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 International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association

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Benefits of having a green cleaning program.

27 Mar 2022 11:39 PM | Robert&Tammy Harris

Having a green cleaning program really should be a requirement in the U.S., and probably will be in the future.  It's effectiveness of improving indoor air quality, removing soils, minimizing the impact on the environment has been proven. So much so that it is a requirement to clean government buildings, many schools and some businesses also require cleaning companies to use green chemicals, practices and equipment. By implementing a green cleaning program you can improve the indoor air quality (which can be at least 2-5 times worse than the outdoor air quality.), Improve production, have fewer sick days, headaches, respiratory issues, sore throats, the list goes on and is quite astonishing at what conventional cleaning chemicals can do.

  Even cleaning companies using green cleaning programs can see a lot of benefits. Including employees that will be less reluctant to use their chemicals because of fumes or it irritates them in some way. They will also have fewer sick days and in general make their jobs more enjoyable, raising company morale.


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