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  • 29 May 2019 6:57 PM | Deleted user

    When we work at a company as an manager, we always struggle with complaints from customers. And we realize that  "excellent customer service" is the most difficult part of business.

    As an member of IJCSA, I want to treat my customers & clients with ultimate customer satisfaction. I want them very happy that they give me the opportunity to clean for them. I want them to feel that they are the most important & my goal is to serve them 100% all of the time. 

    For more info on cleaning companies that are committed to great customer service visit ->

  • 29 May 2019 1:38 PM | Deleted user


    Qual-Sev LLC. Is Green Cleaning Certified by the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association. This means that we have joined a business community that promotes:

    -Service to the customers' satisfactions to the best of our ability.

    -Professionalism in attitude, ethics and work habits. Continuous improvement in professional aptitude through education and training.

    -A safe work environment for themselves, their employees, and their clients.

    -The professionalism to perform superior work and the humility to seek assistance when an answer is unknown.

    To be green certified assures you that our company and employees are trained to the latest industry standards.

    Qual-Serv employees are trained professionals and back ground checked through the IJCSA. Our green cleaning process starts with the products we buy. We only use certified green, eco-friendly products that are equal or  better than the chemical used cleaners in the market. Quality is not spared and our green cleaning methods are effective and avoid waste and unnecessary contamination to both personnel and the environment.

    We use recyclable products and tools. Rags, mops, buckets and reusable containers are all evaluated before purchase to ensure that meet our selection process and be considered green.  We

    Have trained professional leaders that ensure every job is done right.

    Qual-Serv utilizes Quality control through the process with step by step verification and Quality Assurance implemented in every job with verification evidence that every job was done to our customer’s expectation and in-keeping with our green methodologies. When you choose Qual-Serv you know that the job will done right and you have the peace of mind that only Green processes and products were used by highly trained professionals.

  • 29 May 2019 12:54 PM | Deleted user


    Cleaning is done not only for the aesthetics but it is always looked as a health need. Cleanliness is synonymous with heath. Yet many of the products and methods utilized today as standard cleaning methods or choices pose a health hazard rather than preserving it. The chemicals used in mainstream cleaning products are more often selected and advertised by the efficiency with little regard to the environmental impact.

    Gone unchecked the impact of everyday cleaning in our homes, businesses and industries produce waste streams that damage the environment and expose the user to harmful chemicals. Our bodies as well as the environment are not meant to handle these exposure and both react adversely to its effects.

    Sickness, allergies, illnesses have all been linked to the exposure of chemicals contained in cleaning products. Our environment and the hosts of animals that share this planet continue to suffer the impact of these choices.

    There is as in all things a tipping point. A moment where a normal cell becomes cancerous, a river cannot sustain life, a coral reef dies. Changing prior to the tipping point is the key. To make better choices before the damage cannot be undone. 

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Services At IJCSA

  • 29 May 2019 12:52 PM | Deleted user

    Qual-Serv is the choice to make for your janitorial needs when you are looking for quality based services that considers environmental impact and makes eco- friendly choices. We have position ourselves to be leaders in the Green Cleaning Service Industry. When you choose Qual-Serv you can rest assure that you have selected a company that ensures the impact to the environment is considered and chosen without ever compromising the quality of service that you require and demand. 

    We chose only the best green brands and have partnered with EarthCare. The presence of the Triple S EarthCare® seal indicates that a product meets “green” standards from a recognized 3rd party organization (such as Green Seal, USGBC or the EPA) or the product offers significant features that contribute to the preservation and sustainability of a healthy environment.

    We employ industry leading professionals trained by the IJCSA (International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association). They are supervised and monitored by trained professionals. Quality assurance is 100% documented on every job and customer satisfaction is guaranteed. 



  • 29 May 2019 12:47 PM | Deleted user

    Qual-Serv monitors all inputs or procurements for energy efficient, reusable, recyclable and or biodegradable choices.  All procurements are selected based on a commitment to the preservation of the environment and safe to handle options. This selection process has proven to be cost efficient reducing on PPE and operational cost. We have reached out and selected “EarthCare” products as our prime choice for cleaning products. All cleaning is done in the most efficient industry standard to prevent waste.

    We monitor our commitment through our waste streams. Rags are preferred over paper for reusability. Rags are cleaned using environmentally friendly products and with high efficiency washers to reduce water consumption. When Qual-Serv is tasked with waste disposal for our customers we implement recycling processes and use waste management systems that are leading the industry in environmental conservation.

    FInd Professional Certified Green Cleaning Services Here


  • 24 May 2019 7:53 PM | Deleted user

    It is so important to find a great mold cleaning service. You want to find a cleaning service that is a good fit for your home or place you are concerned about. If you are concerned about having mold in your house there are some key areas that you should expect the company to inspect. Some of these areas include bathrooms, sinks, and window sills. Mold grows in moisture and any area that is exposed to moisture for two days is at risk for growing mold. If you leave mold than you are exposing yourself and your family to serious health problems.

    Surface areas you should have inspected are tile, wood, paper, cloth, plants, soil, and even food in the refrigerator. Mold can not only grow indoors but also outdoors at well.

    To find a great Mold Cleaning Service refer to the IJCSA Flood Damage DIrectory

    Finding A Local Mold Cleaning Service

  • 23 May 2019 11:02 PM | Deleted user

         Being green cleaning certified will not only benefit me and my clients, but also my company in tremendous ways. Being green clean certified gives me an advantage over other companies who do not use eco friendly products, due to the fact that so many people are now learning of all the nasty side effects of all these cleaners, harming them and causing cancer, and harming the environment, as well earth's delicate ecology.

          Being green also means that while I am cleaning, I am not inhaling toxic chemicals, nor risking skin and eye irritation. Long term of green cleaning, i do not have to worry about carcinogens or developing some type of cancer from these volatile compounds.

           Also being certified green also means healthier and safer environment for my clients, their kids, and their fur babies as well. No need to worry about a pet getting sick from licking the floor from a cleaner I used, and no baby getting an asthma attack from the fumes from the cleaners.

           It gives me total peace of mind, and for that of my clients as well. IJCSA is a great resource for locating certified green cleaners, and a great resource for certification and information.

  • 21 May 2019 1:05 PM | Deleted user

    At home, especially after having children, I realized the importance of green cleaning. Considering the effect it would have on them if they got ahold of it, touching it or even just breathing in dangerous cleaning chemicals. The damages chemicals cause didn't seem beneficial enough to keep around, when there's so many alternatives that do not have a negative effect on health. 

    We plan to offer full green cleaning services for those interested. Instead of using harsh chemicals, we'll polish with an olive oil blend. Switch out stain removers for a peroxide mix. We'll explain to our customers the importance of green cleaning and help them understand the difference it has in their health and for our planet. When you think about green cleaning in detail over cleaning with harsh chemicals it just simply makes more sense. 

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Companies Here

  • 19 May 2019 7:16 PM | Deleted user

    The best mold cleaning product I have used is bleach. It gets rid of the mold every time no matter what surface it is on. It is very strong so I would recommend using a mask. It removes the mold quickly. 

    Directory Of Mold Cleaning Companies Here

  • 19 May 2019 6:40 PM | Deleted user

    The benefits of a mold cleaning program is that it can solve lot of issues especially in my hometown of Malibu,Ca.  Lots of people assume that Malibu is full of state of the art homes but in fact they are wrong. The locals who have lived there for decades have original homes that were built in the 1900s and have not been rebuilt. So many homes have so many problems but to get permits to upgrade is too expensive for so many working class families that live in the area. 

    The key to controlling mold is to control moisture. Malibu is a very moist community because it is right near the ocean. The temperature does not usually rise above 75 degrees. Having a mold cleaning program will help so many families protect themselves. It is also important to implement a mold program into schools. This program will improve so many people`s quality of life.  

    Find Professional Mold Cleaning Companies Here

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