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  • 24 Mar 2020 3:18 PM | Deleted user

    The cleaning of Medical Facilities or doctors offices are very important. Cleaning and disinfecting protects patients and yourself from the spread of disease and viruses. Knowing what chemicals to use and how to use it is very important to kill Germs and viruses. you can find a good source of knowledge at the website for Medical Grade cleaning at IJCSA website.

  • 24 Mar 2020 12:55 PM | Deleted user

    Green cleaning and going green is super important! Not only is green cleaning beneficial for peoples health but also environmentally. Especially if you have young children in the home, using green-only cleaning products just makes the most sense. Children five years old and younger are super-susceptible to harmful chemicals. Chemical poisoning is a real issue! When you make the transition from using traditional cleaners to environmentally-friendly ones, you’re creating a safer atmosphere for you and your kiddos alike. Plus, switching to green cleaning products presents an excellent learning experience for young children. This is a great way to start the conversation surrounding the importance of environmentalism. 

    Since traditional cleaning products are stuffed with all kinds of toxic chemicals, which aren’t sustainable and do not result in long-lasting effects, these types of harsh chemicals tend to negatively affect the texture and life of most household items. With green cleaning products, you can ensure that you’re maintaining the longevity of your belongings. You can use most natural cleaning products on food and as disinfectants where as most chemical based products are harmful to use on food and eating surfaces.

    Health wise not only will you be able to sleep better at night knowing you’re doing your part to curb the amount of harmful chemicals being released into our atmosphere, but you’ll also be contributing to a healthier home environment. Talk about a win-win! When you switch to green-only cleaning products, you won’t be breathing in anymore of those icky chemicals. Green cleaning products can help to improve your overall indoor air quality and thus contributing to reduce certain health risks, such as: chemical poisoning, skin irritations, and eye and respiratory infections, just to name a few. Green cleaners are not corrosive and must meet strict guidelines regarding toxicity and skin absorption. That is just a few reasons why going green is super important for every creature!

    Find Professional Green Certified Cleaning Companies Here

  • 24 Mar 2020 11:45 AM | Anonymous

    Customer service encompasses the focus and scope of everything we do as cleaning and janitorial professionals.   We serve customers for the purpose of meeting every need of the customer, hearing their call and fixing the problem they may have - as big or as small as that may appear.  As a IJCSA Member, we focus very heavily on customer service as our primary objective so our customers receive the best possible service before, during and after the cleaning is actually performed.

    All cleaning professionals, clean and serve their customers with a service of cleaning, sweeping, mopping and wiping down surfaces, etc., yet it takes a special cleaning service, an IJCSA cleaning service, to care for the well-being of their customers.  Our customer service focus will exceed your expectations not only for cleaning professionals, but for all service related industries.  You will not be disappointed in engaging a IJCSA cleaning professional. 

  • 24 Mar 2020 11:15 AM | Deleted user

    Are your standards not standard? Do you want a safe and natural choice for your healthy cleaning needs? Choose to be GreenWorks Clean.  Here at GreenWorks we do not just say we use healthy green cleaning products, but we are a certified green cleaning company.  Our cleaning specialists have all been educated and certified in green cleaning practices.

    We replace all hazardous cleaning products and practices with safe, healthy, and eco-friendly alternatives.  All of our cleaning products are Green Seal certified and approved for for your green cleaning needs making them safe for you, your business, and your family. 

    We use healthy equipment and cleaning practices.  We offer a saturated dry vapor steam cleaning system for disinfecting and sanitizing.  Research has shown the use of dry vapor steam to be more effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria, fungi, and viruses than your typical "spray and wipe" methods for disinfecting.  All without hazardous chemicals.  Our cleaning equipment and practices include the use of HEPA filtration, micro fiber, and green cleaning products.

    Don't settle for a standard cleaning service.  Go GreenWorks clean because your standards aren't standard.

  • 24 Mar 2020 11:15 AM | Deleted user

    My name is Alexandria Dini and I am the office manager for The Restoration Company, INC. I am officially Green Cleaning Certified and would love to share how I plan on implementing going green into the workplace as well as provide you with our amazing services.

    The Restoration Company, INC. is a full service disaster management and restoration team. We are ready and able to restore damages resulting from; fire, water, wind, hail or any other catastrophe or natural disaster that may impact your home or business. We offer emergency services, and have a certified team of professionals in place to prevent and eliminate any further loss to your home or business. 

    The first thing I would do when it comes to going green in the workplace is write down a list of items or areas I would like to see improvement. Starting with the basics, I would change all the light bulbs and switch out all the hazardous chemicals we currently use for cleaning and start bringing in natural remedies. Hydrogen peroxide would kill bacteria and be used around windows and door handles etc as a substitute for Lysol. As we are open to the public, instead of using air fresheners which are toxic, I would bring in a diffuser and some essential oils. I would switch out toilet cleaners in the bathroom and use vinegar or bleach. Using baking soda as a paste will help with any stains on tile or porcelain. 

    Going green may seem to be the latest trend, but it is a trend with a variety of benefits for business owners. Applying green processes to the workplace creates a healthy environment for employees, reduces unnecessary waste and recognizes the role that businesses play in leading the way for social change. I am proud to be Green Cleaning Certified with IJCSA!!!

  • 24 Mar 2020 10:17 AM | Deleted user

    We’ve all used conventional cleaning products and looked at the label and wondered what exactly those ingredients are. After that, however, we don’t give it much thought. Using green cleaning products instead of conventional products has its pros and cons, and it's important to consider different kinds of cleaning products.

    Now don't get me wrong, there are cons to going green. Green products usually come at a higher price point and take a little bit more muscle for the same level of clean that you get from traditional products. Green products are continually improving however. The only product that can’t really match is chlorine products such as bleach. These chemicals aren’t necessary to cleaning, though. They just make the job a bit easier.

    On the Pro side however, one of the many benefits of green cleaning is that green products won’t damage surfaces over time like traditional products can. They are also better for the environment if you are using something that needs to go down the drain. Remember, what goes into our water and food systems eventually comes back to us! They also have no harmful effects if you accidentally come in contact with them to your skin or eyes. In the long-term, you are less exposed to toxins which is better for your health.

    Most green products advertise they are green and don’t use harmful ingredients. They also list all ingredients on the label so you’ll know what is in them, unlike some other products. Some "green" products aren't as green as they claim though, so always check labels and stay away from products that don't disclose what's in the product. Please make sure to watch out for: Formaldehyde, ThioureaPerchloroethyleneNonylphenol,EthoxylateButoxydiglycolDEGBEPhthalates, and Ammonia. Many of these ingredients are skin or lung irritants and some are even carcinogens! 

    Generally, everything in your house can be cleaned with baking soda and vinegar, which is completely harmless to you and the environment. Although this does require more time and will power, it is one of a couple very inexpensive alternatives to green cleaning products and is better for the environment than the traditional chemical cleaning products. Doing a half and half mixture of baking soda and water makes a great antacid for cleaning many different surfaces, while a half and half mixture of water and vinegar leaves a good finish. If you're looking for green cleaning solutions for other parts of your home, check out the IJCSA Green Cleaning Service Directory at

  • 24 Mar 2020 9:57 AM | Deleted user

    When something needs to be cleaned, people often times are concerned about the cleaning of their home or office and do not take into account the harmful impact it can have on their health, the environment, and that of their family.  Not all cleaning chemicals or practices are created equal.

    For example cleaning products containing ammonia "window cleaners" can cause burning sensation in eyes, nose, and throat.  It can also cause headache, nausea, coughing, and increased breathing rate.  Ammonia is listed as a toxic chemical on the EPA's Community Right-to-Know list.  A healthy eco-friendly alternative to such window cleaners would be use of vinegar and water or use of a high vapor steamer.

    Furniture polishes, stain removers, oven cleaners, and detergents can be harmful to your health.  Such cleaners contain a chemical known as Benzene.  According to the "International Agency For Research On Cancer" Benzene is made from petroleum and coal, and is classified as a carcinogen.  Benzene is listed in the 1990 Clean Air Act as a hazardous air pollutant.  Choose the healthy green version for said cleaners. Use olive oil and lemon for furniture polish or use white vinegar to remove grease, mildew, some stains and build up.

    Scouring powders, detergent, laundry bleach, basin/tile/tub cleaners, and the like contain chlorine which is most frequently involved in household poisonings.  The reaction of chlorine with organic materials has been shown to cause reproductive, endocrine, and immune abnormalities.  Healthy environmentally-safe alternatives can be created with baking soda, washing soda, lemon, hydrogen peroxide, and other healthy alternatives.

    In conclusion, keep yourself and your loved ones healthy and safe.  Research cleaning products and know what you are using.  When hiring a cleaning company know what products they are using.  If you are unsure of the products or companies you are using for your cleaning needs refer to the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) for recommendations and research on healthy cleaning products and cleaning services.

  • 24 Mar 2020 9:50 AM | Deleted user

    As previously discussed; going green is not only beneficial for the workplace and public, but for yourself and your close friends and family. The result is nothing but positive not only financially but also environmentally

    Like I have previously stated, going green may seem to be the latest trend, but it is a trend with a variety of benefits for business owners. Applying green processes to the workplace creates a healthy environment for employees, reduces unnecessary waste and recognizes the role that businesses play in leading the way for social change.

    Eliminating the use of hazardous chemicals and implementing environmentally safe products is key to going green. One of the best locations to find great references is IJCSA Green Clean Service Directory!  They provide a variety of companies that are certified in Green Cleaning and each are available to you! (

    Being green cleaning certified will benefit myself as an individual by being able to use my training and teach others how going green is the only way to go. I would implement green processes at home with my children and teach friends and family how environmentally and financially freeing it is. 

  • 23 Mar 2020 6:05 PM | Anonymous

    The information and training provided by IJCSA is absolutely impeccable. Their attention to customer service training is paramount to the success of all their members. Everyone goes with rigorous customer service training which enables their business to perform at it's best and provide customers with the best service.

    The members have all dedicated themselves to the industry and in making the world a clean, healthy place. You can be sure that any of the members in here have implemented the best service practices to stand out from the crowd.

    Some of these remarkable companies are Ace Steam Cleaning, Beach Home Cleaning and MascMaids to name only a few. This community of well trained servers is making a great impact on the world

  • 23 Mar 2020 5:11 PM | Deleted user

    Customer service start with having through knowledge of inventory, experience with your product that you offer, which make you able to help the customer make the best choice in their interest

    Members of IJCSA has the knowledge and experience to provide the best customers service. Over the years IJCSA had given it's members the best training en tools to care for their customers and clients. The aim of the members is to provide the best service and advice to the customers and clients. The means going beyond all expectations to meet the demand of the customers and clients. We listen, we hear and we act to please. 

    For more information you can visit

    Carol Baptist-Clark

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