be uneducated in such procedures. 

    So as employers it is our duties to not only educate our employees in this training but remind them that just because the facility that one is working at isn't a school, or medical facility that one can still encounter these situations.

    More Information On Bloodborne Pathogens Here

  • 17 Jun 2019 6:55 PM | Anonymous

    Baby boomers, Generation Z , X or Millennials are the names of our last generations in the world.  I suggest a new name for a next generation that is  born now "Generation Green" .  This generation could make reference to individuals whose only interest is the welfare of the environment.  Doctors, policies, drive truckers, waitress, students, house keeping, custodials, managers , teachers, gardeners, lawyers, politics, bakers....every one in these world with any age, gender, race or profession and from any continent can be part of this group. 

    For make part of this generation is necessary understand that our decisions in the selection products or services affect our workplace or community.

    I started my company looking for additional income for my family and in addition to the above my job let me impact over the health of my community. Because, I can choose products that reduce the level the contamination on the water, air, or soil.  I can educate my family, friends, employees and clients on the use the friendly environmentally cleaners.

    After the certification, the benefits for me and my company range from the pride of doing something good and the opportunity to find a new market to develop my business.

    Professional Certified Green Cleaning Companies Here

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