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  • 13 Apr 2021 12:09 PM | Deleted user

    Implementing green cleaning methods is important because it minimizes long term damage to our bodies and our environment caused by industrial solvents and chemicals.

    Many cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can affect the nervous system in different ways. Green biodegradable cleaning solutions or products do not have the same harmful effects. Implementation requires obtaining cleaning products that use natural based cleaners. Green cleaning products are identified by their labels and other products are simply every day items easily obtainable(ex. baking soda).

  • 13 Apr 2021 11:34 AM | Deleted user

    Quite simply, Janitors(at least those that take their jobs seriously) make it possible for us to engage in our daily activities outside our homes. Almost every single aspect of business and commerce incorporates, to some extent, the idea that the places we visit as customers will be clean and sanitary. Customers are largely unwilling to enter business locations, commercial or otherwise, if they are littered and in general unsanitary conditions. To the extent, that our economy relies on business activity, janitors are an essential cog in the machinery of business because much of our economy(pre-pandemic) still relies on people entering clean buildings for entertainment or business.

    But trained janitors are more than just an essential part of the private business infrastructure. All government office buildings require clean and sanitary conditions to operate. Government employees cannot effectively carry on their functions in unclean or disease stricken locations. Also, members of the public cannot be expected to transact government business in unsanitary government buildings. Therefore, janitors make it possible for daily governmental functions to take place. This of course,  affects all of us, directly and indirectly.

    At Sani-Pure,, we understand that janitors and all persons who engage in the business of cleaning and janitorial services play an important function in our daily lives. That is why, we believe in training staff about all aspects of property cleaning and sanitation.

  • 12 Apr 2021 9:36 AM | Deleted user

    In a world where cleaners are often do not get any appreciation.

    Here is why it is in our best interest to know about bloodborne pathogens.

    Worldwide 5.6 million workers are exposed to bloodborne pathogens only HBV has made around 3000 victim every year it is very important for every worker to know how to deal with bloodborne pathogens because it saves lives, families, and coworkers.  No one want to see loves one suffering died or even get infected with a virus at all imagine get infected with one that has no cure yet and can be transmitted to your wife and kids? It will be a lot to process, I encourage everyone think twice think hard it 40 hours of your time to learn about bloodborne pathogens however it can save lives, families, friendship, and your coworkers.

  • 09 Apr 2021 2:25 PM | James Lamarre

    First of all, I will let our clients know about it. For some customers, green cleaning is still something new, so I will try to explain why it is important, and I will introduce to them the benefits of natural cleaning ingredients.

    Next, I will switch from chemical cleaners to green cleaners. I think it is an obvious and important step when you are going to implement green cleaning products into your business. I will get rid of those harmful cleaners safely and responsibly. Next, I will get in green cleaning products. A combination of such natural ingredients as lemon juice, borax, vinegar, salt, and baking soda is very effective.

    At last, I will train staff to use green cleaning products. This step is important because if I am in charge of business and I decided to implement it, it automatically means that I am responsible for my team.

    I am sure that green cleaning companies are the future of cleaning companies because everyone understands its importance for our health and the environment.

  • 09 Apr 2021 2:23 PM | James Lamarre

    People's interest is growing around green cleaning products that are less harmful to individual health and the environment. Now let's talk about the detrimental effects of using everyday cleaning chemicals compared to natural green products.

    Chlorine bleach is one of the most common household products, which is toxic. It can irritate the eyes and lungs, so it is important to be careful when using such chemicals. Also, plenty of other harmful substances, such as Formaldehyde, may cause adverse health effects. It is found in household products such as permanent press fabrics, glues, paints and coatings, paper products, etc. Phthalate is also a toxic ingredient found in furniture polish; Butyl cellosolve and petroleum distillate are found in oven cleaning products; Sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide are found in drain cleaning products; Ammonia, which is poisonous when swallowed. And this is just a small list of hazardous chemicals, and that's why we need to be more careful in using such products. These chemicals are harmful not only for humans' health but for our planet too.

    Many companies now create cleaning products that use more natural ingredients, avoiding the harmful effects of toxic chemicals, which is appreciatable.

    Many natural cleaning products are not less effective than cleaning products with toxic ingredients. Effective natural cleaning products can be made from a combination of common household ingredients, such as lemon juice, borax, vinegar, conventional and electrolyzed water, salt, baking soda, vegetable-based soap, mineral oil, washing soda, and plants with high saponin levels. So as we see, using natural ingredients is the best solution if we want to avoid the environment from harmful effects.

    In conclusion, I would like to say it is obvious that we cant avoid using all toxic ingredients in household or other products, but we need to know more about such ingredients. Fortunately, many companies today switched to using natural ingredients, which is the best solution.

    I hope that soon we will minimize using dangerous chemicals and this problem will be fully solved.

  • 09 Apr 2021 2:22 PM | James Lamarre

    First of all, I would like to say that it is important to be Green Cleaning certified not only for company development but for everyone too as individuals. So what is Green Cleaning, and why is it important to be Green Cleaning certified in the 21st century?

    Green cleaning is the process of choosing cleaning products that are better for both humans and the environment. Using green cleaning products is better for health also prevents toxic chemicals from being released into the atmosphere.

    Let's talk about some toxic chemicals that are harmful to us. Unfortunately, there are a lot of unhealthy ingredients found in typical household and customer products. For example, chlorine bleach can irritate the lungs and eyes; there are also ether-type solvents, methylene chloride, ammonia, diethanolamine, etc. So when we are green cleaning certified, we can prevent ourselves and those around us from using such toxic chemicals. When we start a business, for example, a cleaning company, we will know how to protect our customers and the environment from dangerous chemicals.

    In conclusion, I want to emphasize about health benefits of green cleaning. Harmful chemicals are prevalent not only in cleaning products but also in foods, cosmetics, clothing, etc. By using ecologically friendly products, consumers may be able to reduce human health risks.

  • 09 Apr 2021 2:19 PM | James Lamarre

              Green cleaning services companies are the future of all cleaning companies. That is why it is important to promote it and increase customers' awareness about green cleaning. The first step in green cleaning company promotion is 1. Define yourself: We need to explain to our customers what green cleaning is and why it is so special for our health and the environment.

              2. Understand customers: that is the next step for green cleaning promotion. After we described the meaning of "green," now we need to focus on what is important for our clients, and it is to get both quality and affordability cleaning services.

              3. Promotion via social media: It is essential to promote business through social media. As you know, in the 21st-century social media is very popular, which means that if we post any information about our company on social media, it will increase awareness of the business. I think it is one of the best ways of promotion.

  • 09 Apr 2021 2:15 PM | James Lamarre

    How I plan to implement a green cleaning program into my business:

              I think it is essential to implement a green cleaning program in phases: First of all, we need to let our customers know about it. Over the last couple of decades, many things have changed. For the same reason, customer demand has also wholly altered as well. Nowadays, many are on the look for environmentally friendly companies. Consequently, this means that it is good for both the environment and business development.

              As the next step, it is using natural products. Suppose we say to our customers that we are going to implement a green cleaning program. In that case, it automatically means that we must use natural cleaning products, so it is an absolute requirement. Also, we need to minimize synthesized chemicals where possible. In my opinion, for a start, these steps are most important when we are talking about green cleaning program implementation.

  • 09 Apr 2021 11:04 AM | Martha Wilson

    When I first started this journey of obtaining these certifications I did not realize the knowledge that I would obtain.  I have learned so much from these courses. I have found value in these certifications that will save me so much time and money. 

    One of the benefits of choosing to further your knowledge is that it will save you time and money. These course will give you the tools that you will need to apply to almost any cleaning situation. You will no longer have to deal with trial and error. Since these courses are always updating it will teach you the most recent way of handing situations. 

    Another benefit is that you will have a team behind you. You may not know these people personally, but you have access to thousands of people who are in the same industry that more then likely has gone though what you are. They have experience that you may not have. You also have access to the discussion board which is a great tool to see how others have handled a situation or products that they may have used.

    I also appreciate the directory that they allow you to have access to. Its important to know who you can turn to when in need. If you ever need help in another state or county you can always use the directory to find someone close by. And since IJCSA holds everyone to the same standards, you can feel confident in your decision to either refer someone to them or asking them for help.  

    Lastly, these courses can keep me up to date on the latest news and methods of cleaning. The world is constantly changing, as are the cleaning standards. IJCSA is always renovating themselves to make sure their standards are always at the top. 

    Knowledge is power. Why not use the knowledge that is at your finger tips with IJCSA? 

  • 08 Apr 2021 10:24 AM | Deleted user

    In recent events, the need for cleaning has become more important and is crucial in the spread of infectious disease and new viral processes such as COVID-19. This being said, cleaning employees and staff have a greater chance in coming in contact with bloodborne pathogens and need to be educated in the safe handling and disposal of items that can be contaminated. Encounters with in the workplace can vary, but will increase with janitorial staff that work in high risk areas such as clinics, spas and crime scenes just to name a few.

    Employees need to take all precautions in dealing with potential infectious contaminates. PPE is crucial in helping prevent the transmission of bloodborne pathogens and proper decontamination needs to be performed. Use of disinfectants and cavicides are important in not only cleaning potential areas but also in completely removing the potential transmission of pathogens from items. Importance needs to be made in the proper handling and disposal of potentially infectious items, proper donning and doffing of personal protective equipment in a systematic way and labeling/identification markings to notify others of the potential infectious materials.

    During the education of BBP training. There needs to be proper training in identifying hazards, proper containment and removal, and steps to take to not cross contaminate. Employees should have a working knowledge of what needs to be worn for PPE depending on the level of bloodborne pathogen contact and should understand the basic physiology of disease processes, exposure and the lasting side effects. Employees need to know how to contact their infectious control officer and take the proper steps in reporting and incident and how to do immediate first aid in the event of an exposure. It is of the highest importance that staff understand bloodborne pathogens, the risks, steps to take, and transmission of diseases. This is not only to protect the employee but also co-workers, family, friends and decrease the chance of a work place injury.


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