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7 miraculous cleaning products that will change your life.

24 Sep 2015 1:18 PM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

Photo - There is no getting around it. You can put it off as much as you want, but eventually you will have to clean. Why not have the best products on hand to make the job easier? Here are seven products that will change the way you look at cleaning. (Alexander Raths, © )

There is nothing like having a clean house. It can make the difference between a stressful home or a peaceful one. Here are seven miraculous cleaning products that will change your life and make your home and family life that much better.

1. A good vacuum

I hated my carpet. We had only lived in our home three years and we already needed to replace the carpets. They were dingy, flat and definitely not something you wanted your kids playing on. Then, something came into my life that was a complete game changer. I got a new vacuum. I had a nice vacuum before; it’s a vacuum, and all it needs to do is suck up the gunk on the floor, right? WRONG. I discovered the powers of a Dyson Vacuum. This vacuum worked wonders on my carpets. They look brand new again. I vacuumed the day before with my old vacuum and it was shocking to hear and see just how much my Dyson picked up off the floor just a day later. My carpet is soft, clean and inviting now. Trust me, it is well worth the money spent. I spent more buying vacuum after vacuum before. Having a good vacuum changes everything.

You can find Dyson products at any big retail store that sellss vacuums as well as by visiting You may also consider another great vacuum found

2. Bar Keepers Friend

This should really be named Bar Keepers BEST Friend. Seriously, this stuff is fantastic! I can't think of an area of my home I haven't used it on. You can use it anywhere, from outdoors right into your kitchen. I fell in love with this product when I was struggling with hard water stains on my glass shower. A friend recommended it to me, and as a last resort I gave it a shot. I was immediately hooked. After using it, you couldn't even tell there was glass there. It was perfect! It works great in the kitchen to shine up stainless steel sinks and even cookware.

Bar Keepers Friend can be found at all retail stores. Visit www.barkeepersfriend.comfor more information.

3. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

I bet I am not the only parent out there that has walked into a room to discover it newly redecorated with toddler artwork all over the walls. I don't panic anymore. I know that the Magic Eraser will get it off. I use this product on my walls way more than I should admit. It is also great for getting scuff marks off baseboards and for cleaning up dingy blinds. I have even used it to spruce up tennis shoes before handing them down to my next son. I always make sure to have one on hand. You never know when you will need it.

More at source: News OK

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